My Formidable Husband

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Save His Life

Christopher saw the kid's condition worsening, so he showed up from the side. Simon was already panicking at the time, so seeing Christopher there made him burn with rage. He shouted, "What the hell are you doing? If you hadn't delayed Shirley and prevented her from getting me the alcohol earlier, everything would've been fine."

Christopher ignored Simon. Instead, he smiled at the parents and said, "I trained under an elderly doctor when I was serving in the military. We dealt with strange things like this all the time, so please trust me." "Okay, now please save my son!" requested the mother. She trusted Christopher after hearing his side of the story.

"No! Let's get him to the hospital. The people here at Boleite Medical Clinic are all terrible doctors, and we can't trust them," roared the panicking father.

"What do you mean by that? I am not a bad doctor. He has delayed the treatment, and that is the only reason your son is suffering," replied Simon angrily. He was quick to put all the blames on Christopher. "That might be too late. It will take at least ten minutes to reach the hospital, and it's unlikely he can last this long," said Christopher while shaking his head. The boy's condition had already worsened, so he had to administer the right treatment immediately.

As for Simon... Well, Christopher couldn't be bothered to deal with that guy.

I won't need to explain myself after I cure the kid.

The boy's parents hesitated. They thought about going to the hospital earlier, but they knew that the nearest hospital was some distance away. Worried that their son's condition would worsen while they were en route, they took him to Boleite Medical Clinic, which was right in front of them.

They never imagined something like that would happen.

Christopher was about to administer the treatment, and Shirley instantly panicked. She grabbed his hand and fiercely roared, "What do you think you're doing? I wouldn't even have hired you if it wasn't for Julianna."

Christopher didn't bother explaining anything. The boy's life hung in the balance, and there was no way he would watch a life fade out right in front of him. Christopher quickly tapped the acupoints on the kid and put pressure on his chest soon after.

Simon was panicking earlier but seeing Christopher administer the treatment brought a shred of glee into his heart. If anything were to happen to that boy, I can make Christopher the scapegoat and force him to deal with the aftermath.

"I'm warning you, Christopher. If anything were to happen to our patient, you will have to bear the consequences."

"Fine, I'll do just that. Just know that if it hadn't been for you, the kid's condition would never have deteriorated to this extent!" growled Christopher evilly. He couldn't stand Simon as well.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I am a graduate of a renowned university, whereas you are just an uncertified idiot!"

Simon saw Christopher was still massaging the kid's stomach. The latter did not even use a silver needle, and that further convinced Simon that Christopher knew nothing.

"Who am I? You don't need to worry about that. Just worry about yourself," scolded Christopher in a cold tone while glaring at him.

"If anything were to happen to the kid, you will be jailed for medical malpractice. And the two of you... Just know that he is not our employee, and don't bother coming after us when this is all over." As soon as Simon finished hurling his threats, he heard the kid vomiting something right out of his mouth.

The pain that the boy was in had faded. He also stopped coughing, even though he was coughing nonstop just moments ago. His temperature returned to normal as well, and he even made a request weakly. "Mommy, I'm hungry."

The young parents sighed a breath of relief immediately after they heard the boy talking. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they held their son tightly. They were crying so much that they couldn't even speak anymore.

Simon and Shirley, who witnessed everything from the side, were in deep shock. Simon, in particular, couldn't believe that Christopher actually did something that incredible. He's just a regular dude, so how did he suddenly become so good at medicine?

"T-That's impossible," muttered Simon. His ego had been hit hard because it only took Christopher two minutes to cure the kid completely.

B-But the kid's life was hanging in the balance just moments ago!

Even Shirley couldn't believe that Christopher actually managed to save the day.

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