My Two Alphas

Chapter 26

Lucy POV

the next day

Why did I think this was a good idea? I know I needed to finish school, but this, this was torture as I walked the halls to my next class. On the plus side not one person said anything but I think that was more to do with the fact that Jacob was with me most of the morning while he helped with my enrollment. I needed an adult to sign my papers and I wasn't asking my mother or stepfather. I probably could have asked Tyson or Ace but they would have suggested I went to the one on their territory.

Walking into English the teacher nodded to the chair up the back of the room, the only seat left. I was happy to be at the back and no one could see me. Pulling out my english book from my last school. I found a blank page. I would need to find a way to get new books as mine were almost full. On the plus side I wasn't behind in classes because I was always in the advanced classes at my boarding school and being in the mainstream classes I found most of the work I had today I had already done.

When it was the lunch break the first thing I did was race across to the park so I could meet Rayan. Sitting on the swings I waited hoping they would let him out when someone sat beside me on the other swing. I look over and see Jacob.

“You right?” He asks.

“Yep, why are you still here?” I ask him.

“Well if the prince is leaving to meet you at lunch everyday I kind of need to be here”

“Oh sorry, I didn't think of that. It is fine, I can tell Rayan not to come out so you can go back to mum” I tell him, reaching down to grab my bag.

“It's fine Luce, it's sometimes good to get away from your mother, and she can survive with Pat for an hour a day” He says, grabbing my hand and stopping me. I nod sitting back on the swing but now I felt terrible knowing I was once again interrupting everyone else's routine.

Rayan comes out before running across the road, he waves before sitting on the other side of me.Jacob gets up walking to his car before returning with a paper bag. He hands me a sandwich. I take it looking at him questionably while Rayan pulls his lunch from his bag.

“Notice you didn't eat this morning or make your lunch” Jacob says, giving me a wink.

“Yeah I could hear mum in the kitchen” I tell him. I wasn't avoiding her exactly but I was trying to stay out of her sight, out of sight out of mind right?

“She will calm down once she gets back on meds hopefully, if Ryker can get her back on them” Jacob says, making my brows furrow. Rayan shoots him a look.

“What do you mean?” I ask. I never knew my mother was on medication.

“For her wolf" Rayan answers.

“Huh, I don't understand,” I tell him.

“Dad didn't want you to know, Amanda is unstable always has been but apparently after I was born, mum was put on medication. She has been off her meds now for 2 years. Dad has been trying to convince her to go back on them but Amanda guilts her out of suppressing her, don't tell dad you know Jacob wasn't meant to tell you” Rayan says. Come to think of it she had changed over the last couple of years, turned distant and then we started clashing majorly.

“Why is it a secret?” I ask, why would they hide this from me? Was I not trusted with this information?

“Doesn't matter Lucy, just forget he said anything” Rayan says glaring at Jacob who shrugs.

“What do you mean that Amanda is unstable?”

“She isn't controllable, doc said it is to do with PTSD from being raised in captivity and everything that happened after she escaped” Jacob says.

“I still don't get why it is a secret, one kept from me” Rayan frowns.

“It doesn't matter Lucy, just drop it” He says, tearing off a piece of his sandwich and eating it. I was always going to be an outsider, the fact they wouldn't tell me, just another reason I would never be comfortable here. We eat in silence and chat about classes until the bell rings and I have to go back to class.

The first day was horrid, no one spoke to me, yet I heard the whispers and snickering about being a mutated freak but I shrug the comments off. They were not game enough to say it to my face so they weren't worth my time. Jacob picked us both up from school and dropped us home before going to tend to my mother. All day it played on my mind as to why I wasn't allowed to know about mum.

I was sitting on the floor in Rayan’s room helping him do his homework when my father called out from downstairs. We both look up before realising he must be calling about it being dinner time.

“Come on, we can eat in the room” Rayan says as we both hop up. We walk downstairs to grab our dinner when my stepfather calls out from the dining table.

“No, at the table. I am sick of you both hiding in the room” He says and we both turn walking to the table. Dinner was silent and I could tell my stepfather was in a bad mood.

“How was school?” he asks. I nod, stuffing pasta in my mouth, to find my mother staring at me. I put my head down focusing on my food yet I could feel her gaze on me.

“You enrolled back at school?” She asks.

“Yes, I need to finish” I tell her and I was surprised how weak I sounded.

“Why?” She asks and her words shocked me, making me look up at her.

“Because I am nearly finished, I only have three months left before graduation” I tell her. She doesn't say anything but I could see my father watching her. She also noticed his gaze and she looked away back down at her food. This was so awkward, I could feel the tension sizzling.

“How was work?" I ask my father, trying to make small talk, I wasn't good at this shit. Wasn't good being forced to sit at a table with my family. I was used to holiday breaks where I could get away with huge family gatherings and go unseen or just stay with my aunts or Ace and Tyson.

“Do you actually care?” my mother asks and I clench my fork a lump forming in my throat. Why would she say that?

“Work was fine Lucy” My father says and I hear my mother growl at him making my eyes dart to her, she had a feral look on her face. Rayan was watching her but looked back at his plate eating quicker and I did the same before asking if I could be excused. My father nods to both Rayan and I and we escape back to our room. I grab a towel and my pajamas before heading to the bathroom attached to his room to shower.

While in the shower, I feel the mindlink open up. “How is being at home?” Tyson asks before I feel Ace also force the link through.

“It's fine,” I reply.

“You can always come home to us” Ace says.

“No, I want to be near Rayan and mum is due any day now so I am sure she will need help with Rayan” I tell them, though Rayan was more capable of looking after himself.

“Why are you avoiding us?” Tyson asks.

“I'm not but I will come stay on the weekend if you want" I tell them knowing it was hard for their wolves to be away from their mate. I don't have that issue but I did miss them, I was more comfortable with them then being here but I just couldn't wrap my head around being their mate. Plus I was worried Ace would run back to Melana. I don’t know how they kept it secret for so long while waiting for me to grow up. It kind of made me feel guilty.

“Please make sure you do, I miss you Lucy” Tyson says and I nod before cutting the link off. I finish my shower before brushing my teeth and grabbing a glass of water to swallow my pills looking into the bottle which only had one left. Rayan had a mini fridge in his room with drinks and snacks. Besides having to go downstairs for main meals we could just stay in the room.

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