Nephilim and the Nun

Chapter 8: •Escape plan—2•


I stepped out of the cell, ready to take my chance. But I felt empty as if I wasn't prepared. Something was missing. My palms balled into fists as realization dawned on me.

"The gun". I gritted out.

The woman folded her arms across her breasts, arching one of her brows.

"You weren't expecting me to get you one, were you?". When I remained silent, she asked further; "where was I supposed to get one? I'm a nun not whatever you've conjured up about me".

She was something else but I wasn't going to let the absence of a gun get in my way. I only needed it to be extra prepared.

Stepping out of the cloth she'd been standing on, she folded it neatly, placing it into the paper bag. Thereafter, she cleaned the scissors with my abandoned blood-stained dirty white shirt. Taking the empty bottle of vodka, she hid them in the pocket of her uniform. Her eyes scanned the entire cell to make sure there was nothing unusual lying around.

"You'll take the other end of the basement". She pointed towards the direction father Elliot usually came from. "It leads to a dark tunnel and also has a passageway to father Elliot's office". She paused to get a small flashlight from another pocket of her uniform that she handed to me. "When you get through that door, there's a rusty iron gate to your left, it's not locked. Push it open. That's the tunnel. But be careful. I'm not entirely sure but there might be a guard there. Since you arrived here, this place has been heavily guarded".

"Thank you for the information and your help".

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you".

Giving me no opportunity to ask what she meant, she turned on her heels, leaving me by myself to carry out my mission. Without wasting further time, I moved silently yet hastily towards the door she'd pointed out. I prepared myself for whatever might be at the other side before grabbing the handle and pulling it open as quietly as I could.

Luckily for me, there was nothing unusual. The darkness engulfed me but my night vision immediately came to my aid. Using my night vision instead of the flashlight was a better idea. It would prevent whoever was at the end of the tunnel she'd mentioned from noticing me.

Through the darkness, my eyes located the old rusty gate she'd mentioned. Opposite the gate was a dark hallway that must lead to the priest's office. With that knowledge came the realization that I had to be extremely quiet to avoid alerting the priest. The dark hallway would no doubt reverberate any loud noises.

Creeping towards the rusty gate, I gave it a light push but it didn't bulge. Again, I tried, pressing my palms against the rusty iron to push it but it only made a low creaking noise. I stopped for a while, listening for other sounds in the dark but my ears picked up no sounds. Taking my heart in my hands, I applied my force to push it till it was wide opened, ignoring the noises it was making.

Thereafter, I stayed silent for a while, waiting to see if anyone heard the sounds but no one came. With that, I forged ahead, more determined to make it out of the basement. Moving in the darkness, my night vision was my only source of light. I crept deeper into the dark tunnel till I saw a little ray of light. But with the light came the steady heartbeat of a human.

There was a guard at the end of the tunnel.

I halted my steps at the realization. The guard was definitely with a gun. My physical strength and abilities were my only weapon. It was either I take him unawares or get shot at which would jeopardize my entire mission.

Slowly, I moved towards the rusty gate at the end of the tunnel where the guard was standing with his back to me. With just a few steps away from the gate, I stopped moving.

Attacking him was a dangerous decision. I needed to manipulate him but to do that, his eyes needed to stare into mine. It was a good thing the tunnel was dark.

Taking a few steps away from the gate, I stood still and let out a slow whistle. As expected, he turned sharply, facing the tunnel. In the darkness of the tunnel, before he could turn on his flashlight, my eyes found his, hypnotizing him.

I mentally commanded him to open the gate and step Into the tunnel. He did, without uttering any words. He was more like a puppet under my control.

"Seat here". I whispered.

He obeyed immediately, crouching to sit on the floor. As soon as he sat, I induced sleep into him. In a short while, he was snoring away while I walked out of the tunnel, into the darkness of the night.

Freedom seeped into the pores of my skin, almost bringing a smile to my face but I needed to leave the church environment. Stepping a little farther from the back of the church where I'd emerged, I closed my eyes with only one destination in mind.


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