My Little Sunshine

Chapter 243: My Man (1)

"Do I have to attend the banquet?" Wilson groaned in annoyance as he spoke into his phone's speaker.  He had just come out of the operation theater after performing a twelve hours long major surgery. The poor man had not even changed out of his scrubs and here was, being invited to a banquet. 

If it wasn't for Blythe, he wouldn't have bothered to even pick up the call. He was about to change into his casual clothes and have some sleep, but his plans flew right out of the window after hearing the demands of his man. 

"Oh! Come on. It's a party that I am throwing in celebration of our recent project with your sister-in-law's company." Blythe replied to him. 

Wilson shook his head in helplessness as he could hear the annoyance in his voice. "I just got out of the operation theater, and I haven't slept a wink in the last twenty-four hours." He tried to make him understand his point, but he failed in doing so. 

"You can take a nap for an hour and then drag yourself here. You don't have to dress up formally, just bring yourself and I will be more than happy." Blythe tried his best to make him say yes. "Moreover, we haven't met in so long." He played his last card knowing full well that Wilson could argue him over it. 

"F***!" Wilson cursed at him loudly before heaving out a long sigh. "Alright, I will be there. But I at least need to sleep for two hours, so I might be a little late." He continued only to get a couple of yes from him. Even by the sound of his yeses, he could tell how excited he was to meet him. 

He wouldn't have agreed to him if it wasn't for his last remark. They have actually not met in the last two weeks for real as Blythe was always busy running his company, whereas he was busy with his patients and surgeries. His schedule was too tightly packed that he barely got any time to chat with him over the phone. 

"I will forward you the details about the venue. See you there, my love." Blythe's voice made him come out his own thoughts. Just as he was about to reply to him he heard a faint sound of him blowing a kiss into the phone's speaker before he disconnected the call, not waiting for his reply. 

Wilson chuckled lightly to himself as he stared at his phone's screen. Just as he was about to put it away, the screen lit up again, showing a text message which was from Blythe. He clicked on the notification and saw the context of his text before switching his phone off. 

'He sure was in a hurry.' He thought inwardly as he recalled the location of the banquet which was mentioned in it. A faint smile embraced his lips as his thoughts drifted back to the last line which had some hugs and kisses for him. Shaking his head in helplessness, he began to head towards the changing area.


Crystal chandeliers glimmered under the pale lights as flashes of bright white light tried to capture the glitz and glamour of the venue, more specifically, the high profile guests which were invited to the banquet. Only a number of media firms were invited, and they were given specific instructions which needed to be met if they want to be invited again in the future ceremonies held by the Jamesons. 

The center of attention was the man who was dressed in an all black three piece outfit. The only white his attire had, was the button down shirt which was peeping through in between the lapels of his coat. A rustic golden clip which was in the shape of an anchor, was pinned on the left side of his coat, giving his attire a majestic look. 

A woman who was dressed in an all black gown, was clinging to his left arm with her hands tightly wrapped around his biceps. The matching sequences on her dress glimmered as she moved around with him. They look no less than a couple who was madly in love.

The man's eyes roamed around the entire area as he looked for a certain someone. It had already been two hours since the banquet started and there was still no sign of him. He had tried to give him a call, but to his dismay, the number was switched off.

'You….' He was about to curse the person inwardly for being so late, but his thoughts trailed off when his eyes landed on the entrance. 

Wilson entered the wide hall with a bored expression on his face. The dark circles around his eyes were enough of a proof about his lack of sleep, but they didn't make him look any less handsome. He was wearing a dark persian blue two piece suit, paired with an off-white button down shirt. A ship's wheel shaped pin was fastened on his breast pocket. It was in the same shade as Blythe's anchor, showing that the two pins were from the same collection. 

His eyes roamed around the hall before landing right on Blythe's face who was on the other side of the hall. The corner of his lips turned slightly upwards as a faint smile graced his lips. Though it didn't last for long when his eyes trailed off to the woman next to him. His expression darkened at the sight before him but his steps continued to lead him to the other end of the hall where they were standing, surrounded by guests. 

A frown marred Blythe's forehead as he looked at Wilson's darkened expressions. He shifted leaned his head towards the woman who was clinging to his arms and whispered something softly while keeping his eyes fixed on him. 

"Congratulations, Mr. Blythe." Wilson came to a stop before him and put his hand forward. 

"Thank you for coming." Blythe replied to him while giving his extended hand a firm shake. 

Wilson just hummed in response as he retracted his hand right away, not giving him a chance to hold onto it any longer. He was angry at him, a little pissed off as well. This man had forced him to come to the banquet by emotionally blackmailing him that they hadn't met in so long. And now, here he was with another woman in his arms. 

'If only my sister-in-law was here, she would have definitely taught him a lesson for messing with him.' He thought to himself. 

"Oh my God! What a coincidence?" The clingy woman spoke up as she pointed towards his pin. "My darling Blythe is wearing one of these as well and it perfectly matches with your." She excitedly clapped her hands a little as she pressed her big bosom against Blythe's arm. 

William looked at her figure with no interest and hummed lightly, without even looking at towards Blythe. "I have met you and wished you already, so I better leave now." He spoke up flatly and turned around. A sharp pang shot up in his chest as he walked away from the couple. 

'He didn't even bother to ask me to stay.' He inwardly chuckled as he pitied himself. 'Of course he didn't, why would he choose you over that stunning beauty?' He nagged himself for even thinking that he would at least try to stop him from leaving so early. 

He was lost in his own thoughts when a hand grabbed onto his arm, stopping him in his tracks. He turned his head around to have a look at the person only to find that it was Blythe. 

"Is this how you treat your man?" Blythe questioned him as he glared at him angrily. 

"Is that how you treat 'your' man?" Wilson threw his own words at him while pointing at the lady who was standing way behind him, talking to a group of girls. 

Blythe's face fell down as he looked at his aggrieved expressions. "You know that my family doesn't know about me being bisexual." He took a step towards him as he continued to hold his arm, not allowing him to escape his grip. "They are the one who arranged her for me as a partner for tonight. I swear I didn't know about this arrangement when I called you." He gave him a sad smile. "I am sorry." 

Wilson heaved out a tired sigh as he shook his head sideways. "You don't have to apologize to me. I can understand. But I really have to leave for the hospital. I need to check on the patient on whom I performed the surgery earlier." Wilson tried to shook his hand off but the man before him didn't budge.

*******contemporary romance

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