My Two Alphas

Chapter 64

Josie POV

I waited at the meeting spot for hours for this idiot to show up. He was supposed to convince the border patrol he was meeting a friend. The sun was coming up and I was becoming annoyed, he was rang hours ago by Jamie and was

supposed to be here hours ago.

Seeing a car coming up the deserted dirt road I move off to the side on alert in case it isn't him. The car stops beside me and I recognise the boy inside to be him. I had met him a couple of times with Lucy while on school holidays but I didn't like him much, he was always so greedy of her attention and that used to irritate me.

He gets out popping the trunk and not saying a word to me, yet his jaw was clenched.

"Get in" He finally says.

"I am not getting in the trunk" I tell him and he growls at me.

"Stay here then, you can't be spotted when I drive over, so the trunk or find your own way in" He snaps at me. It was clear he thought very little of me, I glared at him before climbing in and he slammed the lid down before I even laid down, the trunk door hitting my head and I punched it.

The car starts moving and this jerk wasn't even gentle driving like a maniac when I feel the car move off dirt and onto the road. The drive takes half an hour and I swear he took every corner too fast deliberately when the car came to a halting stop, tossing me against the rear seats.

The trunk opens and he glares down at me.

"Now get out" He spits at me. I get out glaring at him wanting to rip the prick to pieces with the way he is acting. I look around and realize he didn't drop me anywhere near Tyson and Ace's packhouse.

"You are supposed to drop me over there" I tell him.

"No, Jamie said get you over the border. I fucking did that, now fuck off"

"No, you are supposed to help me, what the fuck is your problem?" I demand.

"Maybe I don't like betraying my best friend, I did my part now get before I decide to alert patrols of you being here"

"Like you can talk, preaching about betraying friends" I tell him.

"What the fuck are you talking about besides helping you over I haven't done shit to Lucy, and I would never hurt her, not like you did"

"So you didn't put pictures all over the school of her naked?" I taunt and he growls.

"That wasn't me but the fucking janitor, I just gave him the phone. I didn't know what was on it you bitch, now fuck off away from me. You are nothing but a vile disgusting bitch to take photos of her like that and not try to help her, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Don't for one second think you know me, now help me get to Lucy's or I am ringing Jamie, I don't know what he has over you but it must be something good for you to be going against her and helping him" I watch as his expression shifts from anger to something else, something I couldn't decipher. He looked almost pained before he masks it looking away.

"I did my part, I won't help you do whatever you were sent here to do" He says and I realize whatever Jamie has over him has him conflicted. I knew Lucy and Mitchell were close but I wasn't expecting him to be so defiant about Jamie's orders. "So you aren't going to help me?" He doesn't answer, just heads to the driver's side door.

"I get caught because of you, I will tell them you were involved"

"Go ahead Josie, Lucy is my friend. No one will believe you and if they did, so be it"

"You really don't care, Mitchell. What about Jamie?"

"Fuck Jamie, he has taken enough from me and I am now realizing nothing I do for him is enough, he always wants more, I am out" He says getting in his car.

"You are best listening to him, when this all goes down you want to be on the right side" I yell at him and he tosses the door back open standing and looking over the roof at me. "When what goes down?" I don't answer and he slams his door before walking over to me and gripping my arms so tightly I feel his nails slice through me before I shove him off. "What has he got you doing over here?" Mitchell demands.

"Help me and I will tell you" his lips pull back over his teeth, his canines slipping out.

"I can't wait to see your face when you witness her downfall" I tell him and he chuckles.

"You're here to kill her?" He laughs like he thinks it is hilarious. Though that wasn't my intention right now but once Jamie has tied his daughter to Lucy I get to finish her. Something that made me feel sick but also excited. I couldn't understand the conflicting feeling I was having about it. She was always there for me so why did she have to get involved with my mate. Why did he want her instead of me. I won't lose him, I need him and she is getting in the way of us being together. Mitchell was smiling like he knew something I didn't and it was setting me on edge.

"What?" I ask and he laughs walking back to his car. "Nothing, I was just taking one last look at you, can't say I will miss you but if you think Tyson and Ace will let you hurt their mate, you are delusional"

"By the time they realize it will be too late"

"You keep telling yourself that, you are in for a rude shock because it won't just be them after you, clearly you forget who her parents are, who her family are. You are a mutation and you think you can go up against her family, you are just as delusional as Jamie" He says before getting in his car and tearing away down the road. But I have one way to make Lucy comply, Jamie looked at it wrong. He needs Rayan. I want Lucy gone and my mate back. What better way than to kill two birds with one stone. Lucy would do anything for her brother, he was the same. Now I just needed to get them in the same place at the same time. Piece of cake.

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