Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 132: An Audience With The Queen

Beautiful, huh? The book did describe Mariela as the jewel of Shibatsu even though Al only had eyes for Katie.

After spending time in the countryside, Abby had come to the conclusion that Shibatsu was simply a country full of gorgeous people. Perhaps it was their coloring. Even Blaise was attractive if you ignored the fact that he didn't seem to know how to smile.

The queen must be a true sight to see if she was considered the most beautiful among that nation of Adonises. No wonder Franz had fallen in love with her at first sight.


Queen Mariela was even more stunning than Abby had expected. She surpassed the most adored actress in the country and Miss America combined. Her calm, tranquil demeanor may have contributed to her ethereal nature but her smile must be glorious as well. contemporary romance

"Welcome to Annalaias, dear countrymen," she greeted. "I hope your journey has been swift and uneventful."

The captain bowed deeply and everyone else followed suit. "It has, Your Majesty. Many thanks for showing such concern for my humble vessel."

Abby wouldn't categorize someone being swept out to sea as uneventful but she supposed she was still alive. And it didn't seem likely the captain would want to contradict a single word that came out of the queen's mouth.

Mariela smiled serenely. "The minister of trade is waiting to speak with you, Captain. The rest of your companions may take their leave."

Their group was ushered out the door and Abby wanted to scream. Wait! She needed to talk with the queen! But it was too late unless she wanted to burst back in there uninvited and risk arrest.

Franz wasn't a dictator like Sigmund but he was notoriously overprotective of his wife. Still, Abby had to try. She slipped out from behind the group being led away and snuck back into the hall where the king and queen were sitting.

A little boy with silver hair and hazel eyes ran to the queen on his tiny legs and her face broke into an expression of delight. "Hello, my love! How is mama's big boy doing today?"

He pouted. "I miss Mama. Why do you always hafta meet people?"

Mariela's laugh tinkled like the sound of bells. She truly was enchanting. Her husband watched his wife and child interact with a soft expression. He had it bad.

"That is our job, I am afraid. But we have a little time to play with you now. Shall we go visit the horses?" she suggested.

The little boy's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly. "Yay! Horsies!"

Abby was about to make her presence known before they left but an arm clamped down on her wrist, holding her back.

"Are you out of your mind?" Blaise hissed. "Do you want to get yourself killed? If they find out you are here spying on them they might think you are an assassin!"

An assassin, her?! She couldn't even lift weights at the gym!

She didn't want to believe her presence was at all threatening but Blaise's might be. He was the tallest man she had encountered in this world. The only person taller than him that she ever met was a basketball player on her school's team back in college.

"I only want to ask the queen about my sister! They're supposedly friends," Abby hissed back.

Blaise tried tugging on her arm to get her to go with him, which resulted in a pitiful attempt at tug-of-war on her part. She pitched forward into a pillar and knocked over a vase that crashed to the ground very loudly.

She and her captor both froze as the royal guards surrounded them. They were totally dead.

Mariela held her child protectively to her chest as her husband stepped in front of them with a furious look on his face. "How dare you sneak back in here after being dismissed? What is your purpose?" Franz demanded.

Blaise looked between me and the king, torn, before giving the most respectful salute from Shibatsu. "Please forgive my companion's impertinence; she only wished to speak to the queen regarding her sister. I failed to stop her."

Abby gave him an incredulous look. Had he seriously thrown her under the bus?!

She got down on her hands and knees and pleaded for forgiveness since she didn't know the salute. "Forgive me, Your Majesties. What he says is the truth. I did not think things through properly."

"Rise," Franz said wearily.

Hastily getting to her feet, she dared to look up at them. Mariela was eyeing her curiously. That seemed encouraging. Would she be able to pull this off after all?

"Your Majesty the queen…I am here in search of my sister and I have been told you are her friend. I only wished to know a little about her life in Annalaias since our separation." Speaking so formally wasn't Abby's forte but she did her best. She didn't want to lose her head.

Mariela spoke for the first time since they had been caught. "What is your name?"

"Abby, Your Majesty."

A thoughtful expression crossed her face before she asked her next question. "Your full name?"

Last names were a thing in Annalaias; she had forgotten that. After being in Shibatsu so long she had gotten used to only telling people her first name. "Abby Pullman."

Shock flitted across Mariela's face before she composed herself. "…are you here looking for Katie?"

Abby froze. Had her sister actually told someone the truth about where she was from other than her husband?! The book was in Al's perspective so there were probably a lot of scenes that didn't make it in there from Katie's point of view.

"Yes!" she blurted. "Please forgive my incredible rudeness, Your Majesty. I have been searching for her for a very long time and you are the only one who may be able to tell me about her."

Franz looked at his wife in confusion. "What does this woman have to do with Katie? We have met her sister."

Mariela rested her hand on his arm to placate him. "Katie told me about her. She is not a threat. I do believe we should have a private conversation. Would you be so kind as to take Roland to the stables without me? I will meet you there in a while."

He obviously didn't like this but did as his wife requested. "Sir Marino, have your men release them," he reluctantly ordered the captain of the royal guard.

With swords no longer pointed at them, Abby felt Blaise relax beside her. He had very obvious questions in his eyes and she mouthed "I'll tell you later!" before allowing herself to be led into a side room with the queen.


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