My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister

Chapter 16

Amelia woke up panicked, beads of sweat trickling down her forehead, she gripped the sheets tightly as goosebumps filled her body, shivering from the cold air that hit her skin.

Her heart pounds loudly, threatening to rip out of her rib cage, for some reason she felt she has a close connection with the man in her nightmare, she felt like the string holding them, binding them together was strong, it ran deep within the veins, she could feel the pain he felt after taking the food, she wondered what could be in it that made him pale, she became nauseous her insides churning.

Sweat pricked her skin, irritating her, her head spurned, dizziness as its companion, her nightmare really hit her deep.

Her head pounded heavily as she tried to come down from her bed, placing her legs on the cold wooden floor, she yelped retracting her legs, the cold from the floor numbed her foot and sent shocks of electricity through her spine, giving her goose bumps.

Her head still throbbed badly, mustering courage she placed her feet back on the cold floor, she shivered at the coldness of the floor, she walked softly to the kitchen searching for aspirin, she went threw her drawers but she couldn't find any.

Moaning in pain she went back to her room, to take her bath and get ready for class.

"The criminal Code of Philippians states that;. There is no crime unless the act is defined and penalized by this Code or other laws at the time of commission." Mr Alaric recited.

He was a lecturer handling the law students.

Amelia banged her head on her hands, moaning loudly, she was tired of him reciting laws, plus her throbbing head for she had forgotten to buy medication for her.

This was her last class and she was more than happy to leave, it's been long she learnt something, last time it was in high school, all roses and red, until she left.

She kept her head on her hands, Mr Alaric voice in the background, stating another law of the Philippines.

The lecture by Mr. Alaric was disrupted by the metallic, tarnished bell ringing through the Hai College hallway.

Everyone jumped out of their seats and left the lecture hall after standing up.

Amelia virtually ran out of the lecture hall because she needed to obtain headache medicine and because she was starving.

As she exits the Temple University hallways, the hot air touches her skin, slightly warming it. She walks over to the Temple University pharmacy and requests aspirin.

The nurse gives her a tablet with a bottle of water, she takes it and moves to leave college when her name is being called.


In a huge white cathedral, the members, disgust etched on their face as they stared at the couple at the alter, the stares they gave could send them both six feet under, among these members were the members of the Hui family, they all held faces of hate, disgust, pity and most of all sadness.

Hate for the petite lady under the veil, grinning from ear to ear, a smile of deceit, she was neither responsible not reasonable to them, little did they know that this was her being reasonable, for sending Amelia out to get Ethan was the most reasonable thing she has ever done.

Their faces held disgust as they could not muster the fact she was going to be their daughter-in-law but the had to face the reality.

Pity for their son didn't know the she-devil he had brought in as a wife, for a woman who snatches another woman's husband could so anything in the case if being reasonable, for desperation bring with it terrible gauges.

And most of all sadness, sadness for poor Amelia who had to go through all the insults she received, the pain, humiliation, they felt sorry for her.

But in all these members there was one who was over joyed, happy, kept cheering even though the church was asked to be silent.

Like mother like daughter they say.

Laura was over joyed as her daughter and now son-in-law were pronounced husband and wife.

Her smile radiated, but it didn't affect the faces of others instead the disgust deepened between the mother and daughter.

"And you may kiss the bride" the priest muttered, though he wasn't happy about the marriage, but Ethan was legally divorced so he couldn't deny them getting married.

Ethan lifted Madison's veil and pulled her close to him kissing her deeply, a soft smile displayed on his face, little did he know that soon those smiles would be wiped off.

The clinking of wine flutes fills the room, Madison and her mom were spitted in the Courtyard of the Greg family, have a victory party.

"I can't believe I finally married Ethan mother" Madison said grinning widely.

"I can believe that, for my blood runs in you" Her mom said sipping her wine slowly.

"What do you mean by that mother?" Madison asked eyebrows raised.

"Forget I said anything child, there's a new issue at hand" Laura said placing her glass on the table.

"What is it now?"

"The society aren't happy of this

marriage they view it as deceit, they see you as a sl*t, a disgrace to. womanhood, they despise you darling" Laura said hands folded as she relaxed on her rocking chair.

"And why is that mum, why do they hate me?"

"Is that a question? You of all people should know that as a matter of fact you snatched Ethan from Amelia, the society hates you for it"

"He was already mine mum!!" Madison cried out, out of frustration.

"But Amelia was already married to him child, that's the fact, to them you're just a mistress" Laura said, her words though true but bitter.


"All I have to tell you is that don't ever leave this house alone always go with either Ethan or you hire bouncers"

"Don't ever" She warned.

The sun set in the sky as fresh colors brushed upon an artist's canvas, as if those rays were destined to create a great work of art - one given to those open to capturing simple moments in the soul. With a flourish of romantic hand the sunset blossoms red and gold.

The orange gold stretches far and wide, the color of fire hearths and tangerines, it is but the reflection of the dawn, the promise of the rising sun that comes after the velvety night has had its say and the land has rested once more.

With the setting sun came a sky of fire, the orange of every wintry hearth at was the battle cry to the gathering night, that the only,

achievement of darkness is to show

starlight all the more clearly. Content

At the edge of the cloud there was a brilliant white patch, like a turning page catching the sun. The rest was dove grey with a subtle hint of purple, just enough to announce the coming sunset

The sunset with the blush of a rose petal, it's yellowish color reflecting on the faces of two lovers, two young lovers.

Their smile so radiant the sat on the roof of a building, a box of pizza in their mist.

She laid her head on the chest of her boyfriend his hands wrapped around her, they talked and gist about a lot of things

He pecked her forehead, muttering sweet nothings into her ear, she giggled softly leaning into him more.

Their love affected their surroundings, the clouds smiled along with them, they air happy to see them together, the setting sun created a romantic color for them.

The evening was specially for them, they both entwined their hands together, their eyes reflecting the love the had for each other.

"You're so beautiful" He said looking into her eyes, she smiled shyly in reply looking down.

He raised her head up with his finger smiling softly.

"I love everything about you"

"Your smile makes my heart miss a few beats, I know it sounds cliche but I mean it"

"Your voice gives me chills down my spine, it creates an exciting feeling inside me, hearing your voice makes my day"

"You're my own Princess, when ever I'm with you it's magical"

"I love everything damn thing about you dear, when I'm with you it feels like home, I want us to be even in the after life love"He said rubbing her cheek.

"I really don't know what to say.....i'm speechless" she said looking into his eyes and looking down.

"You don't have to say anything princess, just promise me one thing"


"Promise me you'll never leave" He said bringing out his pinky finger.

"I promise " she said hooking her pinky finger with his.

He kissed her passionately holding her r

tight, she breaks the kiss gasping, a smile evident on her face.

"I Love you Amelia".....

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