My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 17

Sophia’s POV


“Oh, boy. “I whispered with great exEKS HAMITA email from Urban Next Design Studs This is my deg

I truly admired their work and have heard boy wear W AWAY wonderfully and given great opportunes fey were

and learn from them. Will be an


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I scanned the email with eager arogan the youy portfolio and wanted to schedule an intervien av, ker gAAN weekend at the Goldwell insured ba

Excitement bubbled up inside me. On goh, kaly

The weekend was approaching, and was ooking two N YERAN

I hoREGINAZUMAKIS on campus. It had become a place I loved, as we wont we voet were


supposed to come with me, but he had to get used important school project

I hear to As I entered the auditorium, loould feel the ba

speakers were engaging, discussing the key trends and moIGMEN design. I listened attentively, taking notes and absorbing as much a could.


After the presentations, I wandered over to the exhon area to see the meaty cas works. They were avant–garde and impressive, sows the Ay and aer of the studio’s artists.

One of the designers, a girl with a striking pile on came admiring her work. “Your designs are amazing I sad, genuinely messes.

“Thank you!” she replied, a smile lighting up her face. “he you a designe

I nodded, feeling a surge of pride “Yes, it’s my passion.”

We chatted for a while, exchanging ideas, I’ve never fet more alive. I’m truly in my turf, and this journey has just begun.


bowsn’t vaga When I moved on to the next displayed work, my eyes were toove on’t wagen ahead. I didn’t notice at once the young women coming toward my dre2000s rush.

Boom! We collided without warning. And before new it, I was knocked off balance, instinctively protecting my stomach as I fell to what I thought would be a painful impact. To my surprise, I landed stendily in warm hug.

“Are you alright?” a concerned low voice asked. It belonged to a strange man who happened to be the one who had caught me in his arms.

Awkwardly, I straightened up and pulled away, giving him a sheepish smile, “Yes, I’m fine. And I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Glad I was here just in time to break your fall.” The striking man towered above me with a kind smile.

Just then, I noticed a woman standing beside us. She’d been the one I had crashed


“I’m so sorry too,” I told her. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. I was 100 preoccupied with the beautiful works.”

She grinned in a friendly manner. “Don’t worry about it. It was much my fault as yours. I wasn’t paying attention, either.” She extended her hand to us and added, “By the way, I’m Julia,”

“I’m Sophia,” I responded. “Nice to meet you”

“Well, I’m glad to see that you both appreciated the displayed works so much that you almost had an accident,” the man quipped, chuckling, “But I hope no one is hurt.

Julia and I smiled, shaking our heads.

“Good to know,” the man replied. “I’m Trevis Miller, the director of Urban Next Design


My jaw dropped, “Oh, wow, Hil It’s good to meet you, sir.”

“Yes, it’s so good to meet you,” Julia echoed, looking as awestruck as I was feeling.

“You two look like talented designers who miny just be what we’re looking for at the moment,” Trevis said.

“Thanks!” I answered. “I’m actually here for an interview for your internship program. My name is Sophia Bennett.”

“Miss Bennett,” Trevis said, his eyes brightening at the mention of my name. “I remember the work you submitted. Totally impressive. Excellent portfolio for

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