My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 21

Sophia’s POV

I woke up with a start, my body tense. I had just drifted into a light sleep when the knock on the door jolted me awake. I glanced at the clock – past midnight.

For a moment, I lay still, listening intently, trying to make sense of the late–night disturbance. Burglar? Visitor? Or just a mistake?

I grabbed my phone, its soft glow luminating the dark room, and dialed the police’s number. But I didn’t tap on the call button yet.

Slowly I tiptoed to the door, my heart pounding. The knock came again, louder this time, echoing through the silent apartment. I hesitated, unsure whether to answer. But a burglar wouldn’t knock, right?

I looked through the peephole and saw the man standing there outside my door.* Elijah!” I gasped in surprise. What the hell is he doing here again, and at this time of the night?!

Taking a few deep breaths, I was about to walk away and go back to sleep when I heard him call my name. For a while, I’d wanted to pretend it was just some bad dream. But then he knocked again. “Sophia?” he said.

Sighing, I went to open the door, not even caring that I was in my pajamas and probably looked like a mess. “Elijah, what are you doing here?” I immediately asked.

My eyes narrowed when I got a whiff of his scent – his favorite perfume mixed with the remnants of alcohol. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot too, so I knew that he’d

been drinking.

“You’ve obviously been drinking too much,” I said with a hint of disdain before he could reply to me. “”Just come back when you don’t have any alcohol in your system. Then we can talk.” I certainly had no intention of dealing with a drunk man in the middle of the night, especially if that man was my ex–husband!

I began to close the door, but he stopped it with his hand. “I’m sorry for barging in like this, Sophia. But I just really wanted to know something…” His speech was a bit slurred, so I really didn’t want to talk. But he was persistent. Taking a step closer, he blurted out, “Just tell me why you want this divorce so much even though you’re pregnant with my child!”

Staring at him in disbelief, I realized I had no words to respond with. I felt so helpless.

We’ve been decussing this now for a long time, and I just wanted it to end so I could

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Elijah gaped at me in shock. But I wasn’t finished. “Why can’t you just let it go and let me be happy for once? I cried out, unshe

“But Sophie…”

I don’t let him out in. I kept on going, feeling as if I was an exploding volcano that couldn’t be controlled

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even just care… but I’ve long accepted the truth. So please, let’s not make it any harder then it already is. You’ve just gotten used to me like… like your assistant or your business or your money!”

I sighed as the negative emotions seeped out of me, replaced by numbness Th

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He frowned as he seemed to absorb my words. His eyes reflected pain, but maybe it wes only his ego that was hurt.

Suddenly, before he could say anything, the phone in his hand rang. We both looked at it. Serene’s name fleshed on the screen. Without thinking, I grabbed the phone and answered it.

“Serena? This is Sophie. Can you please come here to my house and take Elijah away?”

“What?” she responded, sounding taken aback

“Yes, he’s drunk and just came knocking late at night. Just come here already.” And with that, I ended the call and handed back Elijah’s phone.

He was bewildered. For a while, we gazed at one another, with him trying to search for meaning. But I was tired and defent. I didn’t even invite him in. I just wanted him to go awey

“Sophia, I know you wanted a divorce because…” He spoke in a quiet and serious voice. But then he paused with hesitation before talking again. “Because I wasn’t there for you after you lost our baby. You were broken hearted and lonely and… But now that you’re pregnant again, I can take care of you, Sophia!”

“You think the main problem was the lost baby?!” I interrupted incredulously. “First of all, I certainly didn’t want a divorce just because of the babies. The problems started way before that! And second, I don’t think you really know why you want me back. Or if you actually want me back at all! You’ve obviously got issues, and it’s quite clear that you have a new girlfriend already too. So do us all a favor and stay away from me.”

I tried not to be affected by the flicker of pain that crossed his features. He opened his mouth to reply, but I didn’t let him speak anymore.

“Elijah, if you’re so obsessed about this pregnancy and the child I’m carrying, then I’ll just go to the hospital and end it.”

His eyes widened in shock. Just then, as if on cue, a figure appeared behind him in the dim hallway.

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