My Two Alphas

Chapter 8

Only this time her hand didn't connect, instead I saw Ace grab her wrist just before she struck me again. “Pregnant or not I will break your fucking arm if you strike her again” He growls at her and I rub my lip with my thumb to find it bleeding.

Ryker growls and I feel his aura rush out at the threat against his mate, my mother. Ace and Tyson are able to resist it slightly being family but me, it dropped me on my ass, my teeth clenched so tight I thought they would break as I screamed at the sudden agony before the command drops and my father grips my arms.

“Damn Lucy, I am sorry. It wasn't directed at you” He says gripping my arms, hauling me upright while I try to catch my breath.

My mother glares at me but says nothing.”Everyone needs to cool off, Lucy go with Tyson and Ace, till your mother calms down”

“Are you fucking insane, she can't go with them after what they just told us?” My mother screams at him and he glares at her. My father never ever denies her anything, or goes against her. He can usually persuade her but never directly tells her what to do but today I could see she really got under his skin.

“Lucy is going with Tyson and Ace and that is final, you had no right to lay a finger on her, I don't care what she did, she is our fucking daughter” He yells at her while pointing to me.

I flinched away from his sudden anger which I was not used to, he was always calm and loving growing up, this was another side of him I was not used to, though I had heard stories of the Lycan king and how cruel he is, but to me he was dad

“Make sure you are home before dark” He says before cutting the mindlink, I could tell he was angry I ran from them, yet I didn’t understand his issue with Mitchell

Home, I wasn't going home. Tyson and Ace may have let me stay with them but I didn't belong there with them. I didn't belong anywhere and everytime I came back, every holiday that I returned, it got more and more startling clear how much I didn't belong. I had no home, mum had built a new life and I was on the outside of it now, not even she wanted me. I would watch her with Rayan, I was so excited when he was born. I even helped deliver him, he was so perfect, so small and I loved him instantly, but mum was so focused on him which is understandable he was a baby, but I got pushed out, bit by bit.

Before realising if it wasn't for me they would be the picture perfect family. I felt like the dirty secret everyone knew about. I had no doubt my parents loved me but sometimes that isn't enough when everyone else looks at you like you don't belong.

Stopping at the river that runs almost a full circle around the city and the borders. I walk through the tree a little further before I stop at the green wooden house nestled amongst the trees, hidden from the road on the other side of the forest, the driveway barely visible.

Mitchells dad was a pack warrior of my fathers pack, all the packs were linked together branching off one another now since the majority of his family ran them now. Stopping out the front, I walk up the verandah stairs. Before I could even knock his mother had opened the door. Her curly red hair framing her heart shaped face. Her green eyes light up when she sees me.

“You're back” She says, opening her arms to me. I always like Merideth, she was always so happy to see me, despite me being a pain in the ass sometimes and getting her son in trouble. I wrap my arms around her slim waist, hugging her tightly.

“You hungry, I am just about to put dinner on if you want to stay for tea?” She says and I nod before thanking her.

“Mitchell, Lucy is here” She sings out to him before walking toward the kitchen off the side of the stairs. I hear footsteps on the floor above. This house was a pole home and was homely, not like the packhouse that was always crisp and clean. This place had character with its exposed rounded beams and fireplaces, family photos hanging on every wall.

“Lucy?” Mitchell says, stopping at the top of the steps, a grin gracing his face showing his perfectly straight teeth. He sweeps his blonde fringe out of his eyes before rushing down the steps toward me. His arms wrapped around me as he lifted me off the ground in a hug, my feet dangling in the air and I hugged him back.

I first met Mitchell when I was playing at the river when I was ten, his family had just been accepted into the pack and I was playing by myself when he came across me, after that we quickly became friends and through primary school were pretty much inseparable, well until we hit highschool, once I left for boarding school our only contact was via phone and video chat, we still spoke every day but it wasn't the same I missed my friend, missed him something fierce.

He had shot right up since I saw him 8 months ago. He was well over 6ft tall and had packed on quite a bit of muscle but was still lean and nowhere near the size of Ace and Tyson. He was built like a warrior, like his father and I knew he would be a great one when he finished school.

“You came back, for good?” He asks, letting me go and placing me back on my feet. 00000000000000

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