Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 21

Everyone except for Grayson’s grandparents headed back into alpha Ward’s office shortly before midnight. Everything was set up ready and a few of the security team were sitting around the table. They were keeping an eye on the cameras that we had set up before dinner.

“No movement so far.” Rich’s second in command confirmed as we walked into the room.

We all sat down around the table. This time we had to huddle around one half of the table. It was the only way that we could all see what was happening on the small phone screens. It was a tight squeeze, and it felt ridiculous when so much of the table was left empty. Maybe I should have spent the last few hours getting the cameras to display on larger screens rather than relaxing with my new family.

Grayson didn’t seem to mind though. He used it as an excuse to get closer to me. He sat down and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. He said that it was only to make room for other people at the table but I think everyone knew that was just an excuse to be closer to me.

‘Don’t complain, you know you love it.’ Jade said.

‘You would love it more if you moved backwards a tad.’ Scarlett suggested in a voice that was almost a purr.

Scarlett started to fill my head with images of what we could do to Grayson if we were alone. I was impressed by my lycan’s imagination even if she did have a one track mind. If she is this bad with Grayson I dread to think what she would be like if she ever met her own mate.

“Is that them?” My Stepfather said. For once I was glad to hear him speak, just for the distraction.

I looked at the screens. I could see there were four lycan’s standing in a line looking out into the forest. Three of them were male, one of them was female and all of them looked like trained fighters. I could see it in the way they moved.

Their movements were slow and deliberate. It looked to me as though every move they made was calculated. They seemed to be hyper aware of what was going on around them, constantly looking in all directions as they moved. The speakers on the phones weren’t the best quality but I was pretty certain that even if I was there their movements would be almost silent.

“Yes, but I don’t see the person that they usually go there to meet yet.” Rich replied.

“There they are.” Grayson said.

He removed one of his arms from around my waist and pointed to the screen. The image was grainy but he was right. There was someone coming out of the forest ahead of them. The mystery guest walked right over to the group of lycans. I couldn’t see them clearly, they were wearing a cloak that covered them from head to toe. Even their face was obscured by their oversized hood.

The group of four lycans were talking but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Just a low mumble as they spoke to each other.

“I can’t hear anything. Can you hear anything?” Ezra said.

“I might be able to if you would keep your mouth shut.” Grayson grumbled.

I wonder why they were talking so quietly, did they realise that we were listening? That couldn’t be the case, could it? Could they smell the werewolves who put the cameras in place? I know that lycans have a stronger sense of smell but that was why I told them to put the cameras so far away. Maybe I had misjudged how much better their senses were and it wasn’t enough.

If that was the case then they would know that we were onto them. They would probably start meeting somewhere else. It might even force them to take more drastic action. Maybe this was a bad idea.

“They have finished talking.” My stepfather said.

He was right. They were going to leave and we had learned precisely nothing. This whole thing had been a waste of time and effort.

“We can’t let them leave, we still don’t know anything. We should go after them.” Ezra said. He stood up and started moving towards the door.

“Sit down Ezra, you will get yourself killed.” Alpha Ward commanded. Ezra slowly slinked back to his seat. I almost burst out laughing, he looked just like a scolded puppy.

The mystery lycan started moving. Not back into the forest from where they came but straight towards the camera. As the figure got closer I realised two things. The first thing I noticed was that the mystery lycan was a woman. The second was her bright red hair peeking out from underneath her hood.

She walked right up to the camera and removed her hood. I inhaled sharply. It was the woman I had seen on campus the other day. Her being in both places can’t be a coincidence.

The woman picked up the phone and crushed it in her hand.

“Sh.it.” My stepfather practically shouted.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

“That is the woman I saw yesterday hanging around campus. You have seen her before too, haven’t you?” I asked my stepfather.

He swallowed.

“Is that true? Have you seen her before?” Alpha Ward asked.

“It’s true.” My stepfather replied.

“Tell me everything, right now.” Alpha Ward growled. He stood up, banging his fists against the table.

“It was a few years ago now. She came to me the day after my mate was killed. She told me she killed her, she had proof.” My stepfather said.

“Wait a minute, you told me that you investigated your mates murder and a rogue did it. We even executed the rogue who you said committed the murder.” Alpha Ward shouted.

“She brought me the rogue and told me to frame him.” My stepfather answered.

“Why would you do that, why would you lie to me?” Alpha ward shouted.

“The woman told me that my mate slept with her mate. Molly is her mate’s daughter. She found out about Molly after her mate died. From what I could tell this woman was with her mate for many years before Molly was conceived. She wasn’t happy to find out about her mate’s betrayal.” My step father paused to look at me then turned back towards alpha Ward.

“She killed my mate and she told me that if she ever heard Molly’s name again she would come back here and kill her too.” He turned his full attention towards me.

“That’s why I took your position and why I don’t think it is a good idea for you to try becoming an alpha female. I thought that if your name was mentioned in the council it might be enough to bring you to her attention. It looks like it is too late for that now.” My stepfather said.

Grayson pulled me towards him, holding me tightly. He kissed my neck. His breathing was heavy and I could feel his chest vibrating as he let out a quiet growl. He was trying his best best to keep calm but I could feel his anger building through our bond.

“You thought that was a good enough reason to lie to your own alpha?” Alpha Ward asked. He was still standing. He was glaring at my stepfather, clenching and unclenching his fists.

“I didn’t know what to do. I had just lost my wife and I was worried that I would lose Molly too.” My stepfather replied.

“That is not good enough. You put not only her safety but the safety of the whole pack in jeopardy.” Alpha Ward said.

“That wasn’t my intention. I thought hiding it would keep the pack safe.” My stepfather pleaded.

“That’s exactly the problem. It wasn’t your call to make, it was mine.” Alpha Ward growled. His eyes were flickering between their normal blue colour and the red of his wolf as his wolf tried to take control.

“I am stripping you of your title with immediate effect and reporting your actions to the council. It is up to them what action they want to take against you.” Alpha Ward shouted before walking out of the room. Most of the other people in the room quickly followed him, leaving me alone with Grayson, My stepfather and Ezra.

“Who is she and who is my biological father?” I asked him.

“I don’t know and I never asked. I just wanted that woman as far away from us as possible.” He replied.

I could feel myself getting upset. He had been lying to me for years. He had been keeping things from me, things that he had no right to keep from me. He even kept the truth about my mom’s murder from me, I couldn’t forgive him for that.

“Let’s get out of here.” Grayson said, recognising my discomfort and coming to my rescue.

I turned to Grayson and nodded my head. I didn’t want to speak, I didn’t want my stepfather to realise how upset I was. I had shed enough tears in front of him in the past and I didn’t want to feel that weak again.

Without saying another word, Grayson helped me to my feet and led me out of the room. I thought we would go straight to bed. It was getting quite late but he was leading me in the opposite direction to our room.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’re upset. I can’t have you going to sleep upset, so we are going to eat ice cream until you feel better or are too full to care anymore.” Grayson said.

My wolf howled appreciatively.

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