Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 186: It's More Of A Want Than A Need

When the party began wrapping up at last Blaise took advantage of the chaos to ask if Abby would come with him for a moment. She followed him away from the playground and they made their way back to the abandoned main street in town. contemporary romance

"Did you need something?" she asked as her heart beat so fast it threatened to ascend into the astral plane.

They hadn't been alone together in a while. Abby couldn't help but think that whatever he wanted to say must be significant to make sure no one else was around to overhear.

"Yes and no. I suppose it's more of a want than a need," Blaise hedged, looking nervous. "But first I would like to know what you want. Out of life, I mean. Now that you are stuck here with no way to return home."

What a strange question. Abby had known since the moment she landed in Shibatsu that there was no going back. Her goals hadn't changed much since then. She wanted to continue living out her life in this village with her family and the people she had come to love.

She wanted to keep trying to find ways to make this place more like home and help enrich the lives of the Kanta. And she supposed…she also wanted to have a family of her own at some point but she hadn't thought about it much.

Most of the time she was fulfilled simply by being involved in her niece's and nephew's lives, seeing her sister so happy, and being so busy she could hardly think. But every once in a while she felt down, wondering if another man like Al who could accept a transmigrator the way she was even existed in this world.

The only man she had even considered giving her heart to after coming here was standing in front of her now. She wasn't sure what to tell him but sensed that her answer would be important.

"Um…now that I've put down roots here I want to keep trying to improve the lives of the people and make things more like my home if I can," Abby said slowly.

She hesitated before speaking again but figured she may as well be honest. "…I'd like to have my own family at some point. I can't mooch off of Katie and Al forever. But I don't know if that's even possible because I'm so different from everyone here. Katie got really lucky she found someone who loves her because she's a little weird."

Blaise nodded his understanding. "I suspected that might be the case."

He didn't say anything for a few minutes and Abby was screaming on the inside. What was that supposed to mean?! How could he ask something like that and give such a vague response when she answered him?

Eventually he sighed and met her eyes again, looking even more nervous than he had before. She kept forgetting to breathe from the stress of anticipation.

"I came with you to Annalaias because I was worried about what would happen if you were alone but also because I wanted to spend more time with you," Blaise said in a rush. "I tried telling myself over and over that allowing myself to be tied down would be a mistake but the entire time I was off traveling I thought about you.

"'Would she like this? What would she think of that?' I only bought the music box but I thought of you whenever I saw something pretty or entertaining. As Kel said, the ribbon never left my wrist from the moment you gave it to me except for occasional washings.

"The moment I saw you again I wanted to rush to your side but had to follow my commanding officer. All of that waiting to speak to you again was torturous. Then you came to visit the camp and we talked…all of my feelings intensified.

"It became apparent rather quickly that I would not be able to make myself leave your side again. My dreams have changed. I have seen many new places but none of them compare to spending time with you. I would be honored to spend the rest of my life fulfilling your dreams by your side. Please tell me if I have any chance at all regarding your affection."

It was the most Abby had ever heard him say at once.

She was still reeling from the shock as she tried to process what he was saying. He had liked her ever since they were in Shibatsu? He wanted to stay here with her?

All of his words hit her like bricks but nothing was more impactful than hearing his dreams had changed. He had wanted to live as a nomad ever since he was young but he would be willing to put down roots for her.

"Really?" she squeaked, unable to get anything else out. She gathered her wits about her, unwilling to be swept away with the moment. "What is it you like about me exactly?"

Blaise fiddled with the part of his belt that normally held his sword as he answered, still nervous. She had never seen him this flustered but it was honestly pretty cute.

"The funny way you tell stories and the insights you have about everything around you. Your kind heart and sharp mind. The way you seem to inspire everyone around you. And the way your eyes light up when you smile. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known but that is secondary to the strength of your character."

Abby.exec had stopped working. Men had confessed to her before—she was no novice at dating—but none had ever been this heartfelt or sincere. The things he said were some of the nicest she had ever heard about herself.

If he thought so highly of her all this time how had he always managed to act like a total block of wood in front of her?! Although he had been much better about showing emotions since coming back from Shibatsu.

He must have realized that he would need to show her he liked her if he wanted things to get anywhere. Or someone (possibly Al) had goaded him on.


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