Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 15

“I will meet you right here after your classes for the day finish.” Grayson said.

We had our arms around each other’s waists, our faces were so close that our lips were almost touching. After our excursion into the forest we both wanted to get to know each other much more intimately. We would probably have spent the whole evening doing exactly that if it wasn’t for the call that came shortly after.

Apparently there had been some activity around the borders of the pack. Nobody had breached the borders but in order to make sure that Grayson’s father could focus on the issue he had asked Grayson to take care of a few things for the pack.

It was mostly just basic admin but it meant that we had both spent the evening on our laptops in the hotel room. Me doing homework and revising while Grayson took care of pack business. I found it so difficult to concentrate with Grayson sitting so close to me but I knew what he was doing was important so I tried my best not to distract him. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done.

“Can’t we just go back to our room and spend the day in bed.” I said, pouting.

“Don’t tempt me.” He nibbled on my bottom l*p then turned it seamlessly into a k**s. His lips moved against mine making my skin tingle and heat up. I could feel my arousal building.

Grayson let out a small seductive growl into my mouth. His tongue started to explore my mouth. Gently flicking across my lips and my tongue.

“You two need to stop eating each other’s faces before you make Molly late.” June said. Grayson stopped kissing me and took a step back. Jade whimpered as he broke contact.

“Sorry.” He mumbled.

“Now come with me.” June said.

She took hold of my arm and started pulling me away from Grayson. He had the same longing look in his eyes as I bet I had also had right now. She pulled me into the building, I watched him over my shoulder until the doors closed blocking out my view of him.

‘This is why you should have let me take over last night. We would have been marked and mated by now for sure.’ Jade complained.

‘That is exactly why she wouldn’t let you have control, you have less control over your urges than I do.’ Scarlett retorted.

“So?” June asked. Had I missed some of the conversation, what was she asking me?

I looked at her blankly.

“What is he like in bed?” She said winking at me. Oh, so we were back to the conversation from yesterday again.

“I honestly don’t know he had to catch up on some work last night.” I said.

I walked into the classroom. Ellie was already there waiting for us at the back of the class. I sat down in the seat next to her after a brief geeting.

“That would not have stopped me.” June said.

“It was an important project, I didn’t want to annoy him by distracting him.” I said.

“I am pretty sure that he wouldn’t have been annoyed.” She said.

“He is probably only pretending to be busy so you don’t feel pressured into anything. He is waiting for you to take the initiative.” Ellie suggested.

“Really?” I asked.

I didn’t really understand why he would be pretending to be busy so late if it wasn’t true. Surely he wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him

‘Maybe because you told him that you wanted to take things slowly. This is all your fault.’ Jade said. She sounded angry with me but I wasn’t offended, I knew she was just frustrated.

“I am almost sure of it.” June said.

“Ok well I guess I am going to have to think of a way of distracting him tonight.” I replied. I could feel myself smiling as I thought of all the things we could do together.

The lecturer came in shortly after but June and Ellie spent the whole hour passing me notes with various suggestions on how to seduce Grayson tonight. They ranged from simply talking to him or kissing him to performing some kind of elaborate strip tease. That last suggestion came from June and I got the distinct impression that it was a strategy she had employed more than once.

My wolf and my lycan had their own ideas on how best to get my mates attention. My wolf favoured the direct approach, wanting me to take charge of the situation and show him exactly what I wanted. My lycan on the other hand wanted me to do something more subtle that would force Grayson to take charge. I swear these two will find any possible excuse to argue with each other.

When the lesson finished I told June where we would be meeting Grayson before hurrying off to my next lesson. From there my day started to go downhill.

My next lesson was one that I shared with Dominic. I was running late because my previous lesson had run over so by the time that I arrived there were only a couple of spaces left in the room. One was next-to Dominic and the other was next to some guy who I had never spoken to before. I decided that it was best to give Dominic his space so I sat down next to the man that I didn’t know. A decision that I quickly came to regret.

As the lecturer spoke I kept noticing Dominic watching me out of the corner of my eye. He was sitting so that his whole body was angled in my direction and he looked like he was trying to kill me using only his eyes.

To make matters worse, the guy that I had picked to sit next to was clearly a bit of a player. From the moment I sat down he started slowly creeping towards me. Every so often he would make a movement or make a noise to try to get my attention. If I made the mistake of looking in his direction he would flash me a smile that was clearly meant to be charming.

Between the two of them the lesson felt like the longest hour of my whole life. When the lesson wrapped up I was so relieved that I almost sprinted out of the door and through the corridors. I only slowed to a casual walk once I made it outside into the fresh air.

I was the first person to reach the courtyard where I had arranged to meet Grayson and June. I sat down on one of the benches that were scattered around the edge of the courtyard. I took my book out of my backpack and I was about to start reading when I noticed Dominic coming out of the building to the side of me.

I turned away and hoped that he wouldn’t notice me. Something in the bushes caught my eye. There was a woman standing in the bushes at the other side of the courtyard, a good couple of hundred metres away from me. She was mostly hidden behind the bushes but she was there and she was looking directly at me.

From what I could tell she looked to be in her late forties. She was very tall and beautiful, she had long wavy red hair and skin that looked as though it was made of porcelain. She was dressed in a manner that was very conspicuous for a college campus. Her long green dress would look more at home in a cocktail party than on a college campus in the middle of the day.

‘She is a lycan like me.’ Scarlett said.

She sounded excited to be so close to another lycan. I wished that I could share her enthusiasm but I couldn’t. I had never met another lycan before but I had been told stories about how dangerous they were all of my life. I also knew how much lycans hated werewolves and I didn’t like the way that she was looking at me.

“There you are.” June said, attracting my attention.

I waved at her before looking back to the place in the bushes where the woman was standing. She was gone.

‘Maybe she was just interested in seeing who we were because we are both lycans.’ Scarlett suggested.

‘If that was the case then why didn’t she come and talk to us instead of standing in the bushes and acting like a creep.’ June asked.

‘Maybe she is as worried about us as we are about her.’ Scarlett suggested.

“What is wrong with you, you seem really out of it today?” June asked.

“I am sorry, I am just worried about my exams.” I lied.

“Can you get your head out of the books for a moment and deal with the serious issue of shopping.” June asked.

“Sure.” I replied.

“So, is it ok if Ellie comes along with us today?” June asked.

“Of course, I am sure that Grayson won’t mind.” I replied.

June let out a high pitched squeal so loud that it made both my lycan and wolf cringe. She got her phone out of her pocket and called Ellie. A few minutes later Ellie came running out of the building to greet us. June and Ellie were so excited, it made me happy just to see them like this.

Grayson joined us a few minutes later and we headed towards his car. He put his hand in mine and I could feel all most worries melting away. The boy in class, the woman in the bushes and even Dominic. None of it mattered because I have my mate here with me.

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