My Two Alphas

Chapter 44

Lucy POV

I woke in the middle of the night to this overwhelming feeling of dread. Sitting up I found myself naked and Tyson was fast asleep pressed against my back. I toss the blanket back before rummaging through the dresser and I grab one of Tysons shirts and slip it on before walking out of the room toward the kitchen. My stomach turned violently making me wonder what was going on with me. My mind was racing and somehow kept going to Ace, I just had a terrible feeling something was going on with him.

I make myself a glass of water before picking up Tyson's phone and see it is a little after 2am. I drink the glass of water before rinsing my glass and placing it on the sink upside down. I then slip down the hall stopping out the front of Ace's bedroom door. I grip the door handle and twist it open. His scent was faint and I couldn't see him in the room. I flick the light on and confirm that he still isn't home. 1 sigh, shutting the light off and closing the door.

I wonder where he is? Maybe he is with Melana and that was the feeling of dread that was consuming me, but then again he now knew I could feel them together so I doubted that, he wouldn't be that stupid and he would know Tyson would lose it and I would reject him if he did. Yet the feeling got worse and I couldn't place it. I just knew it had something to do with Ace. Walking back to Tyson's room, I climb back in bed. I toss and turn trying to get back to sleep, but the sinking feeling in my gut was making me nauseous.

“What's wrong?” Tyson asks sleepily yawning as he rolls into me before tugging me flush against him.

“Have you heard from Ace?” I ask him.

“He still isn't home?” Tyson mumbles and I shake my head.

“He will be fine Lucy, he will come home when he is ready” Tyson says, kissing my shoulder when I suddenly hear the front door open.

“See? He is fine” Tyson mumbles and I hear the front door close before hearing footsteps walking down the hallway. I hear him stop at his bedroom door for a second before he continues and I feel myself relax when I get a whiff of his scent seep into the room before the door is pushed open more. Ace walks in and leans over the bed and I turn my face to look up at him and he jerks back.

“Sorry I didn't realise you were awake” he whispers standing upright. Yet I couldn't explain the immense relief I had upon seeing him, the sickly feeling in my stomach settling now I could see him.

“Why didn’t you come home earlier?” I ask him as he goes to turn around and leave.

“My car broke down, I only just got home” Ace tells me and I nod.

“Were you in my room?” He asks and I realize that must be why he came down to Tyson's room. He could smell my lingering scent in his room when I went to check if he was home yet.

“Yes, I didn't touch anything I was only seeing if you were home” I tell him.

“You can touch whatever you want Lucy” He says turning around again. The moment his back was to me the sick feeling returned.

“Ace?” I whisper and he stops turning back to me.

“Will you stay please?”

“In here with you?" He asks, confused.

“Just for tonight, I just want you close , something feels off” I tell him and I see him bite his lip before he nods. Ace sits on the edge of bed and removes his shoes and his shirt. I move over pulling the blanket back and he lays down and I move closer needing to feel his skin. I suddenly felt worried to let him go like he would disappear. I couldn't explain the feeling but something about Ace scared me like he was leaving me, or maybe it was because Tyson and I were talking about Ace in the shower I wasn't sure. Ace turns his face, pressing his nose into my neck.

“Tyson marked you?” He asks though I could tell he already knew. I don't say anything, not wanting him to get upset and leave.

“Good” He says rolling over and tugging me closer, he kisses my forehead. “I love you Lucy” He whispers, hugging me tighter to him. I drape my arm over him snuggling against him and inhaling his scent. Nothing felt more right than being between both of them, feeling both of them next to me like this is how it is supposed to be and a part of me was sick of denying it.

Ace's hand moves down my side to my hip before moving underneath Tyson's shirt, his hand moving back up and he stops at my ribs. Ace's hand is warm against my skin and he kisses my forehead pulling me closer when I feel Tyson move behind me pressing closer and pushing me impossibly close to Ace. I feel Tyson hand run along my thigh before he lifts my leg draping it over Ace's hip and Ace pulls me closer when I feel Tyson's breath on my neck as he moves before hearing his voice below my ear.

“I know you want him Lucy, it's ok to want Ace. I want you to want him too” Tyson says kissing my mark before sucking on it and making me moan. I feel my eyes roll into my head when I feel Tyson's hand move under his shirt stopping on his brother's hand. He moves Ace's hand to my breast and I feel Ace hesitate before palming it. I wanted them, wanted both of them. Tyson knew that through the bond but also knew I wouldn't do anything about it.

Tyson's hand moves across my stomach before moving between my legs and I feel his erection pressing against my ass, his fingers trailing along the lower half of my stomach yet he doesn't move them lower and I knew he wanted permission despite being able to feel my reaction to him through the bond and I grab his hand moving it between my legs and he groans when he feels how wet I am, completely intoxicated on their scent and senses overloaded as my arousal spills onto my thighs. They were barely touching me and I felt like I was about to combust on just their closeness alone.00O

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