Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 19

William’s condition improved over the next few hours. Even so, it still took most of the day for him to be well enough to travel. While we were waiting we ate a lunch of instant ramen and helped Justin to pack for the next few days. The most interesting thing that happened all day was breaking into William’s dorm room so that we could pack some clothes for him.

It was early evening by the time the four of us set off on the most awkward car journey I have even had to endure. I was sitting in the front of the car with Grayson which left Willam and Justin in the back together. What a big mistake that turned out to be.

William was so annoyed (understandably so) with Justin that he had turned around in his seat to avoid looking at him. He positioned himself so that he had his back to Justin. He spent his time staring out of the window as though the Alaskan countryside was the most interesting thing he had ever seen in his life.

Every now and then Justin would try to get William’s attention or strike up a conversation. Every time this happened William would turn around in his seat and glare at him until he looked away.

We had music on but even that didn’t seem to do much to lighten the mood. Grayson and I passed the time by talking about the films and tv shows that we each like via mindlink. I liked horror the best whereas Grayson preferred watching sci-fi, we both had a lot of films that we wanted each other to watch.

We were both so relieved once we had finally dropped them off at the hospital. We felt bad about it. We felt so bad that Grayson offered them a place to stay and I shared my mobile number with them. Despite this, the sense of relief we both felt after leaving them in the hospital waiting room was undeniable. There is only so much of other people’s relationship drama you can deal with in one day. After eight hours of it we were both exhausted.

Grayson was carrying some of my many bags into the house when his dad appeared at the top of the staircase. He looked exhausted.

“Where have you been? Why haven’t you been answering my calls? You were supposed to be back hours ago.” Grayson’s dad said. I had never known his tone of voice to be so sharp before, he must be under a lot of stress.

“Ermm, my phone had an unfortunate accident.” Grayson replied, looking a little embarrassed.

His dad looked both of us up and down, did we look suspicious?

‘Yep, you look totally suss.’ Jade said.

“Nevermind. I need you both to come to my office. We have someone arriving to give us a report on the security of the pack shortly.” He said.

“Ok, We will just take this stuff upstairs and meet you there.” Grayson replied.

His dad nodded and retreated back down the hallway.

Grayson picked up my bags and started heading upstairs. I followed closely behind with the one bag he let me carry feeling a little anxious. It would be the first pack meeting that I would ever attend. What if I wasn’t up to the job?

“You will do fine, sweetheart.” Grayson said. He glanced over his shoulder flashing me one of his stunning smiles.

We dropped the bags off in his room. He gave me a quick k**s before taking hold of my hand and heading in the direction of his dad’s office. He held my hand the whole way to give me extra encouragement.

When we got there the security specialist for our pack was already there. His name was Rich, he was a good friend of my stepfather’s. He used to come around for dinner at least once a week when my mom was still alive.

Grayson and I quietly entered the room and took our places at the table. Grayson took the seat next to his father and I took the seat next to Grayson.

“There is a lot more to this than we originally thought.” Rich was saying as we sat down.

“What do you mean?” Alpha Ward asked.

“For a start, they aren’t werewolves but they have been planting the scent of rogue werewolves near our border to try to trick us into thinking they are.” Rich replied.

“What are they then?” Alpha Ward asked.

I feared that I might already know the answer to that. I hoped I was wrong.

“We have tried to keep our distance so I can’t be sure but I think they might be lycan.” Rich said.

“Why would the lycan’s be interested in our pack?” Alpha Ward asked.

“I don’t know but they are working for or with someone else.” Rich said.

“What do you mean?” My stepfather asked. It was the first time I looked at him since we entered the room so it was the first time that I noticed how worried he looked.

“At around midnight every night they meet up with someone in the woods a few kilometres away from the pack.” Rich replied.

“Who are they meeting?” Alpha Ward asked.

“I don’t know. I know that the others are afraid of them but other than that I know nothing about them.” Rich said.

‘We need to find out who that person is.’ I mindlinked Grayson.

‘You should say that. You have as much right to talk as anyone else.’ He mindlinked me back.

“Errm, I think we need to do something to work out who that person is.” I said.

Well I mumbled it but at least I managed to get the words out in the right order.

“You are right. We need more information, there must be some way of getting this without them noticing.” Alpha Ward said.

“Maybe you can use Molly’s lycan abilities.” My Stepfather suggested.

Suddenly everyone in the room was looking at me. Grayson and his father knew about me but nobody else did. All the packs security team and the packs gamma were clearly in shock if their facial expressions were anything to go by.

I wasn’t bothered about what they thought of me. What bothered me was that my stepfather knew about my lycan half. I had so many questions. How long had he known? Did he know who my biological father was? Is this why he treated me the way he did? Most importantly, why the fu.ck hadn’t he told me what I was?

I knew this wasn’t the time to get answers to my questions but I would get answers. He has hidden the truth from me for too long. He would tell me the truth even if I had to make him.

‘I think I might just be rubbing off on you a little bit.’ Scarlett said.

“I don’t like that idea one bit.” Grayson growled.

“She won’t have to get close but she might be able to pick up on something that us wolves can’t.” My stepfather said, trying to justify himself.

“I don’t care, you are talking about putting my mate in danger. If you weren’t the pack’s beta I would rip your throat out for even suggesting that.” Grayson said.

His eyes were glowing red and I could feel his and his wolf’s anger through our bond. He was so close to losing control that it would only take the smallest thing to push him over the edge. As much as I wasn’t my stepfather’s biggest fan, I still didn’t want him to get brutally murdered in front of me.

“There might be an alternative.” I said. I put my hand on Grayson’s arm to calm him down.

“What do you suggest?” Alpha Ward asked.

“If they always meet at the same location then we could set up some cameras. We could get a good look at this mystery person and that might be enough to identify them.” I said.

“It is a good idea. It might work, they do always meet in the same place and they always approach from the same directions.” Rich said.

“How can we get access to cameras that quickly?” Alpha Ward asked.

I took my mobile phone out of my pocket and put it down on the table in front of me.

“We are all carrying them around with us all the time. We just need to be a bit creative about how to set them up.” I said.

There were probably hundreds of better, more sophisticated ways of doing it. The only issue was it would take me a long time to get the materials together and engineer it.

“Great, can we leave you to arrange the details with Rich?” Alpha Ward asked.

“Sure.” I said, nodding my head in agreement.

Everyone else left the room leaving me, Rich and Grayson alone to make plans. I showed them my ideas on how to use the phone cameras and made suggestions for how we could hide them. Grayson and Rich who both know the area better than I do planned the best locations to hide them in. Between us I think we managed to come up with a pretty decent plan.

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