Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King by Beauticent

Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King Chapter 11

Chapter 11 


I stormed out of the library as soon as Andrew left. Darren had the guts to come into my house and request to see my woman, the same woman he and his people treated like trash. What effrontery? 

I went into the living room where he was waiting and the mere sight of him was enough to push me to the edge. “Get the  out of my house while I am still being nice,” I warned. 

“Alpha Ethan, it’s a good thing you are here. Could you please- 

“I cannot and would never do you a favour,” I snapped at him, cutting him off. “So if you know what’s best for you, you will leave my house right away!” I howled. 

“Look, I understand that we do not meet in a likeable way, and you have no reason to help me, but all I am requesting is for you to give me a chance to see Beth. My people are doing it. Innocent kids who have done nothing wrong- the adults are scared and no one knows who is next. I just need to see Beth and I’ll be on my way.” He promised. 

“Well, I don’t care if everyone lives or dies in your pack. Your people are not my responsibility and it’s not enough reason to bend my rules for you,” I dismissed. 

“I know that this doesn’t concern you in any way, which is why I seek Beth’s presence instead. You don’t know these people, so you don’t care about them, but Beth does. My pack has been attacked by a plague and I won’t sit back and watch all the children die,” he said, with deadpan expression, and I almost laughed. 

“I made the call here, Darren. And when I say that you won’t see someone under 

my roof, then that is final. Do you think she would want to help you? After everything you and your God–forsaken people did to her,” I scoffed. “Even if she was a goddess, she would still be mad not to talk of she was just a rejected wolf by her mate. Of course, she wouldn’t want to see or speak to you.” 

“Then clearly, you don’t know her. Yes, she has every right to be angry, and I plan on apologizing to her until she decides to forgive me, but I am not one to easily give up, and she has a good heart too, she won’t be pleased to hear children dying when she had a chance to stop it,” he said proudly, as if he knew her well enough to be sure of what she can do. 

“Don’t make me repeat myself leave right now or I will have the guards drag you out,” I warned him. 

“My people believe in me, and I am not about to let them down again. I won’t leave this place, even if it means that I have to fight with a thousand men. I won’t leave until you allow me to see Beth.” He seemed to be hell–bent on seeing Beth or he wouldn’t leave. But one 

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Chapter II 

thing he didn’t know was that I am not a patient man. 

“Guards!” I yelled and five hefty men came rushing in. Even with Darren being the Alpha of his pack, I was certain that my men would take him down in a single attempt. 

My pack is known to be the strongest, and it’s not just by power or money. We are stronger. because of our strength. No one dares to challenge us. Now that Darren has tried, I wouldn’t mind my men putting him in his place. 

“Get him out of here in five seconds,” I ordered but the clicking sound of Beth’s heels stopped them. I hissed at the sight, cussing Andrew under my breath. I told that asshole not to allow Beth out of her room. 

“What is going on here?” Beth asked, surprised to see five hefty men circling Darren. I waved them off, and they left the room almost immediately. 

“Beth, go back into your room,” I ordered, but the asshole took it as his opportunity to speak. 

“No, Beth, I need you. The pack needs you. The children are dying of a plague cut. Everything thinks it’s a curse because we can’t find the cure, please, give me a second,” he begged, trying to gain her sympathy which annoys me more. 

I strangled him until he was choking, and lifted him up in the air. He slapped my hands. violently, trying to release my grip but I only tightened it. I told the   to shut up, what does he think he was doing? 

“Ethan, stop it! You are going to kill him!” She yelled and I released my grip, making him fall to the cold floor. 

Beth winced from the pain he was in, as he coughed repeatedly, but I didn’t care. He could die right at the spot and I won’t even blink an eye. 

Darren recovers slowly, still holding onto his neck when Beth breaks the silence. “Darren, wait for me outside.” She ordered, and he nodded, without sparing me a second glance. She waited for him to leave the room before she moved closer to me. 

“Ethan, please let me help him,” she begged and I shook my head before she could even get to finish her word. 

“No, Beth, the answer is no. You are not going to involve yourself with unnecessary things.” I said firmly. 

“Ethan please, for a while, the Red Moon pack was my home. Maybe I wasn’t the most welcomed, but I was comfortable,” she begged and I stood my ground. 

“None of them treated you like you were a member of the pack. They ganged up on you, treated you like shit and all they never thought of was how to hurt you and bring you more 

Chapter II 

pain. No, I won’t let you save them,” I said, and that is final. 

“Ethan, please” 

“Are you even listening to yourself? Do you know what would have happened to you if I hadn’t found you that day? Those brats would have gang raped you or who knows, maybe kill you?” My stomach twitched with anger, and I could feel my wolf burning out of rage 

He was fighting to come out and hurt everyone that hurt his mate, and it took all of my self- control to put him in place. I’m not going to allow her to help any of them. 

“I could be anyone. You saved me because you thought that was the best thing to do at that moment, not because you thought it was the best thing to do for your mate. Please, grant me this favour, and allow me to help them,” she begged and there was something in her eye that made it difficult to say no to her. 

She was right. I’d have saved her on that day too even if she wasn’t my mate. 

“Fine, I will allow you to leave only if you accept my condition,” I said, and she beamed. 

“Of course!” 

“I will go with you and that is not something to debate on,” I said firmly, and she surprised me by hugging for a split second before pulling back. 


I held her hands in mine protectively, as we went outside to meet Darren. He didn’t need us to tell him we were coming with him to get the clue, and he gave Beth a graceful smile. 

If he looked at my woman like that ever again, I wouldn’t think twice before plucking out his eyes. He drove us back to his pack, and everyone rejoiced at the sight of Beth. 

I don’t know why they thought she could help them, but something became clearer to me. She wasn’t just an ordinary girl. 



The whole pack were rejoicing at the news of Beth and the Lycan king. The sing words of praise about Darren who fulfilled his promise brought Beth back to the pack, which only 

annoys me more. 

Everywhere I turned to, people were busy chanting Beth’s name as if she was a  goddess or someone important to save them from the dilemma. 

I went to Darren’s house angrily to see things for myself, and I saw Beth smiling so brightly with Darren and the Lycan king beside her. Who the  does she think she is to be standing 

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Chapter 11 

beside the most powerful men in history? 

That should be my place. I should be the one standing next to Darren, I hissed and finally, I found someone who was just as angry as I was. 

Laura left the scene angrily and I followed after her immediately. “Laura, wait up,” I yelled. and she sent me a glare. 

“This is all your fault! If you hadn’t lied about your fake pregnancy, Darren won’t even be looking at that bitch!” She yelled and I sighed. 

“I know I just couldn’t stand that bitch,” 

“Well, look what is happening now. Everyone praised her as if she was a god just because she was with the Lycan king. She doesn’t deserve it. Heck, she doesn’t deserve any good thing in life,” Laura hissed. 

“How long will she be staying here?” I asked. 

“I don’t know and I don’t give a  !” 

“What if we get rid of her?” I grinned and Laura gave me a knowing smile. 

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