Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 23

I parted my lips and ran my tongue across his lips. He parted his lips and let my tongue enter his mouth to meet his own. Suddenly, he stopped moving and became very still. I leaned back. He was looking through me, his eyes had the far away look of someone who was being mindlinked.

“William is well enough to be discharged but the doctor wants us there before they discharge him.” Grayson said once his mindlink was over.

“Oh. Do I have time to shower?” I asked.

I was feeling slightly disappointed. I had hoped that we could spend all day in bed together. I know the moment we leave this room it was going to be another busy day. It was likely that we wouldn’t get any time alone together until this evening.

“Yes, you can use our shower and I will use the communal one down the hall.” He replied.

He gave me one last lingering k**s before letting go of me and getting out of bed. He pulled on a t-shirt and yoga pants, picked out some clothes for the day and left me alone in our room.

I looked around the room, I knew I should get showered and changed but I was curious. I didn’t have much time to look around yesterday. By the time we came to bed I was so tired that I barely managed to get changed before falling asleep.

The first thing I noticed about his room was how big it was compared to my dorm room or even my old room. The head of the king size bed was on the wall at one side of the room but it barely took up any of the available space.

There was a wide open space in the middle of the room. Next to the windows there was a large sofa which overlooked the gardens and the forest beyond. On the opposite wall there were three doors.

The whole room was decorated to mimic the pack colours. The walls were covered in a luxurious wallpaper that had an intricate silver pattern on it. The fabric of sofas and the bedspread were teal, while the wooden parts of the furniture were a very clean looking white.

I knew that all of the common areas and guest areas used the pack colours but I hadn’t realised that the colour scheme would even make it into the areas that guests were never meant to see. Maybe they were worried about people snooping in the private areas and think that their alpha wasn’t committed to the pack. I laughed at my own thoughts. That would be a silly reason to do it, surely.

‘It was probably just easier to keep using the same colours.’ Scarlett suggested. Yes, that made a lot more sense.

I got out of bed and started walking around the room. Grayson didn’t have any personal items on show. In fact the whole room was rather minimalist so I decided to investigate what was behind the doors.

Of the three doors on the opposite wall, the doors either side of the centre were walk-in wardrobes. The one on the left was completely empty whereas the one on the right was full of Grayson’s clothes and belongings. I lingered there for a moment, running my hand along the racks before deciding that snooping like this was probably an invasion of his privacy. I left the room and closed the door behind me.

The door in the centre was the ensuite bathroom. It was the most beautiful bathroom I have ever seen. Not only was it huge but everything in it was top of the range. The most exciting part was the bath, it was absolutely huge and it had those little jet things that turned it into a kind of hot tub.

I was really tempted to run myself a bath. I had a stressful day yesterday and I felt as though I needed to unwind for a while.

‘You can’t, Grayson will be waiting for us.’ Jade complained. She hated being away from her mate even for a few minutes. I was starting to understand where she was coming from though so I couldn’t really complain.

‘Both of you are such losers.’ Scarlett laughed.

‘Are you really telling me you don’t like Grayson?’ Jade asked.

‘He is alright.’ Scarlett said. I could feel her hesitation to admit to liking anyone other than her mate and I got the sense that she wasn’t willing to talk about it further.

“Later.” I said to the bath and its enticing bubbles as I stepped into the shower.

I washed and changed as quickly as I could. I put on one of the new dresses that Grayson brough for me on our shopping trip. A quirky knee length navy dress decorated with multicoloured dinosaurs printed all over it.

Grayson wasn’t in our room when I got out of the bathroom but I could smell that he had been in while I was washing. I put my nightdress in one of my bags and went in search of my mate.

I followed his scent all the way downstairs and into the kitchen. Grayson was standing next to the stove. There was a coffee to go cup on the counter next to him and a bagel with bacon in on a plate nexto it.

When he noticed me enter the room he picked them up and handed them to me. Kissing me on my forehead as he did so.

“We don’t have time for a proper breakfast so I made you a little something.” He said.

“You are going to be careful. I could get used to you cooking me breakfast.” I replied. I was going to have to make sure to find some way to spoil him. He treated me so well, he deserved something in return.

‘I can think of a few things.’ Jade said.

“You deserve to be treated like the goddess you are.” Grayson said, making me blush and giggle. He was so sweet, his comments made me feel almost giddy.

“Don’t giggle, it’s true. You deserve to be worshipped.” He continued.

“We should probably go see Justin and William before you start a new religion.” I said, laughing.

I finished my bagel before we even left the house but I was still happily sipping on my coffee when we reached the hospital. We didn’t need to wait to see a doctor so we walked straight past reception and upstairs to William’s room.

William was sitting up in his bed with his arms crossed across his chest. Justin was sitting in the chair across the room from him. He was looking down at his hands sadly.

“How are you feeling William?” Grayson asked.

“Could be better.” William replied.

It was evident from his tone that it was an understatement. From the way that his jaw clenched everytime he looked at Justin it looked as though he was barely keeping his temper under control.

“What’s wrong, is there anything we can do to help?” Grayson asked.

“Not unless you can give me my old life back.” William said. He threw a look at Justin that was full of contempt and disgust.

“I haven’t taken your life away, we can still go to college. Afterwards we can still get jobs and have a life together, just like any other couple.” Justin said. He was on the verge of tears.

“You still don’t get what you did wrong do you?” William shouted. He got off the bed and strode over to Justin.

“This mark on my neck means that I am stuck with you for the rest of my life. You did that to me and you turned me into a monster without even asking me what I wanted.” William shouted.

He had his fists clenched by his side and he was leaning in close to Justin. He looked as though he was daring Justin to contradict him but Justin was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

William screamed in frustration and walked over towards the window.

“I should hate you for what you did but because you bit me I can’t even do that.” He continued.

Justin stood up and walked after him. He put his arms around William’s waist. William tried to get out of Justin’s arms but he wasn’t trying very hard. After a few seconds he stopped struggling and leaned his head on Justin’s shoulder.

“I am so sorry.” Justin whispered, his voice was heavy with emotion.

William sighed and wrapped his arms around Justin.

“You’re a complete idiot.” William said. His words were harsh but his voice had lost its edge.

There was still a great deal of tension in the room but at least it didn’t look as though they were going to rip each other’s throats out anymore.

“The doctor told me that you are well enough to leave.” Grayson said.

“That’s great.” Justin replied. He directed his gaze towards Grayson without letting go of William.

“Yes, it is. As you are not members of the pack you won’t be allowed to walk around the town without an escort but I am happy for you to stay in our house tonight. I will drive you back to college tomorrow.” Grayson said.

“Thank-you alpha.” Justin replied.

William snort laughed, causing everyone’s attention to be drawn towards him.

“I never thought I would hear you so desperate to please anyone.” William said.

Justin looked as though he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. I could see that he was blushing even though he was trying to shield his face from us using William’s shoulder. I could feel that Grayson was amused by their interaction but he didn’t say anything about it.

“We have to go now but I will get one of the pack members to show you to our house.” Grayson said.

Grayson held my hand and led me out of their room.

“Can we make sure that they don’t have a room near ours?” I suggested as we walked out of the hospital.

“Sure, why?” Grayson asked.

“If they argue that much when we are in the room, what do you think they will be like when they think they are alone?” I asked.

“That is a good point. Besides, I don’t want anyone to hear what I am planning to do to you.” Grayson said.

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