Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 15: Mystery Man

The next song was about to start when I got approached by some random nobleman in his 40s. He must have lost his wife and was on the hunt for a new one.

I desperately scanned the room. Percy! Where are you! Get over here and keep your promise!

To my surprise and gratitude, the strange guy with the sad eyes who was watching me earlier swooped in to save me.

"Forgive me, Lord Myron, but the lady has promised the next dance to me."

The older guy looked intensely disappointed but bowed briefly before leaving. I was so relieved I actually spoke my mind. contemporary romance

"You just saved my life."

The mysterious man smiled at me. "Oh? How so?"

I turned beet red. I hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"Um…my brother promised to keep men over thirty away from me but I lost sight of him," I confessed. "You came right in the nick of time."

There was something about this guy that pulled words right out of me. Yes, he stared at me rather intensely earlier, but I was willing to forgive that after his smooth save. At least he didn't give off creepy vibes like the duke.

"Your brother?"

"Yes, Percival du Pont, next in line for the earldom. He's rather protective of me and has been a bit like my bodyguard while we've been in the capital."

"Tall, brown hair, blue eyes? Usually wears a serious expression?" the mystery man asked with an odd look on his face.

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I have seen him around," the man said cryptically.

Where was my head today? "Sir, I just realized I don't know your name. I'm—"

"Everyone here knows who you are, Lady Catherine du Pont." I pouted. Thanks for reminding me, dude. He continued as if he didn't notice. "You can call me Al."

"Al? But that doesn't tell me a thing about you," I protested.

Clearly he already knew me since he picked me out of everyone here to dance with. It was probably just because I was a novelty here.

He grinned and the heaviness in his eyes seemed to vanish. "Do you have a nickname, Lady Catherine?"

"I do, actually. I prefer it to Catherine but only two people call me that anymore," I said wistfully.

This guy seemed pretty casual so it probably wouldn't hurt to add one more person to that list. I missed my real name.

"Please feel free to call me Katie."

"Katie," Al said as if savoring the name. "I do believe that suits you better. I shall call you Katie then. Lady Katie sounds a bit strange, since it rhymes and all. I hope you will forgive the informality."

I burst out laughing. Not a polite, civilized lady titter. A real laugh. The kind that hadn't erupted out of me since before I dropped into this novel.

I slapped a hand over my mouth before anyone could notice, stifling it quickly before returning my hand to its proper position for the dance. "Forgive me. That was…really funny."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I should call you Lady Katie from now on if it makes you laugh like that," he teased with a glint in his eye.

"Please don't," I pleaded, fighting the urge to laugh again. "My mother would kill me if she saw me laughing like that."

He squinted at me. "Your mother doesn't seem to know you very well."

"She doesn't," I admitted before realizing my mistake.

One does not insult a member of the nobility outright in front of other nobles. It is supposed to be done subtly by twisting words.

"No need to feel bad, Lady Katie. Your forthrightness is refreshing, to be honest. The people around me are always masking their true thoughts."

There it was—the sadness in his eyes again, mixed with a hint of laughter because of my antics.

"That must be exhausting."

"It is. So someone like you is a breath of fresh air," he said with a genuine smile.

My heart fluttered a bit. I'd never been called a breath of fresh air before. Everyone back home (minus Abby) thought I was a drag.

"That's quite the compliment, Sir Al."

"I'm glad you think so. Actually, I meant to introduce myself to you before this. I first—"

The song ended and Percy finally caught up to me, cutting off whatever Al was going to say. "Catherine, an acquaintance of mine wishes to dance with you."

I couldn't believe it but I was disappointed! I wanted to hear what this interesting person had to say. I turned back towards him to apologize but he was already gone.

"I'm coming," I told my brother sadly.


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