My Most Precious Human

Chapter 4

I was slowly losing consciousness. I could no longer recognize all the sounds and blurry images. I could only see the rage in Derek's men while ineptly attacking the silver-haired. They ignored me and left me lying on the ground while they all charged at the stranger. I could hear their bones breaking. I could hear their screams and painful howling. There wasn't even an ounce of sympathy in me towards them, but at the same time, I was far from being safe.

"Who is this person? He is much stronger than all those wolves... Is he a shapeshifter like them? Why did he say that he is dead? Is he some kind of freaking zombie or something?! Why is he attacking them? Is he going to kill them?! And... if he does... is he going to kill me too?!" I wondered in panic.

The drug flowing in my blood paralyzed me. My awareness was fading. I was terrified and helpless. I didn't want to come back with Derek and his men, but the more I didn't want to die in the hands of some madman. Suddenly, all the fighting stopped. I could only hear silence and someone's footsteps. I saw a pair of black leather shoes right in front of me. I slightly lifted my head. The silver-haired man was leaning over me.

"P... please... don't... k-kill me," I mumbled, using the final ounce of my strength.

"Well... Let me think, what to do with you..." The deep, alluring sound of his voice reached my ears.

I closed my eyes. The drug put my body to sleep. When I opened my eyes again, the sun was already getting up. I found myself lying on the bench in the park, close to the place where I lost my consciousness Fortunately, it was still too early for people to come to the park. I was there completely alone. I was covered with a black coat... I could have sworn it was the same coat that the silver-haired wore. My purse was lying on the ground right beside the bench. It was a strange feeling. I was used to taking care of myself. No one had ever come to my rescue before. Of course, my state didn't exactly put me in the mood to think of myself as some novel heroine...

"It looks like my silver-haired knight saved me, but still didn't care enough to take me back to his castle... At least he secured my documents and money," I chuckled sourly.

I was lying on the bench trying to force my muscles to move. I had a hard time processing what had exactly happened the previous night. I was suffering from a terrible hangover that the drug that I was injected with gave me. The rising sun wasn't exactly helping me recover. At that moment, I would gladly sell my soul for painkillers, but I had no time to act pitiful. I wasn't safe in this town.

Nonetheless, I was restless. I needed to check the place of last night's attack, hoping that I would find anything. I finally managed to get up from the bench. The morning was chilly, so I decided to wear the black coat that my silver-haired savior left me. It looked expensive, and its fabric was soft and warm. The sleeves were too long, I had to roll them up. The whole coat was so long that it almost reached my ankles, but except for that, it surprisingly fitted more or less. I wrapped it around and slowly walked towards the place of yesterday's fight.

When I got there, I found it completely empty. There were no bodies, no bloodstains on the ground, and no traces of a fight. That only made me more anxious.

"Who the hell was that guy?" My mind was frantically looking for answers.

Perhaps, I would feel a little less restless if there were any evidence that the wolves were dead. If they weren't, we would certainly send backups to this town to look for me. It was possible that they could have sent a signal already. If they did, then my time would start running out fast.

I looked around one more time. I even touched the dirt on the ground and then sniffed my hand to find any traces of blood drops or... the smell of the bleach. I found neither. That could only mean that none of those wolves died here. I gritted my teeth.

I could only mean that all of them were alive somewhere, maybe not too far away. Even if that silver-haired guy broke most of the bones in their bodies, they would regenerate in less than twenty-four hours. It would take a little longer if their spines were broken. Even if I couldn't figure out what had happened, I needed to assume that they were going to attack me soon.

I rushed to my apartment, constantly looking over my shoulder. I packed some clothes, four sets of documents that I hadn't used before, then grabbed my laptop and ran out, leaving only a short note to the landlord with the money for the rent on the table.

I did everything abruptly. I gave up on taking my last paycheck from Donna and went to the train station. After getting my cash from the deposit box, I picked up a random destination and bought a ticket. It wasn't the best way to say goodbye to Sunnybridge, but I had already gotten used to leaving everything behind.

The train left the station. Only then did I feel I could breathe. My mind finally had the time to process. I hoped that Derek and the rest of his team wouldn't catch my scent... But speaking of the scent, I was still wearing that guy's black coat. I smirked and sniffed its collar. It had a weak smell of male perfume. It was a pleasant scent.

"Seriously?! It's not the time to get horny!" I scolded myself for my shameless thoughts. "Besides, that guy is incredibly dangerous..."

I couldn't stop thinking about how he was able to defeat all of the wolves by himself. Was he also a supernatural creature? A super werewolf? Or... something else? My mind was going crazy.

I was born a human, but I quickly learned about the existence of shapeshifters that human legends called werewolves. Those creatures had incredibly sharp senses, were much stronger than humans, and they could turn into wolves. From when I was five years old, I had to learn how to fight them, even though it was never a fair fight. I had never seen anyone who could defeat a werewolf... until that night.

"Who was he?! He couldn't have been just a human. My vision wasn't clear, but that definitely wasn't humankind of strength that he used... Moreover, why did he help me?" I kept wondering while riding the train to my new destination.

Who would have thought that I would have to wait three years to find answers to my questions...

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