My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 6

Sophia’s POV

Daniel followed me into the doctor’s office, providing support. The doctor smiled warmly at us, his expression giving nothing away.

“Well, Sophia,” he began, his tone measured, “the results are in. Congratulations to you both.”

I felt a rush of confusion and disbelief.

“You’re going to be parents. Congratulations!” the doctor added.

I’m… pregnant?! How could that be? My last baby had left me only months ago. Even I just signed divorce papers with Elijah, and now I’m carrying his child?

The room spun around me as embarrassment flooded my cheeks. Probably because he was mistaken for the baby’s father, Daniel looked surprised but did not contradict the doctor.

“Other than that, you’re perfectly healthy, Sophia,” the doctor assured me. He went on to discuss some things with Daniel, but I hardly heard them talking.

My heart pounded crazily, and my mind felt fuzzy. Once again, I felt like I was caught up in a weird dream. None of it was real.

Daniel was quiet as we left the hospital. I didn’t know what to say either.

“Let me drive you home, Sophia,” he offered once we were outside. His eyes were filled with concern for me.

I was just too tired and confused to say no, so I simply nodded. He did not ask any questions, and I was glad.

What the hell am I going to do? I asked myself in silence while in the car, feeling the panic rising in my throat. This is the worst timing ever. Elijah and I just got divorced, and I’m supposed to have a whole new life ahead of me.

Anxiety took over me. Everything was about to change again.

If I have this baby, it won’t have a father, I thought bitterly. And how can I take care of it on my own while living in a different country where I don’t have anyone to help me?

My hand moved toward my tummy. There was no baby bump yet, but knowing that there was a little one growing inside gave me chills. Suddenly, I remembered how painful it had been to lose my baby before.

This is a blessing, a second chance for me to become a mother. Would I want to risk losing another baby?

Slowly I began to calm down. I took deep breaths until my head began to clear. This is a miracle, I told myself. I should be grateful.

As I rubbed my belly, I spoke in my mind. I’m so sorry, baby. It’s just all too sudden. But I know that I’m going to take care of you and love you with all my heart.

Days flew by, bringing a welcomed calm without Elijah, Brenda, and Troy in the picture. However, internally, I remained in turmoil.

Then, the news I had been eagerly awaiting arrived—I had been accepted into my dream university to study art and design once more! Despite the uncertainty of juggling studies with a baby, I couldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

In just a week’s time, I found myself waving goodbye to Kayla at the airport. “Call me when you get there!” she said, her eyes gleaming with tears. It was the first time we would be apart for a long time, and we were like sisters.

As I settled into my seat on the airplane, bound for Paris, excitement and nervousness mingled within me. The prospect of starting a new life in a different country threatened to overwhelm my senses.

The plane began its ascent, lifting off the ground. I felt a wave of panic wash over me.

Beside me, Daniel sensed my unease and reached over, gently squeezing my hand. “Everything will be okay,” he reassured me. “I’m here. We’ll do this together.”

His words were a comforting balm to my anxious soul, and I found great comfort in his presence. As we chatted throughout the plane ride, ate together, fell asleep, and then chatted some more, I began to relax and come to terms with the situation.

I can do this, I thought with more confidence. Then touching my tummy, I silently whispered, You’re my lucky charm, my baby.

By the time we landed safely, Daniel and I were like old buddies. I was truly grateful that he was with me.

As the cab wound through Paris, iconic landmarks flashed past—the Eiffel Tower dominating the skyline, the majestic Louvre in the distance, and quaint streets bustling with cafes and shops.

Despite my worries, the beauty of the city had me momentarily elated, filling me with a sense of excitement and wonder. Beside me, Daniel seemed entranced, his eyes wide with wonder.

Soon, we were unloading my bags at my new apartment. It was semi-furnished, and I was immediately drawn to the light blue walls and the inviting white sofa. But my favorite part of all was the large window that gave me a fantastic view of the busy city street below.

This was it—the start of my new life in Paris. I turned to Daniel, who was looking around the apartment with a satisfied smile.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a nice little place here,” he remarked, glancing back at me.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to like it here,” I replied.

Daniel chuckled. “Just remember to take it easy, okay? You’ve had a long journey.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine, Daniel. I’m not going to keel over from exhaustion.”

He raised an eyebrow, and then grinned. “I’m just saying, you’ll be too heavy for me to carry if you collapse!”

I threw the throw pillow at him jokingly. “Oh, shut up.”

We both laughed. He added, “You need to get some beauty sleep, Sophia. I’m sure you’ll want to look your best when you meet your new classmates.”

“Oh, so now you’re concerned about my appearance?”

Daniel grinned. “Hey, a little rest never hurt anyone. And who knows, maybe you’ll meet a cute French guy who’ll sweep you off your feet.”

I playfully nudged him. “I think I’ll pass on that, thank you very much. I’m here to focus on my studies, not my love life.”

He appeared pleased with that statement. “Fair enough,” he answered with a teasing smile. “But you never know what could happen. Paris is the city of love, after all.”

I felt a little flutter in my heart, wondering if I could learn to look at him as more than a friend. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say he’s akin to a brother rather than just a friend. The assistance he’s provided far exceeds anything I’ve received from Elijah in years.

Sighing, I went over to my bags. “Come on, just help me unpack already so we can check out your apartment next.”

As we were unpacking, my phone rang. I figured it was Kayla so I asked Daniel to answer it, showing him that my hands were full at the moment.

“Hello?” I heard Daniel say. He put the call on speaker mode.

“Who the hell is this? Where’s Sophia?” a very familiar male voice demanded, his tone aggressive and impatient.

My heart felt like it had just plummeted to the ground. I felt my whole body trembling when Daniel handed the phone to me.

I didn’t have to hold the phone to my ear to hear Elijah’s furious growling, “Sophia, YOU CAN’T just walk away like this! Where the hell are you now?! Without my permission, you are not allowed to go anywh….”

I pressed the button to end the call without hearing his entire words, calming my quivering heart with a big and deep breath.

It’s true that Elijah has never been very considerate or tender with me, but he hasn’t really stepped on me rudely either. It’s just that lately, he’s been indifferent to me.

Anyway, he’d never been as emotionally cranky as he was now. Did my leaving make him care?

No, don’t be silly, Sophia, he can be with Serena again now. He’s free. How do you expect that he would care about you, a woman he had never loved?

Daniel noticed my paradoxical anxiety.

“Who is he?” Daniel inquired. But I could see in his eyes that he clearly knew the answer to that question.

I sighed, “My husband. No, ex-husband.”

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