My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 110

Julia’s POV

Seeing Adrian made my heart pound. His stare seemed to drill a hole through me. Did he recognize me? I straightened my shoulders and smiled, trying to look confident.

No one will know the truth. I’ve taken care of everything.

Suddenly, I remembered visiting Serena befo

in my head.

this New York trip for work. The memory was very vivid

As I walked through the bleak corridors of the prison, I couldn’t help but smile. And I just couldn’t resist rubbing it in her face – that she was never going to get out of there, that setting her

he was never going to get out of there, that setting her up

had been part of the plan, after all.

Poor Serena. She won’t know what hit her. After all her scheming, she didn’t even realize that she was just a pawn in all this.

A guard led me to a small room, and I saw Serena pacing inside, her eyes wild with desperation. The moment she saw me, she rushed to the glass partition, her voice trembling.

“Julia! Thank God you’re here. Please, you have to help me get out of here. I won’t tell Elijah, I swear!”

I took a seat, casually adjusting my jacket as I looked at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Serena.”

Her face fell, and she pressed her hands against the glass. “Please, Julia, you have to help me. I can’t stay here. I’ll do anything!”

I leaned forward, savoring the moment. “Serena, you deserve everything you have today. All the scheming, all the lies, all the illegal activities and company violations -did you really think it wouldn’t catch up to you?”

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. “I know I messed up, but please, help me. I’ll do anything.”


I let out a small chuckle, unable to hold it back any longer. “Elijah doesn’t trust you at all. He never did. I know you used to run to him for help, but he saw right through you.”

Serena’s knees buckled, and she sank to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. “Please, Julia. I have no one else. I can’t stay here.”

“Tsk–tsk. Poor Serena, now begging for freedom. Didn’t you do this out of love for Elijah? Then you should just stick by your decision and live the consequences.” I could feel a devilish smile coming onto my lips as I watched her suffer.

“You made me do all of this!” Serena’s voice cracked, her tone shifting from pleading to anger. “I’ll tell the police everything if you don’t help me!”

I raised an eyebrow, unfazed by her outburst. I glanced down at my perfectly manicured nails, a smile playing at my lips. “Oh, Serena, darling, you really think I don’t have proof of everything you’ve done?

I’m not an idiot.”

Her eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, she was speechless. “You… you can’t do this to me!” she stammered, her voice quivering.

I tilted my head, studying her. “I can, and I will. My brother, Henry Stanford, has quite a good relationship with the police. It won’t be difficult to keep you where you truly belong.”

Serena’s face contorted in rage and frustration. “You’re a monster,” she spat out.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Hmm, maybe we’re just the same. But I’m just smarter than you are… But at least now, I won’t have to worry about you anymore. One down and one more to go. Then I can have Elijah all to myself, including his love, wealth, and success.”

As Serena’s threats of pressing charges echoed in my ears, I felt no fear. There was no way she would succeed. I had all the cards in my hand, and I intended to play them to the fullest.

As I sat across from Serena, she stared at me, her eyes searching mine for answers, for some semblance of remorse perhaps.

“I can’t believe you would do this to me,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the room.

“I’m sorry, Serena. I never meant for things to spiral out of control like this,” I replied in an apologetic

I have to understand, tone, but I didn’t really mean any had no choice. It was the only way.” of it. But

She shook her head, disbelief etched on her face. “We could have figured something out together. But instead, you chose to betray me! Did you plan all this from the beginning?!”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Serena. I think that your time here has loosened some screws in your head. You’re imagining things and making up stories now.” I chuckled, standing up and blowing her an imaginary kiss. “I didn’t do anything, dear. You did all of it.”

Serena’s jaw dropped as she stared at me in shock. Then without warning, she began screaming her head off until the police had to take her back to her cell.

I gave her a little wave then turned on my heel with a smile.

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