Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 35: She'll Come Around

Prince Alpheus' regular servants had noticed a change in their master since Lady Catherine began living in the palace. It was even more obvious now that he had reverted back to how he had been before, sullen and miserable.

Al was upset partly because he didn't comprehend everything that Katie had said and partly because he knew he was at least somewhat to blame.

She was right—he had brought her here selfishly because only someone as alive as she was could snap him out of his natural gloom. She brightened the dark halls of this place considerably.

He hadn't forced her into his life so she would be miserable too. There had to be a way to cheer her up.

Even with the fires lit, the castle was chilly today. Katie didn't like tea—he had noticed at tea times that she only had a sip or two, preferring to focus on the sweets.

Hot chocolate and pastries ought to be a decent place to start. He wanted to apologize personally so he headed down to the kitchens himself rather than sending a servant.

That bakery girl—what was her name? Mary?—was frying something pale and blobby in oil. Al hurried over to see what treats she had on hand.

"Your Highness!" she greeted with a smile. "Where's your partner in crime today?"

"She doesn't feel well," he mumbled guiltily. "I came here to get something to cheer her up."

"Well aren't you the sweetest! I have some eclairs leftover from the queen's morning tea if you're interested in those."

Al was more interested in what she was making now. He had never seen anything like it. They appeared to be some sort of fried dough rings.

"What are you working on?"

She noticed his line of sight.

"Oh these? I'm not sure what to call them yet but I wondered what would happen if I fried éclairs instead of baking them. The long skinny ones turned out a bit strange so I switched to round ones instead.

"I'm filling some of them with the éclair cream but also had the idea of making others have holes in the middle instead so they aren't filled I can give them different toppings."

"Such as?"

The girl beamed. "It's always nice seeing someone interested in the art of pastry. I was going to try dipping some in cinnamon sugar, some in powdered sugar, and some in a sweet glaze. Kind of whimsical, huh?"

Whimsical fit Katie to a T. She would probably love this strange new pastry.

"I'll take some of each," Al said resolutely. "And some hot chocolate, please. With whipped cream."

"Right on it, Your Highness." The bakery girl barked an order behind her. "Hey, Grace! Get some hot chocolate started for the prince! Use the milk chocolate we just got in from Rowenhilde!"

Grace panicked a bit at the sight of Al and curtsied hastily before chopping up the chocolate to melt in a pot with the other ingredients.

Al was perfectly content to stand there waiting but the bakery girl wanted to talk as she worked.

"I've never seen such a doting beau before. Lady Cathe—I mean Katie—is very lucky."

Was she though? After her outburst this morning, which seemed to have been building up for some time, Al realized he had never taken her feelings into consideration.

He had taken a bird and clipped its wings just so he could enjoy its company. Katie deserved better than that. He would have to find a way to make it up to her that was more meaningful than mere sweets.

"I doubt she thinks so," Al said glumly. "And I can't blame her. She never wanted to come to the palace anyway."

The bakery girl—he suddenly remembered her name was Marcy—put her hands on her hips and stared him down.

"That's no way to talk, Prince Alpheus. Even if that were true, she still has you doesn't she? Weren't you the one who called her your best friend last time? She obviously thinks the same."

"You really think so?" Al asked a bit desperately.

If Katie really thought of him as an important person in any capacity that meant she would forgive him, right? He knew she didn't love him. He had taken her freedom away so how could she?

Even knowing that, he wasn't willing to let her go without taking him with her. He could spend the rest of their lives making it up to her once they were free of this place.

Marcy nodded as she dumped glaze onto one of her fried pastries. "I can tell that you care about her very much. She'll come around."

He found himself nodding until he realized what had just transpired.

"Hey, I never said she was upset with me! I said she wasn't feeling well!"

With a giggle, Marcy placed the pastry on a plate with the ones covered in sugar.

"You didn't have to. It was pretty obvious the two of you got into a fight because of the look on your face."

Al's ears turned red. It was that obvious to someone he had only met once? Was he an open book or something? He had never thought of himself that way.

Grace, the girl in charge of the hot chocolate, saved him from having to reply by announcing it was ready.

"I've got a whole pot but you only needed one portion, right? I can save the rest to be reheated later," she addressed Marcy, afraid of meeting a prince's eyes.

"Thank you," Al said sincerely. "For the pep talk and the food."

Marcy's eyes sparkled as she smiled at him. "You're welcome. Come find me if you need more girl advice. And tell Katie to come say hi next time!"

It looked like Katie had made quite an impression on this girl even though they had only met once. She had that effect on people.

Al, Marcy, the duke of Orla, Princess Mariela…all people who had fallen under her spell right away.

Al nervously carried the tray with the hot chocolate and pastries to Katie's chambers. A maid was blocking the door.

"Lady Catherine is unwell and does not wish to see anyone."contemporary romance

"I think you can make an exception," he said, putting on a winning smile. "These are treats from her favorite pastry chef."

The maid wavered. The lady had seemed so upset and she did like her sweets…

"Oh alright, but if she asks later, I'm telling her you forced your way in."

"Thank you!"


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