Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King by Beauticent

Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King Chapter 7



I have never felt so disrespected in my entire life. My body boiled with rage as I watched Ethan leave with Beth and I felt like strangling him for disrespecting in such a cruel manner in the presence of my people. 

How dare he walk into my house to threaten me? He had the nerve to drag my family into this when I have never done anything to cross him all because of what? Beth, my woman. 

He even had the nerve to ask me to divorce Beth. She was mine! She belonged to me and he had the guts to show up from nowhere to claim what was mine. 

My eyes were blinded by fury not just because Ethan thought he could claim Beth who was obviously mine, but how powerless I felt while he was here. I was everything but weak. I knew it, everyone does but the way he ambushed me and made me feel vulnerable in my own damn house only helped to fuel my anger. 

If a seer had shown me a vision that something like this would happen someday, I would have laughed at how stupid it was. Nobody has dared to cross me in the whole of the western pack until now, and I feel violated, insulted and if there was anything I want to quench this anger, it would be bringing that  to his knees while he begged for his life. 

Maybe then, he would know what it feels like to be ridiculed, but I know that was close to being impossible. He was a powerful Alpha. We have never had an encounter until now but I have heard rumors about him. He doesn’t back down from a fight, but I will be more than willing to take this challenge. 

I will ruin Lycan King Ethan no matter what, and I pay him back for this humiliation in double folds. He will have a taste of his own medicine, but once I am done with him, I will make sure he never sees the daylight to lose anymore. 

“Darren, you don’t believe that man, right? You know me. There is no 

way I’d have lied about my pregnancy. Our baby is growing inside my stomach,” Cara brought my hands to her stomach as she spoke, and I pushed her away. 

“Don’t you dare,” I warned. “Don’t  tell any more lies to my face. Why would you lie, Cara? I trusted you, why did you lie? You were never pregnant and you went ahead to announce it in the presence of the whole pack. Why? To mock me?” I glared at her, restraining myself from transferring my aggression to her. 

the ro 

For all I care, she was why I was disrespected in the first place. 

“You know I’d never lie to you-” 

15:02 Tue, 23 Apr 

Chapter 7 

“Don’t try to hide your pathetic lie with another lie. It was glaring. You did it out of jealousy. Because you 

knew there was no way I’d get married to Beth even after finding out about a baby that never existed. You lied to prove a point, and you did, so get the  out of my face.” 

I felt disrespected in many ways. One thought it was okay to lie to me and use my feelings. against me, while the other thought he could show off his power because he was meant to be what? The most powerful Alpha? Watching Cars only fueled my anger and I decided to leave before I did something I would regret. 

“Darren, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, I swear, I didn’t mean to lie- I just couldn’t stand you getting married to another woman. I was going to tell you the truth, I promise, I just I don’t know how to because I was afraid of disappointing you,” her gaze dropped to the floor as she finished her words. 

“Get out of my sight,” I warned in a low voice. 

I walked past her to leave the room, but she grabbed my hands, begging me to listen to her. 

“I’m sorry, I swear I was going to tell you the truth, I’m sort-” Her words were cut short by the thunder–like storm that hit her face and the imprint of my hands were there, hanging on her cheeks like an artwork. 

I have never laid my hands on a woman, but slapping Cara doesn’t lessen my anger, it only increases it. Her jaw dropped out of shock, and she released my hands immediately. 

“You are a liar, Cara. A cheat and because of your pathetic lies, I was ridiculed. I’m the most humiliating way ever. All I did was love you. I was willing to toss my plan aside at the mention of our baby! You raised my expectations, and I even dreamt about our kids running around the house on that night,” I scoffed at how ridiculous that was. 

“But what did I get from trusting you, huh?” I glared at her as tears wet her cheeks, but I wasn’t even slightly bothered by that. “What did I gain for trusting you, Cara?” I snapped, and she jumped from the coldness in my voice. 

“De- Deception,” she stammered, and I nodded. 

“Deception. That is what I earned from trusting you and not only that, but humiliation. I should have married Beth instead. Everyone called her a lowly omega and treated you like a princess when you are nothing but bad luck. A walking misfortune,” I hissed. 

“Darren…” she called out with a shaky voice. 

“From now onward, you will refer to me as your Alpha. You ruined me. You are the cause of my misfortune, but everything ends right now and right here.” I pushed her away and I heard her gentle sob before slamming the door shut. 

from me 



Tue, 25 Apr 

Chapter 7 

I paced around the library, as the bitter taste of humiliation hung on my lips. Everything I closed my eyes, all I could see was the picture of Ethan glaring at me, making me feel like prey waiting to be eaten by the predator. Weakness is a despicable trait, but recalling what happened earlier only made me feel like a coward for not being able to fight Ethan’s chest- to–chest like a real man. 

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, and I brought it out angrily, ready to snap at whoever was calling when Mark’s name popped out on the screen. It was my Beta. 

“What is going on?” 

“Alpha, I know this is not a good time but the entire pack is in chaos. I don’t know how news traveled so fast, but everyone knows about Alpha Ethan and Beth, and more importantly, they are mad and they feel like their life is being threatened.” 

“By what?” I frowned, ignoring everything else but that. 

“By the Lycan king. They think he will be back and they have a feeling that he will wipe the entire pack out if you angered him.” 

“Are they calling me incompetent?” 

“They wouldn’t dare, but they are looking up to you to do something. Erm… I’m not sure if I should say this, but they think you should beg the Lycan king because you don’t stand a chance against him.” 

I hung up on Mark and found myself hitting the wall continuously until blood stains filled. the wall. Great! Just what I needed. My people no longer have faith in me and it   hurts. 

Things were supposed to have a different outcome… if Cara hadn’t played that stupid trick, Beth would still be here. I punched the wall once again and almost yelled out my frustration. 

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