My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 37

Sophia’s POV

Elijah! With Julia?! These were the words that immediately formed in my head upon seeing them together outside the elevator. So I guess they talked more in the restaurant and came here together!

I was still fuming from my heated exchange with Serena, but now, my anger had turned toward my ex- husband. What a real jerk! I’m so lucky to have gotten rid of him when I could.

Elijah and Julia stepped in to join us within the small confines of the elevator. I felt trapped, making it harder for me to breathe.

“Hi again, Sophia,” Julia greeted me warmly. She probably still had no idea that Elijah was my ex–husband.

“Hey, Julia,” I greeted back, trying to sound normal.

The elevator continued its ascent, and I could feel Elijah’s gaze on me. I fixed my eyes on the digital screen that showed the floor number, waiting for us to reach the 8th where Urban Next was located.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, I quickly stepped out, feeling relieved. Julia followed behind me.

Elijah’s voice then cut through the air, calling out to me. I stopped in my tracks, turning to face him, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Sophia,” he called out again, his voice tinged with urgency.

At the same time, Julia stopped beside me, her curiosity piqued.

“I didn’t know you also worked at Urban Next,” Elijah continued, glancing at Julia for a while before turning his attention back to me. Obviously, Julia had already mentioned to him where she worked. Maybe she didn’t tell him yet that we were interns here together before.

It was Serena’s face that made me pause in my response. She looked shocked and pissed off.

“Soon I won’t,” I said curtly. I didn’t wait around to see the reactions on their faces. I simply went on to get to our office.

“What do you mean by that?” Julia asked, catching up with me. “Are you planning to resign soon?”

“It’s something I’ve thought about, but I intend to finish this big project I’m assigned to first.” I hastened my steps to avoid more questions from her, but Julia hurried too.

“How do you know Elijah?” she asked curiously.

I stopped walking and turned to face her. It was evident that she was into him. It was written all over her face. “Do you like him?” I bluntly asked.

Julia immediately blushed as she nodded.

I had the urge to roll my eyes. “Elijah and I went to the same college together, so we knew each other a Jong time ago.”

“Oh, that’s cool!” Julia gushed, sounding eager. “Maybe you can tell me more about him.”

“Maybe next time,” I said, brushing her off. “Right now, I need to work on my designs. See you later.” With that, I quickly headed to a separate office that I’d requested from Trevis. It gave me the privacy I needed and yearned to be able to focus on my work.

I can’t afford to think about Elijah or Serena or Julia at the moment. To hell with them. I’ve got to finish the first draft of my design today.

As I sat at my desk later that afternoon, immersed in my project, there was a sudden knock on my office door. I looked up to see Craig Miller standing there, a bright smile on his face.

Craig was a colleague who had been hired after the studio moved to the U.S. He was an architect with a master’s degree from the U.S. whom Trevis had assigned to work on the same project. He was younger than me, but his brilliance and creativity were undeniable.

“Hey, Sophia,” Craig said, stepping into my office. “Mind if I bounce some ideas off you?”

I gestured for him to take a seat, intrigued once again by the prospect of discussing our differing concepts and ideas. Craig had a unique perspective that often challenged my own, and I enjoyed our spirited debates.

“Sure, Craig,” I replied, smiling. “What do you have in mind?”

As Craig began to explain his latest concept, I listened intently, impressed by his innovative approach. Our discussion was lively and engaging, and I found myself greatly impressed and feeling even more excited to present the first draft of our combined efforts.

“Let me show you what I’ve also done so far,” I told him. We sat together in front of the designs I’d laid out on the desk, our heads a little close to each other as we brainstormed.

We were so engrossed in our discussion that I didn’t hear anyone approaching. It was the loud knock on the door that made me look up and realize that my office door was ajar and Elijah was standing outside, staring at us with an infuriated expression on his face.

Beside me, Craig hurriedly stood up with a panicked expression on his face.

I frowned at Elijah, feeling like he was stepping into my private life uninvited. “Why are you here?” I demanded, annoyed.

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