Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Chapter Chapter Six

Danica sat nervously with Herty at the Hospitals reception. It was one of the most expensive private fertility hospitals in Mexico. Doctor Jeff owned the hospital and worked there as well. After speaking with Loney on the phone, his heart broke. Sometimes, he couldn't understand Loney's ways. Initially, he advised Loney to get married but he blatantly refused. A few years ago when Loney proposed surrogacy, Jeff tried his best to discourage him but Loney's mind was already made up at the thought of it.

It ached his heart at how much money Loney wasted every year on these surrogates. Therefore, when Loney decided to end it with them, Dr. Jeff was secretly pleased. However, when he received Danica's application, her details seemed genuine and with a little investigation, he knew Danica had no link with Ray. With that satisfaction, he decided to persuade Loney to try for the last time. He slightly wished that Loney would have what makes him happy but with his current terms, Jeff regretted having made the suggestion.

Jeff was embalmed with some form of guilt when he called Danica to his office. Danica walked in with Herty, which made him nervous.

"Which of you is Danica?" Jeff tried to confirm among the two, even though he could already tell from the picture. Danica spoke.

"It's me. This is my friend, Herty," she said nervously.

Jeff was calm and said, "Alright but can your friend excuse us for a moment? I want to discuss something confidential with you. If you want to tell her later, then that is fine but, per our hospital standards, terms of confidentiality must be respected."

Herty didn't wait and excused herself. "I will wait at the reception," she mumbled, leaving the nervous Danica all by herself. Jeff indicated to a chair in front of him. Danica sat nervously, as her eyes moved around the office, settling on the gynecological examination table. Her heart sank, as her knees felt weak. She saw the small monitor close to the bed, and a large LED TV on the wall.

"Danica, my name is Doctor Jeff Miller, I'm a gynecologist and also the owner of this hospital. I saw that your screening test was good and called you to sign the contract to begin the health process but our client has changed the terms of the agreement, and I thought you should be aware before you sign the contract." Jeff's voice drew her attention from her surroundings, as a confused glare clouded her. "What are the terms?" She asked with her brows knitted.

Jeff swallowed hard on his saliva and said, "first of all, this should have been done by the agency but I am doing it because the client happens to be a friend and has entrusted me with this responsibility. The donor is not going to use a donated egg. He wants yours, which means,"

"That it's going to be my baby too?" Danica snickered before Jeff completed his speech. She had begun reading about this surrogacy thing and planned on being a gestational surrogate, so she wouldn't have any ties to the child but Jeff's option meant that the client wanted a traditional surrogate which Danica had not considered herself to be.

"Exactly," Jeff confirmed.

Danica paled, her heart sank, her voice was a low shrill, "but, that's not fair. I can't walk away from my child."

Jeff's expression darkened. He didn't know why he felt slightly saddened.

"That is the reason why you have to think critically about this. He is ready to pay double the amount because of the requested sacrifice but there is also another odd condition," he said reluctantly. Danica didn't know what could be worse than losing her child in a contract. "And that is?" She asked doubtfully.

"Your employer doesn't want artificial means for the process because he deems it as slow and not hundred percent reliable. The process must be natural," Jeff said, looking away. He couldn't meet Danica's eyes at the proposition.

Danica fumbled for the right words, "Wait..what are you saying?" She asked dejectedly.

Jeff gathered his courage and said firmly, "You have to avail your body sexually once every month till you are tested positive."

Danica clenched jaws and said with gritted teeth, "that is outrageous," Danica unconsciously slammed the table, before running her fingers through her brunette hair in frustration.

Jeff empathized with her, "I agree."

Danica was frustrated and sat back in the chair. She wondered what kind of couple would use this means for a baby. "Isn't he married?"

"No," Jeff abruptly said.

Danica felt more angered and confused. 'What could a single man want a child for? And how was he going to raise this child?'.

The questions pinching her mind were endless. "Then why does he want a child? What would he do with the child?"

"I don't have answers to those questions, Danica. He also said that he wasn't desperate." Jeff firmly said.

Danica had to weigh the options critically and she didn't have much time. One thing was certain, that her life would never be the same again if she went ahead with this process. She would either be like Daniella or even worse and she wasn't ready to sacrifice her fate.

"What other options do you have?" Her eyes were glowing with expectation, as she threw the question to Jeff.

"A lot more, but their pay is nothing compared to this and you specifically applied for this one. He had withdrawn from the request because he was duped by his previous surrogates. I convinced him to accept you and he decided to change the terms," Jeff explained.

Danica rubbed her temple with her hands, a nasty headache creeping in. "How much is he paying?" She asked Jeff.

"With his previous surrogates, it was five million but for you, ten." Danica wasn't moved by the amount Jeff mentioned. To her, it was all vanity. All she wanted was to pay off Daniella's debt. Once that is done, she could continue with her simple life. Therefore 2.5 million was enough. She didn't need the rest. If she could get a couple who would pay that much and go by gestation, she won't need to accept these ridiculous terms.

"What about the others?" She asked hopefully but was bathed with disappointment when Jeff responded.

"The highest is five hundred thousand dollars and the lowest is two hundred thousand. Will you like to discuss this with someone? Maybe your friend?"

Her last strand of hope was cut off. There was no way Daniella would be free if Danica chose a different person. Their pay was too low but that was the normal pay for surrogates. This was the best deal at the moment but also the most terrible. She felt like a caged bird.

"No, this information is confidential," she muttered sadly.

"Which only means that you have made your decision. What is it then? Will you be my client's surrogate?" Jeff asked with mixed feelings.

"What's his name?" Danica thought that maybe if she knew the person, it might make it better or perhaps, re-negotiate the terms but that bit of hope was also crushed with Jeff's next response.

"I can't give that information. You would have to find out when you see him yourself. So what do you say? Will you sign the contract?" Jeff asked for the third time since Danica seemed to be in a daze...

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