My Two Alphas

Chapter 48

“Lucy turn around and leave the school now” Mitchell demands.

“I have a meeting, I am just about to get to the centre quad about " I stop talking and freeze as I reach the doors that lead to the quad in the centre of the school. The principal's office was at the back of the school and cutting through the quad was the fastest way there and also the main hangout spot for students.

Tears burn my eyes as I look around horrified. My stomach drops and my heart feels like it is lodged in my throat. I take a step back praying this is some kind of nightmare I am yet to wake up from.

A growl tears out of Ace and everyone runs as Ace starts ripping the pictures down while I stand there in shock. Mitchell comes racing over with a handful of papers like he was trying to pull them down himself and I also notice staff members also trying to rip down the numerous pictures stuck to the walls.

“Lucy, Lucy,” Mitchell says. I shake my head, words failing me as I look around at every wall covered in pictures of me. Writing covering every wall in red paint. Homewrecker. Whore. Slut. Absolutely vile words along with the pictures of that day. I just couldn't figure out how anyone got these photos or who took them but I knew it had to be Josie as I felt my heart sink, twisting painfully in my chest.

Teachers were rushing around trying to rip them down along with janitors as I look horrified at a picture of me running down the corridor barely dressed after Mr Tanner tried to rape me. I knew it was that day from the fact I was clutching my torn shirt to my chest, my bra strap was broken and just the look of pure horror on my face.

There were three different photos including one of him with me shoved over his desk, my skirt shoved up and my face turned away from the person who took the photo. Mr Tanner is standing behind me with his hand pushing my head into the desk, looking at that particular photo it looks like a porn scene from a movie only I know it is actually him trying to rape me, and I also know if the camera was on my face it would see I clearly was not liking what he was doing to me as I struggled to get out of his clutches.

“Why?” Is all that leaves my lips. How could she get photos from inside the classroom yet I could see the photo was taken from the door and the gap where the blind didn’t cover the window fully as I could see part of the blind. I swallow when I see one of me leaving the classroom and my entire boob is exposed, my mascara all streaking my face, and my hair a mess.

I feel sick and bile rises in my throat, everyone has seen them, there were hundreds of prints stuck to the walls and glass windows surrounding the quad.

Mitchell was trying to steer me out of the quad but I was frozen in place and I suddenly fell deaf to my surroundings as I looked around. Everyone stared with their judgmental eyes, seeing their lips moving as they whispered. The worst day of my life on display for everyone to see.

How Josie could take such photos and then say I was lying about what he tried to do, how could she see it as anything other than attempted rape and then photo it and put it up for everyone to see. I blink a few times. I could see Mitchell standing in front of me trying to block me from seeing what she did.

Was this payback for Ace banishing them? Doors swing open all around the quad.

Ryker walks in and shame smashes into me. It is one thing for everyone to see this but my family. I look around and see Jacob and a few other close members in the pack rush in and start ripping them down and I know Ace must have mindlinked them. Students completely disappear as Rykers growls and I feel his Alpha aura rush out in a burst. Mitchell nearly dropping to his knees, and I don't even feel the pain having gone completely numb

“School is over get the fuck out” He booms making everyone run including the teachers leaving only four of Rykers pack members including Jacob and Tyson who had rushed over.

Mitchell was still clinging to me and I realised Ryker hadn't commanded him to leave, though he looked pale from Rykers aura smashing into him.

“Get her out of here” I hear my stepfather bellowed before Ace and Tyson look at me about to come over to me. Realising they were walking in my direction I felt my heart twist painfully in my chest, suddenly facing them after having them see this? I was mortified, ashamed and never had I ever felt so disgusting and weak now everyone has seen it including both my mates. Now everyone has witnessed my horror, witnessed my darkest secret and my most shameful moment. Now everyone knows.

I turned around and ran, not seeing the glass door was closed with my blurry vision as I ran flat out. I crash straight through them, glass cutting into my hands, face and chest as I hit the ground with a thud, my teeth biting into my tongue as my chin smacks the ground yet I still felt no pain, but could taste my own blood filling my mouth, smell the bleeding from my cuts, yet no pain just shame, just humiliation that cut so deep I suddenly wished I would just drop dead so I didn't have to face them.

“Shit lucy” I hear Mitchell shriek but I get up and continue to run, unable to face any of them, not wanting to see the judgement at how I oculd be so stupid to get myself in that situation, how weak I am, but most of all I didn't want to see their pity. It is one thing for them to know what happened but having a glimpse of it sickened me.

“Lucy wait” I hear one of them call but I don't stop, instead running straight out of school.00O0

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