Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 134: Nothing But Trouble

Abby was embarrassed about how she had cried in Blaise's arms. They didn't have the kind of relationship where they were close enough to do that but he had diligently attempted to comfort her.

His attempts were clumsy and it was obvious he had little to do experience dealing with crying people but it still warmed her heart a little. He was trying so hard it was cute.

Cute? Did she really just use that word to describe her self-appointed bodyguard? Blaise wasn't cute at all. He was handsome, a bit threatening, like a living statue at times but definitely not cute.

Except he kind of was when he was flustered. It proved he was human.

At the queen's request, they joined the royal family for dinner and stayed the night in two of the many, many guest rooms in the palace. The king was still very confused and eyed Abby with mistrust during dinner. contemporary romance

Eventually he broke his silence. "You claim to be Katie's sister but I have met all of her family. You are not a du Pont."

"Franz," Mariela said warningly. "I already told you I would explain everything later."

"It's fine," Abby reassured her. "He's right; I'm not a du Pont. You might say that Katie and I grew up as sisters even though we aren't related by blood."

What a joke. She was the real sister here! All of those du Pont siblings weren't Katie's actual family. They only cared about her because she inhabited the body of their true sister. Ah, this was such a tangled web!

Now Blaise was confused because what Abby had told him didn't match up with what she was telling the king. She shot him a look that said she would have to explain everything later too but she wasn't sure he caught on.

"She will be thrilled to see you," Mariela said with a smile as she helped her son cut his vegetables. "Alamar too. And you will be able to meet their son. I have not seen him since he was an infant but Katie tells me he is adorable."

A son?! She definitely hadn't mentioned that during their conversation earlier! Abby's heart sunk. She had missed her sister's first pregnancy. She hadn't been able to hold a baby shower for her or coach her through giving birth because their mother couldn't.

She tried reassuring herself that she would be there for the next one but it wouldn't be the same. She had already missed so much of her sister's life because of the timeline difference.

"What's his name?" she asked thickly.

"Adam. I had never heard of that name before. It was quite unique but Katie chose it. Apparently the clan leader's name has started with A for the past six generations and they kept the tradition going," Mariela said meaningfully.

Abby caught on. Katie had kept with tradition but chosen a name from their home. She had met multiple people named Adam over the course of her life. It was a perfectly normal name in the United States so of course no one would have heard of it here.

So her nephew's name was Adam. She couldn't wait to meet him and spoil him to death. She had always wanted to be the fun aunt.

"That's a beautiful name. I look forward to meeting Katie's family. What's her husband like?"

Franz rolled his eyes. "Nothing but trouble, I tell you! But I cannot deny he is doing an excellent job as the clan leader. I think that is largely due to Katie's influence. He never really did much around here but read and play cards."

Abby frowned. She knew how Al's "brothers" had treated him because the novel had been in his point of view. What Franz was saying wasn't fair but it wasn't her place to speak. He was the king and she was merely a guest.

"Be nice," Mariela chided. "I always found him amusing. At least once Katie came around and brightened him up a bit."

The novel went over Al's personality shift before and after meeting her sister. She was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds of his life. And she had always complained about being single and how no one would ever want her.

All it had taken was falling into another world to have multiple men interested in her. In the novel Al absolutely doted on her but was Katie truly happy with that? How could someone as cynical as her have fallen in love with a man here in fantasyland for real?

But she must have or she wouldn't have bothered to stick around long enough to bear a child for him. They would have an awful lot of talking to do when they met up again.

When dinner ended Blaise and Abby profusely thanked their hosts and excused themselves for the night. She could tell he was bursting with questions but had the good sense not to ask.

She didn't know how she would explain it anyway. Would he really believe that he was inside the world of a novel where he wasn't even a character?

Mariela had taken it pretty well but that was likely because she already knew about the existence of another world and transmigration. So had Al but that was because he trusted Katie implicitly and would believe anything she told him.

Blaise didn't seem like the type who would believe anything he couldn't see for himself. She would trust him with her life since he had already saved it once but she was sure the feeling wasn't mutual. There was no way he would trust her crazy story so she didn't tell him.


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