My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 8

Sophia’s POV

It had been almost three months since I arrived in France, and I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed. The vibrant atmosphere, the rich culture, and the artistic ambiance of this city had truly worked their magic on me.

Initially, adjusting to life here was challenging. The language barrier, the unfamiliarity of everything, and being away from home weighed heavily on me. But gradually, I found my rhythm.

I had just entered the hall where visual displays by selected graduate students of Interior Design were being exhibited.

I was immediately greeted by a sea of familiar faces – friends, classmates, and professors – all smiling and congratulating me.

As I moved through the exhibit, the compliments kept coming. “Sophia, your designs are so innovative!” one classmate remarked. “I love how you play with light and space.”

“Thank you! I’ve been experimenting with new techniques,” I explained, eager to share my process.

Approaching my professor, I was met with a smile of approval. “Sophia, your work is exceptional. You have a bright future ahead of you,” he said, patting me on the back.

I smiled, beaming with pride and joy. Indeed, immersing myself in my studies has paid off very well. I’ve also jumped on all opportunities to take on creative pursuits, joining exhibits like this and even doing a side hustle designing hole-in-the-wall cafes and startup offices.

Last week, our school held a design competition, and to my surprise, I won first place. It was a validation of my talent and hard work, something I never really experienced back home since I got married.

Later on, I felt an arm around my shoulders. “Ready to celebrate, Miss Super Artist?” a familiar male voice said. I turned around to see Daniel grinning at me. “Come on, my treat.”

We headed out of the campus and into our favorite pizza place nearby. Some of our other friends came to join us too.

“Ready to order?” Daniel asked.

“Of course I’ll have the usual. With extra pepperoni, please!” I quipped happily.

Living in Paris had changed me. I felt more confident, more alive. The city had a way of inspiring me, pushing me to new heights. I was becoming the person I had always wanted to be, and it was exhilarating.

“So Sophia…” one of our friends asked me with a smile, “you’ve been looking really happy, with the glow of a mom-to-be!”

As I settled into my seat, my hand instinctively flew to my belly, caressing it gently. It was showing already, and I was proud of it. I nodded. “Yes, can’t wait to meet the little one!”

“You and Daniel are such an amazing couple, and surely you’ll make great parents too.” She motioned to Daniel with her eyes as he went to order.

“Oh no, Daniel is just my friend!” I exclaimed. “We went to high school together, but it’s only now that we became close. But we’re not romantically involved.”

“What?” another friend asked with disbelief. “But you guys look great together.”

“Yeah, and you seem so perfect for each other,” someone else added. “Many of us envy your relationship.”

I laughed. “We’re just friends, really.”

“He’s always taken care of you, right? And he’s always there at your exhibits, supporting your projects, and all that.”

I smiled genuinely. “Yes, he’s a very nice man and a fantastic friend.” I gazed at the returning Daniel, thinking how lucky I was to have him in my life now. He is indeed a reliable man. He treats me better than anyone has ever treated me.

As we all laughed together, I zoned out a little and thought about my future plans. Despite the challenges I’ve faced, I was determined to work even harder, ideally graduating before my baby’s first birthday. That way, when I find a job, I can better take care of my little one.

After eating, we went to our favorite store, one that offered a unique selection of books, music, art, and artisanal crafts from around the world.

As I perused the shelves of the cultural boutique, my eyes fell upon a book that stood out among the others. Its cover featured a lineup of young billionaires, and there, among them, was Elijah’s handsome profile.

I felt a twinge of recognition, but it was fleeting. Elijah was now like a familiar stranger to me, someone from a past life that felt distant and disconnected. Brushing off the momentary nostalgia, I continued browsing, my focus shifting to other books that piqued my interest.

“Find anything you like?” Daniel quipped from behind me.

“Not yet,” I answered.

My mind drifted back to Elijah for a while. I smiled, feeling free and independent, so different from what my life used to be. I never got in touch with him again after that divorce, and it was definitely liberating.

Sure, I occasionally encountered him on TV and sometimes in magazines and newspapers, but it didn’t bother me anymore like before. I no longer paid much attention.

Why was he interested in talking to me again, anyway? He had all the chances in the world before, and he never took any. Now it’s too late.

Back at home, I continued to focus on finishing my group project, immersing myself in the intricate details and deadlines. My concentration was abruptly interrupted when the video phone rang, displaying Kayla’s name.

“Hey, Kayla! What’s up?” I greeted, but my smile faded as soon as her face appeared on the screen. Her expression was a storm of fury.

“You’re not going to believe this,” she spat, not bothering with a hello. “I’ve just started working at Sinclair Realty, and guess who my boss is? That bitch Serena!”

My eyebrows shot up. “Serena? As in, Elijah’s ex and the queen of mean?”

“Exactly!” Kayla huffed, her face reddening. “You can’t even imagine how annoying she is. She struts around the office like she owns the place, flaunting her superiority all day long. And she’s even more insufferable than Elijah on his worst days.”

I leaned forward, frowning. “Gosh, I feel you. But you’ll be okay, for sure. You’re the strongest person I know. Don’t let her get to you. Just do your best, alright?”

“Yes, I know,” Kayla agreed. She looked as if she was physically trying to calm herself down. “It’s just infuriating to deal with her every single day.”

I nodded sympathetically. “I can only imagine. Just remember, you’re there for the experience and the connections. Serena’s just a bump in the road.”

Kayla sighed, her shoulders drooping slightly. “Thanks, Sophia. I needed that pep talk.”

Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared in the background behind Kayla, and my heart skipped a beat. Both of us froze, our eyes widening as we heard Elijah’s voice echoing faintly.

It struck me like a bolt of lightning—Kayla had been talking to me from the Sinclair Realty office!

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