My Two Alphas

Chapter 39

Lucy POV

“Lucy?” Tyson asks as I close the bathroom door. I couldn't wait to get away from there. I was the reminder, the pain that broke my mother and in turn broke myself. I Couldn't stand the guilt on her face, I couldn't stand the guilt I felt towards her. Knowing everyone knew I was to blame sucked. I hated that they all hid it from me, if I had known I never would have come home at all.

“I'm fine Tyson, I just want to shower and go to bed” I tell him. Ace had been silent all night since we left. No one knew what to say or think, what do you say when you know you are the reason someone is so mentally unstable they literally had to kill off a piece of themselves. Sorry doesn't seem like a good enough word.

I hear him still hovering near the main bathroom door, hear his weight creaking the floorboards. “I'm fine go to bed Tyson” I tell him and I hear him sigh before walking off. I turn the shower on and hop in. I washed quickly wanting to go to sleep so this day would be over and done with. Forget for a while that my life wasn't some huge disappointment and overall fuck up. Getting out, I quickly brush my teeth before rinsing my mouth. I chuck on my panties and Tyson shirt to wear to bed before towel drying my hair. When I am done I sneak into one of the guest rooms before climbing on the bed and crawling under one of the covers.

Everyone lied to me, they all pretended nothing was wrong and kept it from me. Rayan even kept it from me. I made sure to lock the door. I just wanted to be alone, alone with my own thoughts. I wondered if I would ever build a relationship with my mother again. How do you build on that when all we seem to do is cause each other pain, we were each other's punching bags and each other's guilt.

My eyes felt like sandpaper and burned from my tears but eventually I succumbed to sleep though. I was woken by a loud banging. I waited for one of them to answer the door, but when the banging got worse I hauled myself out of bed.

Tossing the door open, someone was pounding on the door. I see a post it stuck to the bench and pick it up and read it.

Got an urgent call to the borders, mindlink when you wake.

I place the post it down and the banging on the door gets worse.

“Hold your horses, I am coming” I yell out rubbing my eyes from sleep, my eyes felt so dry and itchy. The banging stops and I open the door only for it to be shoved in the moment it was unlocked. “Good morning to you too” I snap at her. She waves me off while walking in and placing her hands on her hips.

“Ace isn't here” I snap at her rudeness as she just walks in like she owns the place.

“I'm not here to see Ace, I am here to see you" Melana says before walking into the living room and flopping on the couch.

“Seriously, Melana leave. Ace told you to stay away, now leave” I tell her walking into the kitchen. I flick the kettle on and grab a mug down needing coffee.

“Two sugars” She says walking over and sitting on a stool at the bench.

“Did you not hear me tell you to leave?”

“Oh I heard but like I said I am not here to talk to Ace, I am here to talk to you. Now be hospitable” She says. I roll my eyes, grabbing another mug and making coffee.

“Fine, what is it you want to talk about?” I ask her, plastering a fake smile on my face. Fuck if being Luna means smiling at dumb bitches all day I don't want to do it.

“I want you to reject Ace” She says, reaching for her cup and taking a sip. I felt like tossing mine in her face. I didn't know what was going on with Ace and I but I sure hell didn't want Melana to have him.

“Look I get you were with Ace for years but you aren't his mate 1 am” I tell her and she frowns looking down at her cup.

“You have Tyson, why do you need Ace, you don't need both of them, either way you will be Luna?” She says.

“I don't give a fuck about being Luna Melana. Ace is my mate and I am not giving him up because you have a stupid crush on him, get your own mate, better yet maybe beg the one you rejected to take you back” I snap at her.

“I gave up everything for Ace, only to be tossed aside when you come back. I love him, you had no right to come in here and stake a claim on him when you don’t even want him” She says standing up and placing her hands on the bench. I sip my coffee.

“He is my mate Melana, I am not rejecting him” I tell her, also unsure of that answer when Melana decides to get petty.

“Must really grind your gears knowing while you were away at school I was keeping his bed warm and he had no care for you at all, bet it really sucked knowing for 5 years he was screwing me not caring you were his mate, that's how little you meant to him”

“Yep the same way it must suck for you that he tossed you aside after 5 years because he was only fucking you to pass the time not because he actually wanted you" I retort downing the rest of my cup and placing it in the sink.

“Is that all you wanted to speak about Melana because I really haven't got time to listen to you whine about my mate” I tell her, opening the door only when I do I see her car isn't empty. I stare shocked as I look at her before my blood boils in my veins. Josie was sitting in the passenger seat of Melana's car.

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