My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 374

Lacey didn't show up and the night was ending. Lana was passed out on the couch and Alanna, and I were out back sitting round the fire pit.

Jake had disappeared up the stairs a while ago leaving us to have some much-needed girl time. It was nice spending time with the girls. It was just a shame Lacey felt she couldn't join us. "Remember when you punched Jake in the face?". She laughed.

"I do". I grinned.

"That was a good night".

"It was". I agreed. "Until I ended up with a broken hand because I punched a werewolf in the face".

"Bet it felt good though". She winked.

"It did". I laughed. "But we won't talk about that".

"You're both good though, right?".

"We are". I nodded.

"And you, you're doing, okay?".

I shrugged. "I'm okay I guess". I wasn't sure how to process it. I still didn't understand how to grieve something I never had to begin with. But I dealt with it the best way I knew how and that was by not talking about it.

I was burying it until I was ready and right now, I wasn't ready to face any of it.

"Do you want to talk about it?". She asked.

"No, I don't because even thinking about it makes me want to cry and I don't want to cry anymore".

"Okay". She nodded. "But we're here when you're ready and if you never are that's okay to".

"Have you spoken to Lacey?". I asked.

"She's avoiding my calls. I think she's afraid you'll think she's throwing it in your face. She doesn't want it to be awkward".

I frowned. Why would it be awkward? And why would she think that? She was having a baby, bringing life into the world and that alone was amazing. Visit J⚫ to read the complete chapters for free Right now, it wasn't my turn, but I would never be that person to hate on someone else.

Did I come across as someone who would act that way?

For her to think I would be anything other than supportive was sad.

"She's being silly but she is pregnant after all so I understand her emotions will be all over the place. Should I maybe call her tomorrow?".

"I could see if we could all go for breakfast?". She suggested.

"Sounds good". I smiled.

Feeling the light drop of rain against my forehead I looked up into the sky, the brightest I've seen in a long time. Stars shining bright, the moon full. I will never get over how peaceful it was around here.

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