My Little Sunshine

Chapter 204: Chicken Corn Soup

Wilson cleared his throat lightly to get their attention. "Don't mind this silly doctor here. But can you please stop crying Stella, you had a panic attack earlier. I don't want that to happen again. Moreover, think of Adam, he wouldn't like to you see like this." 

Stella nodded her head understanding his point. She wiped her tears with the back of her palms as she let go of Blake. 

"Thank you." She showed her gratitude to him before turning her attention to Wilson. 

"What happened to me? And how did you guys get here? All I remember is talking to him on call and then…." She trailed off, not wanting to recall the entire scenario. 

As if understanding her pain, the two of them didn't question her any further. 

"Like I told you earlier, you had a panic attack." Wilson began to answer her question. "Your body couldn't take the shock and because of hypoglycemia, you fainted. It was a maid who found you in the condition. Uncle Rob has sent her upstairs to check on you as you were taking too long to get up than usual. He is the one who called us." He sat down on the chair as he explained it to her. 

"Where's Lillian?" Stella questioned Blake as she shifted her attention to him. There were so many things that she wanted to ask him but she lacked the courage to do so at the moment. She didn't want her heart to go through more pain. Even though she herself knew that it was inevitable, but she wanted to delay it as much as possible.

"She's downstairs in the kitchen, most probably yelling at the maids." Blake replied to her with a chuckle as he tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Oh!" She exclaimed before clearing her throat as she gathered up the courage to finally ask him the question she was dreading so much. "D-do you have any news about… him?" Her voice was barely audible when she whispered the last word. contemporary romance

Heaving out a tired sigh, he just shook his head in a big no. "He had some of his best men there with him. They are currently searching for him." 

"What actually happened at the site?" She questioned him again, trying to act tough. She knew that she couldn't be weak at this moment. 

"A number of blasts." Blake replied to her truthfully. He didn't want to tell her all of this, but at the same time he knew that he had to do it. She had every single right to know all of it. "There were around ten or more blasts all across the project site. There's nothing left but debris. The team is currently looking through the rubble for any sign of Adam."

Stella hummed in response as she diverted her teary eyes away from him. 

"Stella?" Wilson softly called out her name to get her attention. "I know him since the day he was born. Trust me that he will be fine." He patted her shoulder lightly as he got a nod from her. 

"Are you guys done making her cry? If yes then move away. She needs to get some food inside her body." A soft yet strong voice interrupted them, making them to shift their attention towards the entrance of the room. 

There stood Lillian at the threshold of the door with an annoyed expression on her face. She walked inside the room with steady steps as she had her eyes fixed on Stella. She was followed by two maids as one of them was holding a tray on which a steaming bowl was placed and the other was holding onto a wooden folding table. 

"I want you two out of here, now." She glared at the two men who looked back at her with confusion. Rolling her eyes, she continued. "She needs to eat and then change into more comfortable clothes." She stated the obvious. 

"We'll go outside then." Blake was the first one to reply to his woman's demand as he got up from the bed. He placed a kiss on the side of her head on his way out, whispering into her ear. "Her mind is too fragile right now. Be gentle with her." 

"I will go out as well. But be careful with the IV line on your hand." Wilson spoke up as he saw Blake's disappearing figure and headed out as well. 

"Place down the food and leave." She ordered the maids who complied to her demands and quietly. 

"Do you need my help with that?" She questioned Stella as she sat on the spot where Wilson was sitting previously, pointing towards the bowl of soup before her.

"Thank you, but I can manage." Stella gave her a smile before focusing her attention towards the steaming bowl of chicken corn soup. Even though it was her favorite one, she didn't have much of an appetite for it. 

Lillian continued to observe her movements as she played around with soup. "You know when I first get to know that Adam had finally got himself a girl, the news shocked me to my core. I refused to believe the news, calling it some hearsay until I finally saw you with my own eyes." 

She inhaled and took a brief pause. "At first, I took you for some fling of his, but when I saw his interaction with you, it proved me wrong. When I finally get to know you in person, I realized why he was so smitten by you." She continued to talk as her eyes were set on the marbled floor while Stella looked at her with complicated expressions. It was the first time she had heard her talk for so long. 

Even though Lillian could feel her obvious stares, she didn't even blink and continued. "You aren't only beautiful Stella. You have so much more to yourself, and that's what made him fall for you." She finally looked up from the floor, staring back into Stella's eyes. "Don't prove him wrong. Be the girl he knew you could be, with or without his presence around you." 

Stella looked back at her as she frowned. Her words were not sweet, neither they were sugar coated, but they still hit her right where they needed to. Lillian was right, she was right down to the point. She needed to buck herself up and be the woman she was when was with her. She couldn't give up on herself or their relationship this easily. Moreover, she couldn't give up on him this easily. She had to be strong enough for the two of them. 

Shifting her attention back to her soup, she gulped a spoonful of the creamy liquid. After a few more spoons, she turned her face towards Lillian who was sitting in the same spot quitely. 

"Can I get some garlic butter? I prefer my soup with it." She asked her, raising her eyebrows a little. 

"I know. They were in the oven when I came upstairs, they will be here in a minute or two." Lillian replied to her calmly with her stoic face. 

Stella nodded her head before dipping her spoon back into the bowl. 


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