Omega Summoner

Chapter 1742 The Princess and the Demon II

Chapter 1742 The Princess and the Demon II

"Nether! You really came!" Yumeko stated as she ran towards Adrian and the others with tears in her eyes.

Yumeko might not want to say it out loud, but she was incredibly doubtful that Nether was real. She believed it at first but the constant opinions of those around her started to fill her with doubt. This is why she would roam around the house for the next days after she woke up to make sure that Nether will come.

Yumeko thought that she was just really imagining things. Each day that passed by with Nether not coming to her house made the doubt in her mind pile up. She still held on to the belief, but each day would make her heart ache a little as her hope that was bright started to get dimmer.

"Wow! She is really cute." Frey and Peridot stated.

"Why does she call you, Nether?" Levin Cloud asked.

"That is my alias when I am working in Limbo. My name would also show up as Nether there as I am considered an NPC in Limbo. Did the Anubises not tell you? We have the same duty." Adrian stated.

"They did but I could not think of one, so I just used Levin." Levin Cloud stated.

"Yumeko, you must not approach strangers easily!" Kondo stated as the others looking for Yumeko has also arrived.

"Nether is not a stranger! Nether is Yumeko's friend. Although, he looks very different, but that aura is only from Nether!" Yumeko stated.

"I believe that we have already met once before Kondo. Do not tell me that you have forgotten about the Scribe that helped you decipher that scroll?" Adrian stated which made Kondo enlarge his eyes from shock. contemporary romance

"Scribe Equinox?!" Kondo stated as he suddenly tried feeling Adrian's aura once more and it was now familiar to him.

"Kondo, do you know him?" Saito Hajime asked.

"He was the one that told me how to cure the Eternal Sleep. He was the scribe that I was telling you about." Kondo stated which suddenly made Yumeko's parents embarrassed.

"What do you mean, Equinox?! Nether is Nether!" Yumeko stated.

"I actually forgot to tell Yumeko that I have a different name here in the mortal realm. In this realm, I go by Equinox. You can also call me by that name but Nether is also fine." Adrian stated.

"We sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting for too long. To think that it was the Scribe that helped us find a cure. We are so ashamed." Yumeko's parents stated as they bowed.

"No need to worry about that as you wanted to protect her which is understandable." Adrian stated.

"What are you waiting for then? Come in. You are our honored guest." Ina stated as she elevated Adrian and his friends to the most important guests in the house.

"Thank you for your hospitality but we cannot stay here for long. We might attract the eyes of those that we are trying to elude after all." Adrian stated.

"In that case, please come with us to the shrine hall. I believed that you want to see the sacred flame as my daughter has told me." Ina stated as she led the way to the shrine hall.

"In that case, Frey and I will look around the city outside as you might talk about boring stuff. We would rather sightsee and have a girl's night out!" Peridot stated.

"You say that, but Frey has yet to agree with you." Levin Cloud stated.

"No worries. I also want to look around as my sister said that this place is beautiful. I want to see the sights of the eastern continent while we are here." Frey stated as she also does not want to join the conversation with Yumeko's parents since she just joined to get closer to Adrian.

"If that is what you two want then you can go. Maybe we can look around more when we finish early." Adrian stated.

Peridot and Frey told Adrian and Levin Cloud to call them immediately if they finished. The two girls were also assigned with an attendant to show them around the land. Adrian and Levin Cloud were the ones that went to the shrine as both of them would be needed to the next thing to happen.

Adrian and Levin Cloud were shown to the shrine hall, but they were also given some tour for the places they passed through. Yumeko was the one that was giving the details with great enthusiasm as her happiness was through the roof. Her fervent wish to become a normal girl is finally coming true.

"Nether! You promised to take me to the places that we visited in my dreams." Yumeko stated.

"I did not want to spoil you Yumeko but the places that we went when you were dreaming walking are real. The moment you and I were no longer in Limbo, we visited the places that you say that you dreamed of. It was only your spirit but you were essentially there so you can brag to others about it." Adrian stated.

"Can you please explain? About our daughter's state?" Yumeko's parents asked as they were the most curious since no scholar in the east could help them.

Adrian decided to explain the details of Yumeko's condition along the way as well as her special ability. Yumeko's parents were afraid at first since they were told that their daughter's spirit traveled to the afterlife, but their worries were washed away as Adrian said that he was there to cure her. A big look of relief could be seen on the faces of Yumeko's parents as they learned that she can be cured.

"To think that we had the soul of an immortal!" Ina stated in shock.

Adrian told them that the sacred flame is actually a soul of a powerful immortal being. The parents thought that it was really a soul of an immortal that saved them. Adrian did not bother to tell them what an Asmodian was since they might become in danger should others that know learn of that information.

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