My Personal Lycan King

Chapter Chapter-34 I don't want to die like this


I don't want to admit it, but seeing her concerned-filled eyes, I felt a bit touched.

Sighing loudly, I smirked before saying,

"Don't worry baby, I got this." I winked before I pulled my hair right and with a jerk broke a branch from the tree that could be used to beat these guys who were making my night more worse than it already was.

As one of the men neared me with that knife in hand, doing the mistake of delaying as the previous man had done, I lifted the stick in the air before wiping it with full force on his hand.

As the knife fell from his hand, I turned around before swinging the stick and hitting the second guy to make him drop his dagger that he had taken out from his jacket when I was hitting the first one.

I was about to turn around, when I felt a punch to my side, making me stumble on my footing.

This made me angry this time. I hated being hit from behind the most.

Breaking the log in two, I looked at the guys with newfound anger, as I started countering their hits with the log while kicking their vital and weak points.

Giving the roundhouse kick to the second guy who was about to punch me, I send him hitting the tree before I looked at the guy who looked a bit scared now.

Looking into his sacred eyes, I wanted to spare him, but his next move of secretly taking out the small knife from his back pocket made me angry. Punching the face twice, I kicked him straight on his nose bone.

His eyes rolled back in his head which was a clear indication that he was dead now.

'Welk it wasn't as easy as I was guessing.' I thought and was about to show off and boast about my fighting skills to Carla, however, before I could do that, I could see three more men running towards me while screaming a scream of anger.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I thought in my head as I took the fallen knives of the two-man that came at me earlier.

Taking a knife in each hand, I looked at them with a confident gaze. To be honest, today was the first time I was feeling the soul of that confident girl from two years back inside me.

This time, I didn't wait for ten to come at me, rather, I ran towards them with my knives. Well, technically they aren't mine, but you got the point.

Bending down I slid towards them while knifing two of them in their thighs.

I heard a shrill scream of agony from them before I turned around and stood again.

As one of them swung his knife towards me, I bend down before turning around and knifing the person in the stomach. Kicking off the second person that was about to come at me, I knifed the third person straight in the chest before he could plunge his knife at me.

I looked at the only left man on the ground, as he started backing while he was down on the ground. The sight was truly pathetic, with my bloody hands and clothes, but these guys left me no choice but to turn into this monster.

I was about to swing and plunge my knife into the chest of this person, but before I could do that, he whistled loudly.

I looked at him confused, not knowing why he did that. Shaking my head to cancel every second thought I was getting to spare him, I plunged my knife in the side of his neck, and stream blood started oozing out.

Looking at my bloody hands, I wiped them on the nearby tree leaves, because let us be honest, the smell of blood is gruesome.

I know what you guys are thinking. You probably might be thinking I am some kind of weird psychotic murderer. I won't refute it either.

I was taught to save myself at any cost from any evil thing, even if that comes at the cost of killing someone, from a very young age. This wasn't my first killing either.

I have been attacked like this at my home back in New York too.

Maybe that was also because I was the daughter of the strongest witch clan princess in the world. They might've come to know about me, about my telepathic powers, and that's why they tried to hurt me. Though, I won't deny that my adoptive parents had become too protective of me at that time. I guess, they also knew the truth about my species and what it meant to be existence.

My father even bought me a pistol, and I still remembered how he had urged me to get well versed with all kinds of ammunition.

At that time I thought he was going crazy with his overprotective feeling, but now that I think about it, it looks like I will be using those skills quite a lot from now on that I know the truth about myself.

I stood ready to exit the forest before some other person comes trying to kill me, however, I was in for a bigger surprise.

I looked up and noticed around 15-20 men running towards me with the killing intent while crying a war cry as if they were hell-bent on the idea of ending me today.

I won't be able to fight them I know. Winning over all of them was a far cry. Besides I can't even use my powers.

Wait! My grandma did say to use the powers only when it's a life and death situation.

It's a life-and-death situation, isn't it? I will die at their hands today if I don't kill them first, no?

I hated to admit but I was feeling scared for real. I don't want to die like this. I haven't even tell Alexander that I loved him. I was yet to be rejected by him if he didn't like me. I am yet to be in a serious relationship.

I haven't even had a nightstand with anyone!

I haven't even tried the strongest alcohol in the world.

"There are soo many things I am yet to try. I can't die like this. No, I won't allow it." I thought as a newfound determination pounded in my heart.

I was busy thinking about whether should I use my powers or not when suddenly I saw one of them almost close to me.

As I looked at him plunging his knife at me, I kicked him away, making him hit the tree. However, before I could turn around and fight back the second person, someone hit me with a log on my back that made me lose my balance as I fell on the ground feeling a bit dizzy.

I looked up with my blurry vision and saw one of them plunging his knife at me.

Caught off guard, I sat with my knees closed as I raised my hands in front of my face to protect myself, however, the hit never came.

Before I could open my eyes to see why I wasn't hit, I heard a scream filled with agony, as I was engulfed in a familiar scent.

"Alexander?" I whispered feeling a little bit secure in his arms.

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