My Little Sunshine

Chapter 301: Early Lunch

"Mr. Taylor Carston." 

His words reverberated through her senses and she couldn't stop herself from frowning. 

"What did you say?" She refused to believe her ears and questioned the man again. How could it be Taylor who had sent this man when he was six feet under the ground already. She was there and she had seen his burial with her own eyes.

Her mind was a mess as she refused to believe the man's words. But then again, he was sitting across her claiming that it was Taylor who had sent him. She didn't know what or who to believe. Should she believe her eyes which had seen the man's pale and not so alive body? Or should she trust the words of a stranger?

Stanly, who was sitting across her in silence, was busy observing every single expression which flashed across her face. He could somewhat understand the thoughts which were going on through her mind. He would have faced the same doubts if it was him in her shoes.

"You heard me right, Mrs. Levinson. I am indeed here because Mr. Taylor asked me to be the conveying medium. But it's not like what you are thinking. He is no longer with us. I was just asked to do my job after his burial has been done." He spoke up not wanting to see the lady's troubled expressions any longer. He knew that she was pregnant and in no way he would let a pregnant lady go through an emotional turmoil.

"Oh!" Stella let out a brief response as she didn't know what else to say to the man. But she had to accept that she indeed felt a little relieved after hearing his words. 'Does this make me a bad person?' She wondered to herself. 

"Then why exactly are you here?" She spoke up in a crisp and clear tone. She wanted to get the man out of her sight as soon as she could manage to. Moreover, she was missing a certain someone way too much.

"This letter." He replied to her as he placed the mug back on the table. From the inside pocket of his black coat, he pulled out a white rectangular envelope and placed it down on the glass table next to the mug of coffee.

"I was given clear instructions to give this to you after the burial. Sorry that it took me a while to find your location." He continued as he pressed the envelope with two fingers before sliding it to her side. He sat up straight after passing her the envelope and picked up the mug once again.

Stella shifted her eyes from the man to the white rectangular envelope which laid before her. She reached for it but didn't pick it up, rather she let her fingers rest over it.

He observed her actions and continued to enjoy his coffee. He had to accept that the coffee was indeed good, and didn't have the heart to leave it to go waste. He wanted to leave the lady to her thoughts, but he also needed to make sure that she didn't have any questions for him before he left. 

"If you have any questions for me, let me know." Not being able to take the slady's silence any longer, he spoke up. 

"When did he give you the letter?" Stella spoke up after a while as she tapped her fingers over it. She had so many questions going through her mind that she didn't know where to start. Did the man really planned his suicide? And if he did, what could have been so important which he wanted to say to her?

"He didn't actually give me a letter. He instructed me over the phone call to type it." Stanly replied to her. "And just told me who I should deliver it to." 

"And you didn't bother to stop him?" Stella looked at the man across her with utter bafflement. She couldn't believe her ears for the second time in the same day. "Aren't you too insensitive?" She stared at the man across her.

"Do you think I knew what he was about to do?" Stanly shook his head. "I had no idea what was going through the man's mind. If I did I would have called Mr. Carston. When I asked him when I should deliver the letter? He replied that I will know it on my own." 

His words once again left Stella speechless. How could someone like Taylor be so selfless right before he killed himself? What was so important he needed to tell her? She couldn't help but be curious about the letter.

Seeing that the lady had recovered from the shock, the man thought it would be better to give her some time on her own. His eyes shifted to the mug before him which was still half filled. "I shall take my leave then." He muttered with a heavy heart as he stood up from the couch.

"Thank you." Stella mumbled softly without looking up. Her eyes were still glued to the envelope with her fingers tapping the transparent glass top of the table.

"I was just doing my job." Stanly replied only to get a nod in response from her. He nodded his head as he made his way out of the living. contemporary romance

A man who was clad in the same uniform as the maid who had received him when he arrived, was waiting right outside the door of the living room to guide him outside the mansion. 

"Lunch is ready, Young Mistress." A maid walked in and spoke up from a distance to get her attention.

"I will be in my room. Make sure that nobody disturbs me. I will come downstairs for lunch when I feel like eating." Stella spoke up in a firm tone as she got off the couch. Picking up the envelope from the tale she made her way out of the living hall while the maid continued to stand in her place with her head bowed down. She didn't have any other choice but to listen to the lady of the house though they were under strict orders to prepare an early lunch for her.


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