My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 14

Sophia’s POV

Daniel barged into my apartment. “Let her del” he shouted at Elijah.

Elijah reluctantly stepped away. More tears filled my eyen,

“What’s happening. Sophia?” Daniel asked de he came over to my side, looking like he wanted to punch Elijah.

“It’s nothing.” I whispered, brushing away my tears with the back of my hand and trying to control my overwhelming emotiona

As Daniel arrived, a wave of calm washed over me, settling my restless mind. In that moment, I realized that without him, I might have crumbled and confided everything to Elijah.

Daniel turned toward Elijah, I could see his mouth twitching, as if he was trying to hold back his angry, sharp–edged words. His stance showed that he was doing his best not to cause any more trouble. And yet at the same time, he wanted to protect


Elijah began to calm down, to my relief. I could see him struggling to control himself, “You and I have got to talk,” he said sternly to Daniel. “Outside.”

“Fine,” Daniel answered.

I was surprised that he was now acting this way, I wanted to stop Daniel from talking to him, but they were already exiting my apartment. My heart pounded as a wave of anxiety washed over me.

Once they were outside, Serena turned to me immediately, narrowing her eyes and staring at me suspiciously. “You never answered his question,” she said in an accusatory tone. “Whose baby is that you’re carrying?”

“And why should I tell you?” I snapped.

“You’re such a…” She didn’t continue, but I could tell that it wasn’t going to be at pretty word.

“I can’t believe how you’ve been using these men, seducing them, sleeping with them, and then hurting them… Wow, you’re really something else, Sophial You act so innocent, and yet you’re just doing this routine over and over! Admit it, you love how. they follow you around like puppies after you sleep with them! You’re just playing.

with everyone’s feelings!”

I wanted to slap her. “Don’t insult me, Serena You’re in my territory. You have no right”

But she just kept on going. “You’ve got yourself a new boy toy who’s willing to protect you at all costs! Wow, poor Daniel! He is sooo pathetic” She rolled her eyes to emphasize her point

I was so furious that I couldn’t help myself anymore. “This baby isn’t Daniel’s We Elijah’s, alright? Daniel and I are just friends. We go to different schools within the same campus. That’s it. Are you happy now?”

At first, Serena looked bewildered. Then she let out a sort of evil, exaggerated laugh So you’re keeping this baby to try and get back with Elijah? No way! You’re not getting away with this, you know. We’re already together, and he loves me more than he ever cared for you. The fact that he brot me along with him when he came to talk to you means that he doesn’t want me to suspect him of wanting to reconness with you…”

She was on a roll, rattling on. “There are no secrets between us, Sophia. Your child poses no threat at all

I couldn’t help but scoff, finding it hilarious that she was acting so defensively. I’ve never harbored any inclination to reconcile with Elijah, and I’m not keen on getting involved with them again. If she hadn’t divulged all of this to Elijah, perhaps our paths wouldn’t have crossed at all!

“We’re already divorced, remember? I don’t care anymore, Serena, He’s all yours! I have no intention of blackmailing him or being with him again for this baby, I wil raise this child properly without his help, so if you want to keep him, you better not tell him that he’s the father.”

“Fine” Serena said sharply. Crossing her arms across her chest, she regarded me with disdain.

1 don’t want him to ever have anything to do with you. So let’s just live on with our own lives. After this, we’re dead to each other. And you and Elijah are never going to contact each other again. Is that clear? Do we have a deal?”

“Of course,” Tagreed.

1 don’t ever want to see you again!” Serena snapped, her face full of hatred

“Good” I answered coldly 1 don’t ever want to see your face again ether. And

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