My Two Alphas

Chapter 15

Walking down the hallway, I hear Tyson walk back inside but quickly rush to the bathroom. I lock the door before turning on the shower. Getting undressed, I hear Tyson knock on the bathroom door.

“Lucy, are you okay?” Tyson asks.

“Fine, just showering” I tell him, I was actually excited to use hot water, the river was freezing and you wanted to jump out as soon as you got in. “I will grab you some clothes” Tyson says and I hear him walk off, his feet loud on the floorboards. I stepped in enjoying the hot water as it cascaded down my back before grabbing the soap. The tension in my body is loosening. I will never take hot water for granted again I thought to myself as the room steamed up, the scent of camomile soap filling the room.

I wash myself before quickly washing my hair. I really needed to trim it, it was getting ridiculously long. I was brushing my fingers through it, trying to untangle it when the door opened, Tyson's mouth watering scent hitting my nose. I look over my shoulder to see him sit on the sink basin.

“Ah What are you doing and how did you get in?” I ask him.

“With a butter knife and I brought you clothes”

“Okay, you can leave now, little wrong don’t you think”

“Why is it wrong?” He asks.

“You are my uncle” I tell him a little weirded out.

“Don't say that Lucy, you make me sound like a creep. We are not family, and in no way related” He says, his words hurt, how am I not family to him when he practically helped raise me, do I mean nothing to him?

“Get out!” I tell him, my words are a little harsher than I intended.

“No, I didn't mean it like that Lucy” Tyson quickly says as I glare at him.

“Then how else am I supposed to take it then Tyson” I tell him.

“I'm just saying we aren't related, you mean more to me then family Lucy or are you to blind to notice?” He says making me look back at him.

“Huh?” I ask him, confused by his words.

“Doesn't matter, it can wait till Ace comes back” He says, rubbing a hand down his face.

“Well if you aren't going to hop out can you at least find me a toothbrush, mine is still at the river” I tell him. He looks under the sink basin before pulling out a few boxes. He unwraps one from the packaging before opening the shower screen and handing it to me while I continue to keep my back to him. I start brushing my teeth and Tyson walks out closing the door and I let out a breath of relief, his scent was overwhelming in the steamed up room. When I am done I dry myself before slipping on the shirt Tyson brought in but there were no bottoms. The shirt fell to my mid thighs but I felt weird not wearing anything underneath it especially in a house with two men. I shrug nudity wasn't a big thing and I spent majority of my childhood naked in them stupid cells, rarely they gave us clothes and when they did it was only for transporting us

I wrap my hair in the towel before walking out. I could hear Tyson rummaging around in the kitchen and went to see what he was making. “Ace still not back?” I ask him, leaning on the countertop.

“Nope but he wants to hurry up, a huge storm cell is coming over the city” He says looking out the window and I do too, the wind had picked up massively, the trees swaying in the wind and the palms trees out back bending under the pressure. I shiver, glad I wasn't staying at the river tonight. I was good with storms but thunder, nope hated it the noise was so much louder being a mutation and I always freak out thinking the world was ending by the deafening noise.

“Hopefully no thunder” I tell him staring out the window.

“You're still scared of storms?” he chuckles.

“No just the thunder” I tell him and he smiles.

“Homemade pizza?" He asks, I nod.

“Want some help?” I ask moving around the other side of the counter. He nods, grabbing out another chopping board before handing me a capsican and knife.

We cooked dinner and ate it, but by 9PM, Ace still wasn't home when I felt the mindlink open up. Ace's voice flitting through mine and Tyson's head as I feel him merge both links.

“I am staying at Jacobs tonight, I am not running home in this” He says.

“The other issue?’ Tyspon asks him and I glance at him sitting on the lounge beside me.

“Dealt with it won't be an issue any more” Ace tells him.

“Good” Tyson says, cutting off the link and shoving his brother out of our heads.

“How did you do that?” I tell him feeling him shove Ace out mine too.

“Alpha genes” He answers and I turn back to the TV show we were watching. Halfway through the night, I must have drifted off, waking to the sound of thunder. The House was completely dark and Tyson had chucked a blanket over me. The wind outside was howling louding as it whistled through the trees, lightning striking the sky and lighting up the inside of the house. I flick the TV back on trying to drown out the noise so I can go back to sleep. This was the worst storm I had seen in ages.

Avalon City hardly had storms especially with so many elemental witches in the city who could control the weather. Here though was completely different, and I didn't have my meds to knock me out either which is what I usually did when we did get the occasional storm. I left my meds in Jacobs car in my suitcase, and hadn't seen the doctor since returning.

Getting up, I walk into the kitchen to get a drink. Goosebumps rising on my arms because of the storm as I fought the urge to shiver when thunder cracks loudly. Walking back to the living room I stop in the hall looking up the dark hallway. Tyson's bedroom door was open and I argued with myself whether it would be weird if I slept in his room with him. He is an adult now and might be creeped out if I try hopping in his bed like I used to do when I was kid. He had no problems walking in on me in the shower so instead I decided to walk down the hallway. The thunder made me jump and I darted off into his room, my heart pounding in my chest.

Walking over to the side of his bed I tap on his shoulder thinking it best to ask then have freak out and find me next to him. I shake his shoulder and he rolls over sleepily staring up at me. He then moves over before tossing the blanket back.

“Hurry up then scaredy cat” He says and I climb in beside him. He moves over a little before tugging the blanket up around me and draping his arm across my waist. I relax against him, his scent soothing as I snuggle against him. I could feel his breath against my neck as he fell back to sleep, his breathing evening out. My skin tingling where his skin was touching mine, making me wonder if he felt the weird sensation or if it was just me, it felt foreign and I never got that tingling sensation from anyone else except Ace, I wasn't sure if I liked the sensation, but eventually I fall asleep feeling safe with Tyson's warm skin pressed against mine.

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