My Little Sunshine

Chapter 229: A Fight Over Orange Juice (2)

He was about to continue teasing the woman who was trying her best to reach up to the mug which was waiting to be grabbed by her. But all of his thoughts came crashing down when he heard her yell as she lost her footing.

A muscular hand instinctively wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, making her land on his broad, toned chest. Stella looked up only to find a pair of eyes looking back at her with concern. 

"Are you okay?" Davide questioned her as three horizontal lines graced his forehead.

Stella slightly nodded her head in a yes before scrunching her nose up as a throbbing pain shot up her right foot. 

"You are a bad liar." He shook his head as he placed the glass mug down on the table next to himself. He picked her up in his arms and swing her around so that she was hovering over the table. His actions took her by surprise and she continued to stare at his face even after he had placed her down, making her sit on the table such that her legs were hanging off from it.

"I am going to have a look at your wound." He informed her before he went down on his knees. He took off her right boot and held it up in his palms so that he could have a better look at her sole. 

Just like he had predicted, the wound had opened and it was bleeding. He shook his head in helplessness as he applied some pressure on it in order to stop the bleeding. 'What would this woman do without him?' 

"We need to go back home and get your wound dressed up again." He looked up at her only to find her looking back at him intently. 

"You remind me so much of my husband." He heard her say before her lips curled in a sad smile. 

"Maybe I am your husband who has been reincarnated in someone else's body. And I joined the company as your personal assistant so that I could always be around you and make you fall for the new me." He stood up and spoke up seriously only to find her rolling her eyes at him.

"Yeah, sure. Try doing your best and maybe you will succeed one day." Stella let out a low chuckle as she picked up the mug and began to sip on the orange juice, finishing off whatever little juice was left in it. "Let's head back to the office.  am sure that I have a first aid kit there and I can carry on with work after getting the dressing done." Stella spoke up as she tried to jump down from the table but a strong pair of arms stopped her from doing so. 

"Are you crazy?" David glared at her before glancing at her foot for a fleeting second.  "Didn't you hear what I just told you? There's no way I am letting you walk all the way back to your car in this condition." He shook his head to stress on his words. He bent down and picked her boot up and passed it to her to hold onto it. 

Stella quietly took it from him and was about to bend down so that she could put it on, but she stopped in her tracks when two muscular arms wrapped around her body and picked her up with ease.

"There's no way your reincarnated husband will let you walk with an injured foot." David spoke up with a smug on his face as he began to walk towards the door, carrying her in his arms. 


"You alright?" He questioned her after placing her down in the shotgun seat. 

Since they were supposed to go back to the company after the meeting, Stella had given Edward an early off. She had decided to drive herself just for today, but who knew that this would happen to her foot. 

"Hold on." David spoke up as he remembered about the cushion which was on the back seat. He brought it to the front and placed it below her right foot so that she would be comfortable during the drive. 

"Thank you." Stella spoke up and gave him a wide smile. She was actually thankful to him for all of his help so far. It was just his second day at the job and he had helped her out so many times that she couldn't count on her fingers.

"it's no big deal." He gave out a genuine smile before walking around the car to the driver's seat. Once he was settled in, he turned on the ignition and pulled the car away from the parking lot of the mall.

"Can I ask you one thing? I mean if you don't mind it." He questioned Stella, keeping his eyes set on the road ahead. 

Stella was typing in her phone when she heard him. Her figures stopped for a little while, lingering over the screen before they went back to doing their job. "Shoot." She replied to him with a single word. 

"You clearly hate the man from earlier. Why did you sign that contract with him?" He questioned her.

"I had to do that." Stella briefly replied to his question. After staying quiet for a while, she continued. "I did it because I had to get the project which started under the name of Levinson's Corp., to its end. There's no way I am going to give those business rivals even a single point to make fun of." 

David hummed softly when he heard her reason. "You sure love your husband a lot." He murmured softly.

"Of course, I do." Her reply made him shift his gaze from the road to her. He frowned when he saw her left hand resting against her stomach as a fond smile rested on her lips while she absent-mindedly gazed outside.


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