My Two Alphas

Chapter 6

When we get close to the packhouse Ace stops looking back at us and Tyrant licks my fingers making them tingle. “You don’t run from us, under any circumstances Lucy and you definitely don't cross into another territory” Ace scolds me. The look he was giving me made me feel like a naughty child. I hated when he looked at me like that.

“Now get in the fucking car while I go grab some clothes” He says storming off and inside. Tyson followed in after him in his wolf form.

I walk toward Tyson black mustang before opening the door and climbing in. I couldnt understand why Alpha Jamie's pack would try to attack me. Something must have happened while I was away. Tyson comes out first climbing in the driver's seat, he doesn't say a word to me and I could feel how angry he was about me taking off. Ace climbs in the front looking over at me.

“Seatbelt Lucy” He says and I huff annoyed before clipping it in and folding my arms across my chest. Tyson reverses out of the driveway and I try not to think about the ass whooping my mother is going to give me.

“Where were you going anyway?" Tyson asks, breaking the silence in the car.

“Mitchell's” I tell him looking out the window.

“You still talk to that fool?” he says

“He isn't a fool, he is my friend. At least he wouldn't hand me over to my mother like you pair are doing” I tell him.

“Like he would have a choice, your mother is Queen no one can go against her and my brother” Ace says.

“You can resist her,” I tell them.

“Yes but we are Lycan descendants like my mother Lucy, but even still your mother is Queen and she can still command us, she just chooses not to since we are her brother inlaws” Tyson says looking in the rearview mirror at me. I looked away, she was going to kill me, I wondered how dad would take it, knowing my stepfather, he would probably think it funny, half the time when my parents fought it was over me and my misadventures.

“Stop worrying Lucy, your mother will completely forget about what you have done, believe me, she will be more preoccupied with killing me and Ace” Tyson says.

“Why, what did you two do?” I ask curiously. Ace I could probably picture getting in trouble and doing something, Tyson however was always so serious these days. He was never like that growing up, I think when he didnt find his mate it changed him. He used to tell me all about mates when I was growing up and I knew he was excited to find his, he was even saving himself for his mate. Which made curious wondering if he was still a virgin, I knew Ace wasn't but Tyson wasn't like Ace I never saw him with another girl growing up, maybe he is gay.

Leaning forward in my seat I ask him.

“Are you gay?” I ask him. Ace laughs at my words and Tyson growls.

“What makes you think I am gay?” He asks.

“Because you are 23 and I just realised I have never seen you with a girl since I was like 11 or 12, I know Ace isn't obviously” The thought of him with Melana irritated me and I wanted to claw her eyes out.

“Ace is just selfish by not waiting and I'm not gay Lucy, I am just saving myself for my mate” He says looking over his shoulder at me.

“So you're still a virgin?” 1 ask him.

“Yes Lucy, he is still a virgin. I hear wanking all the time” Ace tells me and Tyson elbows him before growling at him.

“Why the sudden interest in our sex lives Lucy?” Tyson asks me.

“No, I was just wondering is all”

“Fine, what about yours then have you been saving yourself for your mate?” Ace asks, turning in his seat and looking back at me.

“I don't have a mate, you both know that. I have no wolf so even if I did, I would never recognise him” I tell them, the thought saddened me. I loved the idea of mates but knew I would never find mine unless he found me and told me but no one wants a mutation for a mate.

“Your mate is probably closer than you think Lucy, you will find him” Tyson says.

“Or them!” Ace growls at him, making me furrow my brows at his sudden hostility.

“You still didn’t answer my question, you better not have fooled around with that Mitchell can't stand his arrogant ass” Ace growls at me. I rolled my eyes at him and his over protectiveness, they were like big brothers to me growing up but now things felt different and I suddenly found answering embarrassing.

“No of course not he is a friend” I tell him looking out the window. Their scents were overwhelming in the car, I wonder what cologne they changed to, it smells devine.

I wind the window down getting some fresh air, we were not far from home now and dread was starting to fill me.

“She isn't very good at listening?” Ace mumbles, making me look at him.


“You still didn't answer,” He says.

“Why do I have to?” I ask him

“Well you asked about Tyson's” Ace says and I see Tyson's eyes dart to mine in the mirror. My face heated under his intense gaze forcing me to pull my eyes from his.

“Yes I am saving myself for the mate I don't have, if you must know” I tell Ace and he nods “Good” He says, looking back at the front. I shake my head at his words, did my mother ask them to ask about my non existent sex life? Their curiosity confused me though I was curious about

Tyson's so I suppose it was my own fault for bringing it up.

“So are you going to tell me what you need to tell my mother, I want to know what you did that is going to make what I did, look like nothing” I ask them and they look at each other.

“Nothing yet, but she is going to be pissed off,” Tyson says.

“She will be pissed off at you, she may kill me” Ace says and I thought I saw regret flash across his eyes as he looked at his brother, making me wonder what it was he regretted doing.0000000

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