My Two Alphas

Chapter 36

The first three days were great at home. Mum was in a great mood, and it reminded me of when Rayan was born. I was joined at her hip always wanting to help and I was glad to see mum let me with Ryden. Rayan was just as excited and for three days everything was like when I was kid, we were one happy family. I was excited to have my mother back and I could tell Rayan was too. That excitement dimmed though when I walked into the kitchen. Waking up a little earlier than normal I walk into the kitchen to find Rayan crushing pills with a spoon on a piece of paper before I watch him tip in a cup of coffee. Mum had been complaining that the coffee tasted funny and I thought it odd that Rayan was getting up early every morning to make her morning coffee and now I knew why.

“Rayan?” I whisper yell to him, snatching the bottle of pills off him. He presses a finger to his lips pointing to the roof.

“Does dad know you are doing this?” I ask him and he shakes his head.

“She isn't breastfeeding and I heard the doc tell her she could take them while pregnant so they wouldn't harm Ryden”

“What if she caught you, you don't just go around drugging people Rayan, how long?” I ask him.

“I had no choice, Lucy. Amanda is a monster and" He doesn't finish.

“Dad what Rayan, what aren't you telling me?”

“Dad and the doctors were talking about killing mum's wolf off, making her dormant”

“What? How that doesn't make sense” I tell him.

“By commanding Amanda to never shift, to never come forward again unless dad calls upon her, mum won't be able to shift or speak to her wolf without dad, but the pills are working, they didn't work before but they are now” Rayan tells me.

“So dad thinks she just got better, what are you going to do when you run out of pills?” I ask him and I knew instantly with the way he looked at me.

“You were going to get me to get them off Tyson” I tell him and he nods and I sigh. I look at the bottle and see they are the same as mine but a way stronger dose.

“You need to tell dad Rayan, he will go ballistic if he finds out you were keeping this from him for too long” I tell him and he nods.

“1 will tell him tonight I promise, but I just wanted our family back together, I wanted mum back” He says tears are brimming in his eyes and I pull him to me. He wraps his arms around me and I kiss the top of his head.

“I know buddy, so do I” I tell him before grabbing a teaspoon and putting an extra teaspoon of sugar in it. Rayan looks at me.

“I heard mum say yesterday the coffee tasted funny to dad” I tell him and he nods before taking the mug and the plate of toast up to her.

I follow him up and watch as he gives it to her, she thanks him and asks if I can take Ryden and change him. I nod, picking him up out of his bassinet and Rayan slips out of the room. I change Ryden and turn around to find her passed out asleep. I quickly move to remove the mug from her fingers before she tips the scolding coffee on her lap and place it on the bedside table with her toast. Using one arm to cradle Ryden I pull the blanket up under her chin before grabbing his bottle and walking downstairs.

“Did she drink it?" Rayan whispers.

“She fell asleep

Before she could” I tell him and he appears to be worried. I knew those pills had to be taken at the same time everyday, but if I woke her and insisted she drink she would be suspicious.

“Tell dad when he gets home” Rayan nods and I walk into the living room and settle on the lounge deciding to let mum sleep while she can. I knew she was exhausted, I heard mum and dad up during the night constantly, sleep wasn't something they were getting much of.

Mum must have been tired because she slept nearly all day. Rayan and I both watched Ryden taking turns at feeding him while I did all the nappy changes because Rayan gagged when he tried to change a dirty diaper. I laughed before taking over. Hearing movement upstairs Rayan looks up.

“Mum is up” He says pausing the movie we are watching. He gets up.

“I will go let her know Ryden is down here and see if she needs anything” Rayan says I nod to him. Ryker mindlinked us earlier saying he was bringing dinner home and should be home soon. I hear Rayan walking up the steps before his feet stop and I could hear the worry in his voice as he spoke.

“Amanda?” He says and I get up with Ryden in my arms. I hear a growl making me move quicker when I hear Rayan running down the stairs. Mum's voice carrying through the house.

“You took him” She growls at him just as I reach the corner of the living room and turn into the foyer. Rayan almost ran into me.

“Mum you okay?" I ask her. Rayan was right, this wasn't mum, but Amanda and she stops her head cocking to the side as she looks at me before her eyes dart to Ryden in my arms. Her claws slipping from her fingertips.

“Get dad or Jacob here” I mindlink Rayan as she takes a predatory step toward me.

“You would betray me like this son and give your own brother to them after what they did” Amanda snaps at Rayan who cowers behind me. I swallow this was not my mother and I had never seen Amanda like this before.

“Mum what are you talking about, I have Ryden right here, see he is safe” I tell her trying to calm her, but her eyes were wild her aura slipping pout slightly and I fight the urge to whimper when I feel Rayan hand on my back, his own aura so much weaker then hers but keeping me up as I become trapped between.

“Give him to me” Amanda snarls at me.

“He is safe mum, I have him look” I tell her not wanting to give him to her while her claws were extended and canines protruding, her entire body was raging with anger and she could hurt him and Rayan must have had the same thought when his voice flitted in my head.

“Give me Ryden, dad and Jacob are on their way” He says.

“You are exactly like your father, I knew you would be like him, a fucking monster luike him, I wont let you take him form me” Amanda growls and I pass Ryden to Rayan just as my mother lunges at me.0OO

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