Nobilis of War

Chapter 274 The Legendary Beast

The sky's sunlight was blocked by a flock of black birds which fiercely fell on Darren and the superior talents. The black birds looked menacing in the sky.

"These raptors are almost at the Spirit Realm, and their power won't be suppressed by heaven and earth. We've got to do something but exactly what should we do?" one superior talent asked.

If, however, the black birds were in the outside world, anyone of them could easily wipe them out swiftly. On the other hand, here was the Raksa Sea. Since the superior talents' powers had been repressed, the man with the strongest cultivation base among them was just at the fifth to the sixth stage of the Spirit Realm.

In just the next breath, countless birds had surrounded them from all sides.


They waved their weapons to slash the black birds. However, the birds seemed to have no end, flying over them continuously. The superior talents fought bravely although at times they felt it was a worthless fight.

"Ah! Ah!" a superior talent whose cultivation base was only at the third stage of the Spirit Realm cried out. Weaker than the others, he was immediately fenced in by the black birds. The flesh of his arms were gnawed away in three seconds, revealing his off-white bones. From the look on his face you could tell he was in agony, despite fighting bravely.

"Protect Mason!" Robb yelled. He and some other relatively powerful superior talents surrounded the wounded young man in a circle to limit the birds' access to Mason.

"Damn! If it goes on like this, we will all end up dead. Someone must take considerable risks to resist the birds so that the others can be covered in order to evacuate and reach the underground cavern," the leading superior talent, Robb, shouted to the others, after he had carefully thought it through in his mind.

"I will do it!" shouted an enthusiastic voice.

"Let me try!" shouted another excited voice.

Several superior talents were rushing to undertake the task despite the fact that the man covering the others would very likely die, with almost no chance of escaping. It was a very brave, gallant decision to make.

"Go now! Leave them to me!" shouted a voice. At that point, Darren elbowed his way out and stood in front of the others, hacking at the birds darting at him one by one endlessly.

"No. Darren, your power is too weak to shoulder the task. I will do it!" Tom stated as he hurried to Darren immediately, fighting the birds alongside him with all his energy, to prove he could do it.

"Tom, I assure you that I know how to deal with them!" Darren said, and then he pushed Tom away with one palm. Tom was startled, but Darren was determined.


Darren dashed out surprisingly quickly, with the sword light sparkling along his way, and patches of the black birds trickling down. The contradiction was bizarre.

"This... How did he do that?" asked a voice. All the superior talents were astonished by the scene. However, they all understood that no time should be wasted in wrestling with such issues. Since Darren was able to resist the birds, they ran away while killing the birds until they finally entered the underground cavern. They had finally reached their destination.

They rolled a large rock to block the cave entrance upon their arrival, only leaving a crack to observe Darren's status and to breathe. They felt safe in this cavern. The rocks here were very hard, so they didn't have to worry about the black birds' breaking into the cavern, or anyone else for that matter.

"What fast speed!"

They saw Darren shuttling back and forth among the flock of black birds, slaughtering them, while still remaining unharmed. They knew they had picked the right man for the task right then. "Hasn't his power been suppressed?" Someone was confused.

"I don't think so. His power is just at the Spirit Realm. What he counts on is his fast speed which is a thousand times faster than that of the black birds. Hence, these beasts are not able to catch up with him." Robb immediately saw through the key point, and what was confusing became as clear as day.

In the next two hours, Darren had slaughtered more than a hundred thousand black birds. Their blood reddened the sea, and the bloody smell surged to the sky.


All of a sudden, a monstrous wave peaked, and brought about a terrible aura. It did not bode well.

"Darren, watch out!

It must be the bloody smell that draws the bloodthirsty creature in the sea," one of the superior talents shouted to Darren, as his eyes were transfixed on the sea and what was coming out of it. "Eh?" Darren also noticed the danger behind his back. He promptly dodged it and flew towards the underground cavern where the other superior talents stayed.


Along with the deadly sound, a huge figure ran to Darren with a smash, much faster than Darren.

"Jesus! It's a Water Kylin, a type of legendary beast from the Ancient Ages," one superior talent said in horror, eyes wide open from the terror.

"Even the beast here has acquired more or less the power of the grand warrior. That is too awful," lamented another superior talent, as he clenched his hands in anxiety.

The huge black body was a Water Kylin, whose power was even stronger than that of the grand warriors outside.

Presently, compared with the superior talents whose powers had been repressed, the Water Kylin was like a Genuine God. They had never seen anything like it before nor were they likely to see it again in thei lives.

Having sensed the wind from behind him, Darren also panicked, and got scared of its speed and power. Instantly, he was shrouded in a shadow of death. He felt suffocated and couldn't breathe. Everything was dark.

"No. Darren is doomed. I never expected that there would be such a powerful monster lurking below the sea. Alas, it's my fault. I should have called him to enter the cavern earlier. Oh god, it's my fault. Darren!" Robb sighed, blaming himself for Darren's current fate.

Beside Robb, Tom also looked sad, but he could also do nothing to rescue Darren, and felt just as guilty. In this case, no one could survive outside the cavern, so it made no sense to fight the Water Kylin. They might as well be all dead by now anyway.

"I think he deserves to die. He would have escaped if he hadn't flaunted his superiority in killing the black birds. Don't pity him. His death is of his own making," Lenny said in an ironic, bitter tone.

"Lenny, you're a monster!" said a superior talent. "If it hadn't been for Darren covering us, he wouldn't have been in such a dangerous situation. How could you talk like an unconcerned person?" said another superior talent. "Keep your mouth shut, or you are a dead man!" another superior talent threatened Lenny.

"Yes. No more words against Darren, or I will never let you off!" exclaimed another superior talent.

Hearing what Lenny said, all the superior talents became extremely exasperated and agitated. "Stop! Darren is dead,"

Robb lamented, witnessing Darren being hit by the large claw of the Water Kylin. Then Darren disappeared without any sign of survival. It would seem the water had swallowed him. Naturally, except for Lenny, all the superior talents mourned Darren. He defended them so courageously and gave his life to them.

However, this was far from the truth. In fact, Darren was very much still alive. The superior talents just didn't know it yet.

In the drastic moment, Darren crazily generated his spiritual sense, and immediately the force of control opened the Ancient Void Battlefield. Darren knew exactly what he was doing. Even the Water Kylin was stunned at seeing that it failed to capture Darren because of the distraction. As a result, Darren was swept into the sea by huge waves. Nobody had ever escaped the Water Kylin before.

When the Water Kylin realized that Darren had fled, it showed up before Darren in a blink of an eye, being ready to swat him into ashes. To its surprise, Darren was unfazed.

However, a frightful thing happened right then and there. A deep black hole suddenly popped up. It gave out a strong magnetic force that dragged the Water Kylin into it.

Though it could rival the grand warrior, it was sucked into that strange hole at last after a few minutes of struggling.


The whole Ancient Void Battlefield was slightly shaken by the Water Kylin's furious howl.

It attacked the space in all directions, destroying the mountains and cracking the earth, just like an earthquake.

"Humph. You beast, kneel down!" Darren commanded. His voice was like the sound of a god, almost splitting the internal organs of the Water Kylin.

However, Darren was now too weak to activate the force of control to kill it. Even if he didn't consume the force of control before, on the premise that the Water Kylin broke into the Ancient Void Battlefield itself, he still wasn't able to kill it without the dark gold internal force.

The force of control worked only within this small world. In other words, Darren was unbeatable for the creatures confined to the Ancient Void Battlefield. As to the creatures from the outside world, Darren had to slaughter them with his real power, since they were beyond the force of control.

Actually, the Water Kylin could rival a two-star grand warrior, while Darren only came up to a one-star grand warrior in the Ancient Void Battlefield. Therefore, if they fought against one another, he had no chance to kill it. The outcome would be the same as it was when it was him versus Finley.


Provoked by irrational fear, the Water Kylin never stopped ruining the first space of the Ancient Void Battlefield. It was in shambles.

"Finley, come out! Kill it for me!" Darren shouted coldly. Then a young man in white showed up in the first space.

"Holy shit! Darren, you really are a trouble maker. You even bring me a beast rivaling a two-star grand warrior so soon. What a surprise! What next can I expect from you?" Finley said and grinned. "Don't talk nonsense! It tried to kill me. Now it's over to you," Darren shouted. He had narrowly escaped from the Water Kylin, but now his hatred surged exceedingly high.

"Yes, sir!" Finley calmly smiled, all while darting towards the Water Kylin. As for Darren, he merely flashed near him and watched. ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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