Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 33

When I walked into the bar my eyes immediately found Grayson. He was sitting at a table in the corner with Ezra. Grayson was dressed in a casual dark t-shirt and jeans. His t-shirt was tight, it showed off all the muscles perfectly. All of a sudden I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be taking Grayson back to our hotel room instead.

‘Why wait, I am sure we could find a secluded spot nearby.’ Scarlett suggested.

‘Let’s do that, I think I saw just the place on the way over here.’ Jade agreed.

I tried my best to ignore them as we walked over to the table. I sat down next to Grayson. He pushed a drink towards me and slipped his arm around my waist. June sat down next to Ezra. Erza tried to put his arms around June but she moved away from him. She took the drink from the table in front of her and took a long drink from it.

The atmosphere was tense so Grayson started telling us a story about him and some of his friends from school to break the tension. We weren’t at school together so I never realised how much of a rebel he was in school.

Apparently they used to get into trouble all the time with the teachers. His father even considered sending him to a different school to get him away from his friends, who he saw as a bad influence on Grayson. In the end that wasn’t necessary because a couple of his friends got expelled. After that Grayson stopped misbehaving so much.

“Hi June, fancy seeing you here.” A man said.

He sat down next to June without asking and handed June a beer. It was the hipster craft beer type that June preferred unlike the commercial brand that Ezra had gotten her. It may have only been a small difference but showed that he knew her more than Ezra. The smug look on this guy’s face said he recognised that difference as much as I did.

“Kevin, I didn’t think you came here.” June said.

She glanced anxiously at Ezra who looked as though he wanted to kill Kevin. I had never actually seen Kevin before even though I had heard a lot about him. He wasn’t at all what I had expected. The guys that June dated were usually quirky in some way, just like her. It was one of the reasons that I didn’t think Ezra was a good match for her. His athletic build and bad boy appearance was so different from her usual type.

Kevin looked as though he might be a quarterback on a football team. He was broad across the shoulders and very athletic. He had short blond hair and he was wearing a white sleeveless t-shirt which looked at least one size too small for him.

“I don’t normally but you said that you liked it here and I was hoping I might see you.” Kevin said, flashing a huge grin in June’s direction. Ezra glared at him, I think the only reason he didn’t punch Kevin was because he was shocked.

June giggled awkwardly which Kevin mistook for an invitation. He shuffled his chair slightly closer to hers and leaned in towards her.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the other night.” He said in a seductive tone.

Ezra growled and lunged towards Kevin. Grayson managed to put his arm out and grab Ezra by the shoulder before he could do anything. Grayson pushed him back into his chair firmly. Kevin looked at the rest of us for the first time since joining the table.

“What the heck man?” He said, his attention mostly focused on Ezra. Ezra took a couple of deep breaths to compose himself.

Grayson removed his hand from Ezra’s shoulder. I could tell that he didn’t fully trust Ezra not to overreact. All his muscles were tense, ready to break up a fight if needed.

“I didn’t like the way you were talking to her.” Ezra said. His voice was calm but the way he looked at Kevin was filled with hatred.

“What is it to you?” Kevin said.

“I care about June a great deal.” Ezra said. He smiled at June, who looked worried.

“I will talk to her in any way I want and there is nothing you can do about it.” Kevin laughed.

“Even if June wants to be with me instead of you.” Ezra said, leaning towards Kevin in an intimidating manner.

“You really think that you could take her away from me?” Kevin asked.

“She is not a chair that you can own, how about you ask her what she wants?” Ezra said.

His words were sweet as long as you ignored the possessive tone he used and the anger that was written all over his face. He was goading Kevin into a response and Kevin was falling for it. I could see that he was quickly losing his temper.

“Screw that. If you even so much as look at her again I will kick your a*s.” Kevin shouted.

“You can try.” Ezra said, matching his tone.

Kevin was lucky that Ezra’s wolf wasn’t awake yet. If his wolf was awake right now, the anger would be enough to make him shift on the spot.

“Would you like to take this outside?” Kevin said.

I could tell from the look in his eyes that he expected Ezra to back down. He didn’t know Ezra, that would never happen. I had never known Ezra to back down from a fight, he wasn’t going to start now.

“It would be my pleasure to kick your a*s.” Ezra said.

“Fine.” Kevin said.

He stood up and started walking towards the exit. Ezra followed closely behind, the rest of us followed him more reluctantly.

“You don’t have to do this, you know? I will be your girlfriend but I don’t want you to get hurt on my account.” June said.

She was holding onto Ezra’s arms as they walked towards the exit. She looked worried.

“You don’t need to worry honey. I am just going to teach him a lesson and then we can spend the rest of the night together.” Ezra said. He smiled and June.

When we got out of the bar I saw Kevin standing a few metres away. He had taken his top off so that he could show off his muscles. A few of his friends had come to watch the show, they would be disappointed.

“Make sure not to hurt him too badly, I don’t fancy talking to the police.” Grayson said.

Kevin laughed.

“I can’t promise anything.” He said.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Grayson said, rolling his eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” Ezra asked. His eyes were focused completely on Keven.

“I thought you might want to take your jacket off, I wouldn’t want to ruin it.” Kevin said.

“Stop stalling.” Ezra said.

Ezra looked ready to fight. He must know how easy it would be for him to beat a human. Even an omega could beat a human in a fight without breaking a sweat but Ezra seemed determined to make this into a humiliation. I was sure that after what Ezra had planned, this guy would never start another fight.

Kevin was standing very close to Ezra now, squaring up to him. He threw a punch at Ezra’s face which Ezra easily avoided. He dodged to one side with a smile on his face.

Kevin grunted in annoyance and threw three or four punches in quick succession. It was no use. Ezra avoided each of his attacks with ease. Kevin was breathing heavily and sweating but Ezra’s heart rate had barely increased.

“Ezra, stop playing with him and end this.” Grayson said.

“Fine.” Ezra said with a frustrated sigh.

Kevin tried to punch Ezra again but this time Ezra reached out and grabbed hold of his hand before it made contact. He pushed it away and replied with a punch of his own. Ezra avoided making contact with his face, instead punching Kevin in the shoulder with enough force to send him flying backwards.

I am sure that his feet left the floor for a split second before dragging along the gravel for the next hundred metres. He landed in a heap on the floor. He looked at Ezra. He was annoyed but there was also fear in his eyes.

“Oops.” Ezra mumbled so only Grayson and I could hear.

Oops indeed. How would we explain this if people started asking questions?

‘Maybe you could tell people that Ezra eats all his greens.’ Jade suggested.

Luckily, nobody seemed to want to ask any questions right now. Kevin’s friends had helped him to his feet and they were making a speedy retreat in the opposite direction.

As soon as the fight was over, June had run over to Ezra. She was now standing in front of him with her arms wrapped around his neck. He was holding her waist and looking happier than I had ever seen him before.

“I was so worried about you.” June said.

“I told you that you didn’t need to worry about me. I was trained by the best.” He said.

“Alright, that is enough bragging. Let’s go get another drink.” Grayson said.

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