My Two Alphas

Chapter 29

I couldn't remain still. Rayan had sneakily left the mindlink open to me so he could tell me what's going on. He also told me he didn't tell me straight away because dad and mum were watching him like a hawk. I didn't get it and Rayan didn't either. Neither of us could understand why I wasn't allowed to come.

“I don't get Amanda anymore, she is different and doesn't even want me here. They nearly had to sedate mum to get her to the pack hospital” Rayan tells me.

Mum hated the hospital I knew that much, she refused doctors or anyone in lab coat. “Let me know when she has him” I tell him

“Of course Lucy you will be the first person I tell” He says just as excited but I could hear his worry.

“I will let you go, it has been hours and you must be getting tired holding the link open for so long” I tell him.

“Ok, I will mindlink as soon as I know what's going on" he says before cutting the link.

“No baby still” Ace asks where he was watching me pace. I shake my head.

“Lucy sit down, rest for a bit,” Ace says, patting the spot next to him. I look at him.

"Lucy come sit, sitting down with me doesn't mean you have to forgive me. Just rest Rayan will tell you when your brother is born" Ace says just as Tyson walks out of his bedroom, his hair still wet from having a shower.

“Any news?” Tyson says though I couldn't tear my eyes away from his exposed chest and abs and the deep V-line that escaped into the waistband of his sweatpants.

“Lucy?” Tyson says and I shake my head.

“What?” I ask.

“I said is there any news” I shake my head looking away from him to find Ace smirking at me before he shakes his head. My cheeks heat knowing he just busted me checking his brother out, while Tyson seemed oblivious thank god.

“Hungry, what do you want to eat?” Tyson asks, walking past me and into the kitchen.

“Pretty sure she wants to eat you" Ace says and I turn to glare at Ace.

“What? You were the one eyeing him like he was a piece of meat” Ace says before shrugging. While my face got hotter with embarrassment.

“Leave her alone Ace” Tyson snaps at him behind me and Ace growls at him. I watched his eyes glaze over and knew Tyson was probably arguing with him through the link. I sit down on the couch before grabbing my bag and rummaging through it for my pills. I had to take them with food so it would be best to take them now since Tyson is cooking.

Finding them, I get up and grab a bottle of water from the fridge before taking it. Tyson eyes me and I sit up on the counter watching him get ingredients to make whatever it is he is making.

“How long have you been on those?” Tyson asks, looking at the bottle.

“Um, since I went to boarding school” I tell him.

“So you have been taking them for six years?” he asks and I shrug. I hear movement behind me before looking over and seeing Ace lean on the counter behind me. He grabs the bottle looking at them.

“These are mood stabilisers and sedatives, who would give these to a 12 year old without parental permission?” Ace asks.

“You forget, the moment I went to school, my parents signed guardianship over to the school, Avery took me” I tell him.

“Avery did?” Tyson asks.

“Well she does own the school and she said it would get worse, said they would help”

“What would get worse?” Ace asks and I shrug trying to find a way to explain it.

“The pain, it's hard to explain it wasn't really pain but wasn't not pain, just debilitating, I don't know, anyway I started sleepwalking and my bloodlust got worse because of it. I attacked Aamon one night, demons do not taste very nice” I tell them

“You bit Aamon?” Ace says before chuckling.

“Yeah apparently I was sleepwalking, he woke me not realising, anyway I came to with my teeth in his arm, he tasted burnt” I tell him remembering the gross taste, I shake the memory away.

“Speaking of bloodlust, when did you last feed?” Tyson asks, while Ace seemed deep in thought for a second as he scratched his face.

“Two days ago, mum doesn't keep blood in the house”

“Yeah because your parents feed on each other, Who did you feed off then” I bite my lip not wanting to say.

“Rayan?” I shake my head.

“Who then, better not have been Mitchel” Tyson growls.

“No,it wasn't Mitchel, it was Jacob” I tell them and I see Tyson's eyes flicker.

“Don't look at me like that Tyson, either that or I would have to go catch poor bugsy”

“You could have called one of us” Tyson says but Ace was still staring at the pills.

“You have been on these since you were 12?" Ace says his brows furrow.

“Huh, yes I said that" I tell him, turning back to face a pissed off Tyson. Who was now staring at his brother. “What is it?” Tyson asks him when Ace stands up.

“Nothing, I will be back tomorrow” Ace says, pocketing my pills.

“Wait, where are you going?” I ask as he grabs his jacket pulling it on before reaching over the counter next to me, he grabs his keys from the fruit bowl before pecking my lips. I jerk away from him.

“Shit sorry Lucy” He says, shaking his head realising what he did.

“I will see you tomorrow” He says walking toward the door.

“Ace, where are you going?” Tyson calls after him.

“To see Avery” He says walking out and not bothering to explain.

“Wait, ah he took my bloody pills” I sigh turning back to Tyson, who was staring at the door.

“He will be back tomorrow, you don't need them until then now anyway"

“Why does he want to see Avery?” I ask him and he seems puzzled.

“No idea but don't change the topic, why didn't you ring one of us” I roll my eyes at him, it wasn't big deal Jacob is gay.

“I don't understand why you are upset, Jacob is gay, not like I marked him” I tell him.OO

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