Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 17

I followed Grayson into our hotel room. As soon as I heard the door click closed behind me he dropped the bags and pulled me into his arms. His l!ps pressed into mine firmly, taking me completely by surprise. When I realised that was happening, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

I ran my tongue along his l!ps before tentatively exploring his mouth. I could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against me as we k!ssed. Both of our pulses were racing, we both knew where this was heading and neither of us wanted to stop.

Grayson’s hands exploring the contours of my body. Staring at my h!ps and slowly working his way up. One hand moved up my spine while his other hand moved around the front and moved up my stomach. He moved up my body till he had one hand on the back of my neck while the other was cupping my b.reast. His touch was so gentle that it was making me almost delirious with desire.

I moved my hands up his body until they were resting on his chest. I k!ssed along his jawline until I reached his neck. I glanced over his shoulder for a moment before I started to push him backwards towards the bed.

I kept pushing him until the mattress made contact with the back of his legs causing him to fall backward into a seated position on the edge of the bed. I sat down on his lap, straddling him. I k!ssed and lightly nibbled on his neck as I did.

He let out a soft growl which sent shivers all down my spine. I reached down and started undoing the buttons in his shirt. He reached his hands behind my back and pulled down the zipper of my dress. As I reached the last few buttons he trailed his fingers up my spine, leaving my skin tingling everywhere our skin made contact.

I pulled my dress over my head and tossed it onto the floor beside me. Grayson put his hands under my a.ss. He lifted me up and placed me on the bed. I wriggled backwards until my head was resting on my pillow.

He was kneeling over me as he took off his shirt and I took a moment to appreciate the perfection of his body. It was the kind of body that would make any woman drool. Strong muscled shoulders, well defined abs and he even had that v-line thing going for him. The one that makes women go weak at the knees.

I was not immune to his charms. He looked so delicious that I wanted to taste every inch of him. I could feel how aroused I was getting just from looking at him. I bit my l!p.

“Do you like what you see?” He asked as he looked down at me. I nodded my head, I certainly did.

His phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his jeans pocket. He looked at the screen for a second then threw it at the wall with a grunt. The phone stopped ringing immediately after hitting the wall. RIP phone I guess.

“Where was I?” He said, turning his attention back to me.

He leaned down and k!ssed the tips of my toes, making me giggle. From there he worked his way up my leg k!ssing me softly as he went. When he reached my thigh he started to flick his tongue over my skin as he went. He ran his tongue up my inner thigh until he reached the edge of my underwear.

I m0aned.

“It sounds like you like that.” He said. His voice was husky which only served to heighten my arousal.

“Very much so.” I replied, I could hardly get my words out.

He smiled at me and started to pull my underwear off. He threw my underwear on the floor. He ran his tongue over my core. I closed my eyes and m0aned with pleasure.

“Just like that.” I whispered. I was already slightly breathless.

I could feel the pressure building in my lower abdomen. I ran my fingers through his hair, resting my hand on the back of his head. I could feel my pulse racing and my breathing was deep and uneven. Grayson must have picked up on this because he moved his tongue faster and applied more pressure.

I felt a sudden explosion of pleasure as I reached my peak. My back arched and I screamed out his name. Grayson licked up my juices before moving up my body and k!ssing me. I could taste myself on his l!ps and his tongue.

I ran my hands down his back until I reached the waistband of his jeans. I moved my hands around to the front and started fumbling with the button. Grayson grabbed hold of my hands, halting my progress.

“Are you sure about this? Once we mark each other we will belong to each other forever.” He said.

I looked up at him, directly into his eyes. They were flicking between his blue colour and his wolf’s red colour as he fought to stay in control. From the serious look on his face I could tell how difficult this was for him.

“I am sure. I want you to take me and I want you to mark me.” I replied. His eyes instantly returned to normal and a smile spread across his face.

He took off his jeans and his boxers while I sat up to remove my bra. I threw it onto the floor before turning my attention back to Grayson. He had laid down on the bed to take off his boxers so I climbed on top of him. I positioned myself over him and lowered myself slowly. A m0an escaped my mouth as I felt him filling me completely.

Grayson reached up and pulled me towards him. He placed his l!ps on my marking spot and lightly n!pped my skin with his teeth. I started to thrust my h!ps faster as the feeling started to grow more intense.

Grayson’s fangs penetrated my neck pushing me over the edge, sending wave after wave of bliss through my whole body. Between my org*asm and the strengthening bond I wasn’t able to hold Jade back when she pushed her way forward. My own fangs elongated and Jade bit down on Grayson’s neck.

“Sh.it.” He screamed as he reached his own climax, spilling his seed deep inside me.

“I’m sorry.” I said after I managed to push Jade back and retract my fangs.

“Why, that was amazing.” Grayson said.

“Jade took over and she was a little rough.” I mumbled. I was feeling guilty, I could have really hurt him if he wasn’t an alpha. I need to learn to restrain my wolf and lycan sides better.

“No need to apologise, I like it when you are rough with me.” He replied.

“I will have to remember that.” I said.

“Good because we have the rest of our lives to experiment together.” He said. He pulled me towards him, pressing my l!ps onto his own.

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