Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Chapter Chapter Fourteen


Daniella's face was drained of colour. Her mind went on a rampage of a search for reasonable answers. "Well, I....I stopped going to work because I don't remember how to cook," she wasn't sure whether Jones believed her and waited eagerly for his response.

Jones was deep in thought, remaining expressionless. However, he astonished Daniella with his response. "I see. I will help you."

"Wait, you cook also?" Daniella grimaced excitedly. She was very comfortable around him, her trust increasing each time like a ball of fire.

"You taught me how to cook," Jones shrugged and continued. "At the shelter, during the times we ran short of cooks, you never allowed the homeless to go hungry, no matter how exhausted you were from work, I was always there to help and you taught me a lot," Jones recalled. "I'm just returning a favour," he winked. Jones was trying his best to make Daniella, who he thinks to be Danica, remember her past. He had been friends with Danica for ages and they have taken part in so many youth programs together.

He always felt that Danica was the love of his life and wanted to propose marriage when the time was right. They shared so many common interests and principles that even Danica felt that they were meant to be together. However, Jones had never confessed his feelings openly to Danica and intended to do so with a proposal, followed by marriage. He slightly regretted not telling Danica his true feelings when Herty told him that Danica had lost her memory. Therefore, he was determined to do all her favourite things to help restore her memory.

Daniella's lips curled into a smile, "Okay, thank you."

Jones dropped Daniella at home and again, he never showed any form of intimacy. Daniella was beginning to feel that he was gay. However, Jones had his principles. He always believed that the first time should be magical and that should be after marriage. He was just looking for the right moment to propose and he didn't want to do it at a time when Danica had lost her memory.

At the mansion

It has been two weeks and a day yet, Loney hadn't shown up. Danica's anxiety was becoming unbearable. She was tired of the wait and once again, decided to put her shame aside and confront Paul. Paul was pressing up in the gym when Danica barged in. Somehow, Danica found solace in having someone to convey her frustration to the supposed parent. Paul intentionally ignored her, knowing that she was going to nag him. He couldn't understand the reason why he should be at the receiving end of Danica's frustration while Loney relaxed elsewhere. "It's been two weeks, Paul, two weeks and a day. Where is he?" Danica was solemn.

Paul stood up bare-chested, as Danica looked away. He ambled around her to pick his shirt. "He will come when he is ready."

"No. I don't want that excuse anymore. Now it's one month. By the contract, he is supposed to be here. Tell him that if he doesn't come tonight, I will release myself of the liabilities of the contract and leave. I need the feedback in the next fifteen minutes or else, I will begin with the preparations."

Paul heaved helplessly. He pulled out his phone and called Loney as soon as Danica left.

"What did she say this time?" Loney seemed to be expecting Danica's message when he asked.

Paul didn't hide the frustration in his voice, "you should be here tonight or she would relieve herself of the contract."

Loney was upset with her threat to leave. He felt that she was eager to fulfil her obligation and leave him after having captured his heart all these years. Instantly, his expectation was split up. "I would be there tonight but don't tell her."

"Wait a minute. Can you stop coming in the night like a bat? I never got to see you the last time."

"See you soon, Paul." Before Paul could utter another word, Loney had ended the call. He went to find Danica to convey the message. Whichever way, despite Loney telling him not to tell Danica, he couldn't contain her constant nag.

"Ah-ha, what did he say?" Danica grimaced. She wondered why Loney would only come when she threatened. Wasn't he supposed to be more eager than her? Who needs a baby here? "He will be here tonight."

A wave of relief flashed Danica, as she said, "Thank you. With this knowledge, Danica intended to stay awake till Loney arrived. She also prayed that this time around, she would be able to get pregnant to ease her daily anxiety. However, Loney stayed in his office and watched from his IPAD, the CCTV camera, secretly installed in Danica's room. He saw her yawn from exhaustion before he began his two-hour journey to the mansion. It was midnight when he got there and everyone was asleep except a few guards.

Even Mabel couldn't see him this time. She had long lost to the sooth of sleep. Loney went to his room to have his shower and confirmed on the CCTV that Danica was asleep before he stepped out of his room. Since she had been waiting for him, her light was still on. Loney sensed that Paul had betrayed him by telling Danica about his arrival. It was the only reason why she would refuse to sleep. He turned off the light as soon as he stepped into the room, and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

After a minute, he strode to the bed. This time, he had in mind to leave some traces for Danica to remember when she woke up, and to also embarrass her enough to stop her from threatening to leave. He took off his pyjamas and ambled to the bed. His reason for the darkness was the fact that, even when she wakes up, she will not recall his face.

Loney sat on the bed, he pressed his body on hers, and took his hand, and brought it under her dress. She was not wearing panties. His hand felt the warmth of her hole. It was deep, warm, and very wet. His fingers were all but soaked inside, as he continued to push in and out of her.

A moan escaped Danica, Loney was hard from her wetness and undressed her. Her whole body tingled, the feel of his frame resting on hers as his arms wrapped around her. He pulled her in, claiming her mouth, hungry and intense until her knees gave in. She spread her hips wide apart but Loney did not enter her immediately.

He kissed down her neck, trailed the tips of his index and middle fingers from one shoulder to the dip in the centre, lingering to swirl in a slow motion. Then he moved his mouth over the nipple and sucked, using his breath to warm the area.

His erection grew larger and harder. He felt he was about to burst wide open. It was the strangest sensation, something that went beyond simple sexual pleasure. He wanted to permeate her hole with his manhood but he held himself. Slowly he used his tongue to pleasure her clitoris, working her through to orgasm.

Danica woke up midway, her body was on fire, her eyes remained closed. Her body shook from her release but Loney didn't stop. He held himself from penetrating, satisfying himself with her taste in his mouth.

He moved his lips to her neck sucking deeply, to make sure he left some hickeys. He had in mind that even if Danica forgot everything in the morning, the hickeys should be enough proof. Therefore, he left them at visible places, for everyone to see that he had done his job. He recalled the words Daniella used on him when he asked her on a date and was determined to give her the pleasure that would keep him engrossed in her mind.

His lips found her nipples again, as he sucked and flicked, making her moan louder and louder. He inserted another finger inside her, which was covered with her wetness. His lips thinned into a smile and he wanted to taste her again. He kissed her down her navel, his tongue filled her hole again. Danica's moans grew louder, encouraging his actions till she had her release the second time.

A smile of satisfaction caressed him, as he lifted himself off her. Loney feared for Danica getting pregnant. He feared that he wouldn't get the chance to touch her anymore if it happens. Therefore, he proceeded no further. Pleasuring her to orgasm was enough for him. He didn't care about his own satisfaction.

He dressed up, covered Danica with her blanket, as he savoured her taste in his mouth. Loney refused to plant his seed this time. He dressed up and just like the first time and left the mansion.

The next morning, Paul woke up with a text message on his phone. It was from Loney. 'What kind of bodyguard sleeps like you? Anyway, I've done my part. Tell her that I said I have left her a mark of my presence."

Paul did not immediately understand Loney's words. When the meaning gradually triffled him, he wanted to curse Loney. He tried to understand his reason for treating Danica this way. Wasn't she just a surrogate? What made her different from the others. Paul waited in the dining room for Danica to come down but it didn't happen after two whole hours.

He mustered courage and went to knock on Danica's door. Danica was still asleep when she heard the knock on the door. She woke up groggily, realizing that she was naked. She didn't have time to analyze everything and slipped on her nightie. She dashed toward the door and was surprised to be met by Paul.

Paul was speechless when he saw Danica. Her exposed neck and shoulder were covered in Hickeys. Even her cheeks had a few. Paul scrutinized Danica pathetically and cursed Loney in his mind. Whichever way, he didn't have the nerve to pass the message. He figured that Danica would know it when she saw herself in the mirror. Therefore, he seized the opportunity, to escape another rage of nag from her. Meanwhile, Danica's eyes had cleared, expectation of the reason for Paul's presence covered her face in anticipation. "What's the problem?" She questioned him wide-eyed.

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