No One But You

Chapter 63 Our Wedding

At my request, my wedding with Brooke and Calvin's wedding with Sophie were held at the same venue.

The wedding was held on a golf course, on the lawn of course, which was very popular these days. I used to dream about it. At that time, I even talked to Daniel that we should save money to hold a wedding like this.

From that point of view, it seemed that marrying a rich man was indeed a good thing because at least money was no longer a matter of concern.

Brooke was driving and I sat beside him. Zofia was in another car because there was no more space in our car.

I rest my chin in my hand, looking at the scenery outside the window and singing.

I barley threw a glance over Brooke. The wind messed his hair about, and his eyes were hard to see. Looked from this angle, he looked very much like Calvin. My heart ached.

If this crazy feeling was the so-called love, then I guessed Daniel and I were not in love at all. Every time I saw Brooke, I would think of Calvin.

Calvin would take me for a drive in the past. He had a similar car like this one. When he started the engine, the convertible just looked very cool. He would sit in the driver seat, one hand on the wheel, another holding mine.

I was happy at that time.

But it was not until now that I started to realize that my time with Calvin was the happiest in my life.

Of course, what I meant was the time with the man, not including the time with my parents and friends. Brooke held my left hand suddenly. I turned around and said, "Let go of my hand. I can offer you excellen performance, but not sexual services."

"What performance can you provide?" Brooke was amused by me. His smiling face made him milder than before.

"I am going to perform a stripper."

Only when I talked nonsense did I feel better.

We arrived at the scene.

A vast green grass. Blue sky. White clouds. Pink balloons. Peach roses. The most beautiful combination of colors ever seen in the world.

"So cheesy." Zofia whispered to me when she got out of the car. I retorted, "It is beautiful. Don't be sour grapes because this is not your wedding."

Beauty can never turn into ugly, and verse vice. Rich men can own all the beautiful things without much effort. Brooke and I walked in hand in hand. Many people came to us to give their congratulations. There was cheering and petals.

Actually we were much late because we headed to the snack bar halfway when I felt hungry.

The hostess was quite surprised seeing a bride wearing a wedding dress eating kebabs there.

Therefore, when we arrived, almost all the guests were there.

Since I was not hungry, I could wander around finding something to eat.

But unfortunately, soon I saw Calvin and Sophie.

Calvin wore a white dress in order to distinguish from Brooke.

Sophie grabbed his hand with her beautiful smile.

But every time I saw her smile, I felt the urge to roll up my sleeves and slap her.

I stopped. Brooke looked at me and asked, "Shall we avoid meeting them?"

"No need." From today, we would be living under the same roof. Anyway, we would meet regularly or frequently. Even if I avoid meeting them today, I cannot avoid meeting them the next time. With head rising and chest lifting, I went toward Calvin arm in arm with Brooke, smiling.

He was talking with others when I went toward him. His expression betrayed him when he saw me. He looked quite surprised. I immediately asked Brooke, "Didn't him know who you are going to marry?" Brooke just simply replied, "I did not tell them in advance. I suppose they will know this today." Fine. Finally I met a person who was far better at pretending than me.

I guessed Sophie did not expect me to be her sister-in-law either. Her eyes widened with surprise. Brooke and I came near to them. I smiled, saying, "How are you? Nice to meet you."

"Josephine?" Sophie murmured. But somehow, she got tongue tied. I guessed she wanted to say something but failed to.

Suddenly I felt the pain from my wrist. It was Calvin. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the other side.

I shook off his hand with calmness, and then said to him, "Just look at those guests. Behave yourself. The younger brother of Knight Family flirts with his sister-in-law in the wedding party. What a catchy title. I would like to write an article about this right now." "Josephine, why would you marry my brother?"

"Because he is my child's father. Don't you know?" His expression told me that he had no idea of this.

He looked at me with a look I was not familiar with.

I felt uncomfortable. I did not like the way he looked at me.

He looked at me for a long time and then smiled.

"I was wondering who has the charm to let my brother break up with his ex and get married only four days after. It is you."

I smiled, "Yes. I did this by means of pregnancy. I wondered since I cannot be your wife, I can still be your brother's wife. No difference."

"Do you really think there is no difference?" "So, do you really want to marry me or is it just a lie so that you can better protect your love of life? If you want to marry her, just marry. If you cannot persuade you family, just give up. But you are not willing to give up. And you do not want to hurt her either. That is why you come to me."

I did not want to talk about these in the wedding ceremony. But his words just irritated me. I tried to lower my voice because there were so many people and media, and I did not want to be the laughingstock of them.

It was a good thing that we stood at the conner. Nobody noticed us so far.

I was standing beside the conner of a swing set. Calvin's figure enveloped mine.

With his hand resting on the wood stake beside the swing, he gazed at me and then asked, "Are you jealous of Bonnie?"

"Not at all." I ground my teeth, saying, "I have never been cheated by anyone before. Daniel is the first one and you are the second. You and he are such a piece of junk. Let me tell you why I choose to marry Brooke. That is because I want you to see me at any time and any place. I want you to feel uncomfortable whenever and wherever possible."

After saying this, I shouldered him away.

Generally, there was only one reason when a woman took vengeance on a man on purpose. That was because she once loved that man dearly.000

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