My Wife Act Differently Behind Me

Chapter 3266

Chapter 3266

lan hinted that if the problem took place in San Joto, the only person capable of such a move would likely be Jared.

"It's gotta be him," Lawrence scoffed, his tone icy.

Despite the uncertainty of the situation, the list of people in San Joto with both the ability and the motive to strike against him was short, and Jared's name was at the top.

"Could it be that Jared has discovered something?" lan pondered, worrying they might have exposed their plan.

Lawrence, deep in thought, suggested, "Or maybe we've been under surveillance without knowing it."

He considered that Jared's precise capture of his men indicated prior knowledge, regretting his own oversight while he was busy with his plans.

"What do we do now?" lan asked, realizing that if Jared had caught on to their plans, their next moves might be compromised. Plus, with their team missing, their strategy was in shambles. Bringing in new people was risky, especially with Jared possibly watching, and time was not on their side.

Lawrence gritted his teeth, a cold determination in his eyes.

Just then, there was an urgent knock at the door.

"Come in," Lawrence snapped, his tone sharp and impatient.

The secretary entered, looking pale, and said, "Mr. Royce, we have a problem." "What's going on? Give me the details," lan demanded, frustration evident in his voice.

"The stock price has suddenly dropped, and we don't know why," the secretary said, trailing off.

lan turned to Lawrence. "I'll look into this, Mr. Royce."

The sudden drop in stock price seemed too suspicious and perfectly timed to be a coincidence.

"Hmm," Lawrence replied calmly, though inside, he was seething. He was certain these events were orchestrated, likely by Jared.

After lan rushed out, Lawrence sat back, his eyes fixed on the clock. It felt like ages before lan returned, looking tense. "Mr. Royce, it's bad. We might...

"Spit it out," Lawrence interrupted, sensing lan's hesitation, his impatience clear.

"Someone's sabotaged US. It's serious. We could be bankrupt in three days, " lan said, his face drained of color.

The speed of their downfall hinted at a formidable adversary, intent on their destruction.

"Jared Johnston," Lawrence said, his voice deliberate.

He didn't need an investigation to know; he was sure it was Jared.

Jared was pushing him out, forcing him to abandon San Joto and destroying his influence in the city.

"What's our next move? We're running low on options, and the company's in a tailspin," Ian said, his worry palpable. Without a quick fix, their business could collapse, leaving them no choice but to leave San Joto with their tails between their legs.

'We could retreat to Mecrounia, but that would mean giving up on everything Mr. Royce has built here. Would he be okay with that?'

Lawrence glanced at lan. "Any progress with the investigations?" he asked.

lan was surprised by the question. 'Why is he focused on that now? We all know Jared's behind it. Whether the investigation finds anything or not doesn't change that.' "This couldn't have been just Jared's doing. Find out who else is involved," Lawrence ordered, his voice calm but with a dangerous edge.

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