My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 88

Sitting at the kitchen island I sipped on my coffee. I could hear movement from above but wasn't sure if it was my gran or Lana. I was in a funk today and I couldn't shake the feeling. "Hey girl". She yawned fixing a cup of coffee. "Did abs for days stay?". She grinned.

I was surprised she wasn't bringing up what she walked in on last night.

"He left early this morning". Taking another sip of my coffee I caught her grin. "And no we didn't have s*x".

"Are you serious?". She groaned taking the seat across from me. "You both looked pretty occupied when I walked in".

Rolling my eyes I bit back a smile. "We had a little bit of a tiff before he left". I knew I couldn't tell her everything and I couldn't wait until I could. I didn't like keeping secrets especially from my best friend. We told each other everything. "A good tiff or a bad one?".

"Let's just say I'm not as vanilla as I thought". I grinned.

"Leah Wilson you naughty girl". She gasped winking at me. "Hair pulling, choking, spanking?". She wiggled her eyebrows. "Let him do it all. Trust me".

I could already feel the heat spreading across my cheeks. "He was so dominant, arrogant, even the way he was speaking to me but I liked it".

"You have to screw him and quick I need details". She giggled. "He's the type to fuck your brains out and I bet it'll be the best ride of your life".

I wish it was as easy as that. I wasn't sure if when we had sex for the first time he would have to bite me or if there was a specific day for that. Was there a specific day for us to mate?

Even thinking that sounded ridiculous but I had no doubts about how good the s*x would be. He didn't even need to touch me to get me in the mood. "Did you fight?". She asked.

"Maybe a little one, I don't even know. I forgot everything as soon as he pulled my hair".

"Did he leave pissed?".

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip I made a face. He wasn't exactly mr happy when he left. "He's taking me to school so I guess I'll find out pretty soon".

"Good thing I got my car back then isn't it. I don't want to feel the awkwardness of that car ride".

Neither did I.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. All you need to do is flutter those eye lashes and he'll be putty in your hands". I hoped she was right.

"I'm going to set off early and grab some coffee on the way. I'll meet you in the car park".

"Okay". I couldn't tell if she was nervous about starting a new school. If she was she was hiding it well.

"Bye girl".

Washing out my cup I left it on the draining board to dry. Letting out a big sigh I grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder. It was nearly half 8 and I had that dreaded feeling that he had forgot.

Things got heated this morning and he left pissed off, but he still didn't see all of this from my point of view. I wasn't sure if we were talking or not. This was just another thing to add to my already crappy day. Hearing the honk of a horn I straighten my shoulders bracing myself for him and what was to come.

Opening my front door my stomach dropped. It wasn't him, he wasn't here. Alanna was parked at the top of my drive. Trying my hardest not to look gutted I closed the door behind me and walked the short distance to her car.

"Got you a cappuccino". She smiled as I put on my seat belt.

"Thanks". Taking the coffee from her I glanced out the window as she pulled away onto the road. I wasn't even going to ask about him. If I knew he wasn't taking me to school then I would have went with Lana.

"Is Lana not starting today?". She asked.

"She left early to get coffee so she's meeting me there". Taking a sip of my cappuccino I hissed as the warm liquid touched my lip.

"She left early to meet up with Pete. I'll be surprised if she even makes it to school". She chuckled.

Yeah that sounded like Lana. It's not as if she was failing like me. She was smart as hell, graduating wasn't going to be an issue for her.

"I love that you're embracing your specks".

"Yeah my contacts are irritating my eyes". I knew I was being distant but I couldn't help it. He didn't even let me know he wasn't taking me. Didn't even send so much as a text. "He's busy Leah". She sighed.

"Yeah well maybe I'll be busy the next time he tries to sneak in my bedroom window". I snapped instantly regretting it. It wasn't her fault her brother was an a*s at times. "Wow what's going on with you?". She asked pulling into the school parking lot.

"Nothing okay, nothing is going on. I'll see you later". Unclipping my seat belt I pushed open the passenger side door.

"Leah what the hell is going on?". She asked as I closed the door behind me. Walking quickly across the car park I didn't realise I was crying until I tasted the saltiness of my tears. What in the world was going on with me today?


After visiting the toilet I knew exactly what was wrong. I got my period. The emotional side was present but it had me wondering when the bitch side was going to make an appearance.

Dabbing my face with wet blue roll I wiped underneath my eyes. I didn't want people to know I had been crying. Crying for no bloody reason. Washing my hands I grabbed my bag up off the floor and exited the bathroom.

I was the first to arrive in English. Mr Gallagher wasn't even here yet. Taking a sip of my coffee I took my phone out of my bag.

'So I kinda met up with Pete... school isn't looking so good for me today ;)!! I'll see you later.!'

She was being an idiot. Yes she was smart as hell but she still needed to attend school. My gran would be pissed if she found out. Who even skips their first day?

'You're being an idiot but you do you like always!!'

I had already sent the message before the guilt set in. Was that nasty to say that? Lana was always a few spirit she did what she wanted when she wanted but I think it was time she grew up a little. 'Pffft..... RUDE AF who pissed in your coffee this morning?'

I didn't reply. I would just take everything I was feeling out on her. The bitchy side was creeping in slowly.

Hearing the door to the class open I pushed my phone into my lap. I didn't need for him to confiscate it.

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