My Two Alphas

Chapter 3

Lucy POV

Getting out of the car, my mother was going to kill me. After nearly 5 years and only coming home on holiday breaks, I had finally pushed too many buttons and they kicked me out of school.

My father sent Jacob to get me from Avalon City, a lot of us mutations had trouble fitting in with Pack wolves so Avery and Aamon they were alright for demons. Opened a boarding school for us, most of us were more comfortable around our own kind, yet I couldn't even see it out, another thing I failed at. I only had three more months and I would be 18 and finished with school. She was going to kill me especially after all the begging and pleading it took for her to let me go, only for me to fail.

"Best get it over with Lucy, the longer you hold out the worse it will get” Jacob tells me before shutting my door and pushing me toward the front door. I looked up at the packhouse which is also my home, yet the thought of facing her had me wanting to run. I see the front door open and chicken out. "Nope, catch you later Jacob” I shrieked before taking off.

"You gotta come home sometime Lucy can't run from me forever” I hear my mother yell to me as I dart off.

"Just let her go Jacob, I will deal with her when she gets home" I heard my mother call to Jacob as he tried to catch me.

Yep, I am not coming home, I thought to myself. Breaking through the treeline, I head to my safe place, my home away from home. Tyson and Ace, they are always on my side and I may just play on that a little. It took me twenty minutes before I hit the border of their pack as I raced through the forest.

Crossing over it, three wolves jump out blocking me, always watching the borders there is no sneaking in around here. I am yet to successfully sneak onto the territory. Ace and Tyson had the place locked down like fort knox.

One of the wolves shifts back the grey one with a white ear and I look up and recognise him instantly as one of their Beta's. Tyson and Ace have two being there are two Alphas of this pack.

"Lucy, your back," Chris says, a little shocked. Obviously my father hadn't told anyone about my return, probably in case mum murdered me, good thinking dad! Chris was taller than me, then again most were, thanks to mum for the short genes! When mum got hit with the short stick the fates must have thought it funny to whack me with the whole damn tree, I think to myself. Chris covers himself with his hand and I raise an eyebrow at him. His long dark hair falling loosely down his back.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, where is Tyson and Ace?" I ask him.

"Packhouse" 1 go to step around them when Chris steps in my way blocking me. I look up at the huge burly man and fold my arms across my chest and he smirks. “Always up to mischief, it is going to get you in trouble one day” He smirks.

“Ha me? I'm not trouble but if you don’t move Chris trouble may find you" I tease.

"Maybe a phone call would be good first Lucy, they didn't realise you would be back" he says crossing his arms across his chest while my eyes dart down. He quickly realises his mistake before dropping his hands to cover himself again and I chuckle at him as his face heats. He was around Tyson and Ace's age but I could tell I was making him uncomfortable.

"Since when do I need to call ahead, move Chris" I tell him and he sighs motioning to the other two to get out of my way. They followed me to the packhouse.

“I know where they live, you don't need to follow me Chris"

"I know just making sure you don't go off anywhere else, we been having issues with Alpha Jamie" he says and I turn around to face him.

“Alpha Jamie, since when is that anything new?” He shrugs and I look back up at the Pack house before turning to tell him to go only to find him gone already with the other two Wolves. I walk up the porch steps before hearing a moaning sound.

Looking out at the driveway, I see Melana red Suzuki swift and roll my eyes. I knew it shouldn't irk me but it does. Melana has been on and off with Ace for years now, I used to be friends with her but I couldn't stand the woman now.

She is Josey's sister, who was my friend still but Melana was also 5 years older than me and the same age as Ace and Tyson. Jumping off the porch, I walk around the side of the house stopping at Ace's window. His curtain was wide open and I could see the bitch jumping up and down on him like he was a pogo stick. I duck down when she looks toward the window. Covering my mouth as I snickered. Walking out back, I go to the shed looking around, my eyes lighting up when I see brake fluid on the shelf.

Grabbing it, I also find some white paint and grab that too. Fine she won't leave, I will make her. I think to myself as I walk back to the front yard. I tip the brake fluid on her car, squirting it on her paint knowing it will destroy it and eat the paint away. I toss the bottle before grabbing the tin of white paint and walk up the porch steps while undoing the lid with my claws. The front door suddenly opens and I hide the tin behind my back. Tyson stopped in his tracks when he saw me. A look of confusion crossing his gorgeous face

"Lucy?" He seems shocked but damn does he smell good. They have always smelt nice but his scent was mouth watering good, and so much stronger then I remembered. I hadn't seen them since last christmas so it had been a good 8 months, but damn he looked better than ever.0000000O

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