My Ex-Husband is Out of Control Novel by Glory Writes

Chapter 11

Sophia’s POV

During the three months I’d spent in Paris, I had gradually settled into the rhythm of life here and discovered some joys in my daily routine, such as going to the mall with my friend Daniel.

“Don’t you need a new kettle?” Daniel asked, pointing at the display of kitchen. equipment. We were strolling in the mall together after our classes at the university, picking out additional stuff for my apartment.

“Okay, let’s check it out.”

After a successful purchase, I was surprised when Daniel suddenly suggested that we visit the mother and baby section. But I knew I had to face it sooner or later, so I agreed.

Would Elijah want this baby? I wondered as I strolled among the cribs, strollers, and tiny outfits. He probably wouldn’t care if he knew. I’m glad I went to Paris where I can. be far away from him.

“Oh, wow! Such charming teeny outfits!” a familiar voice exclaimed in a rather sarcastic


I turned around in dread, hoping it wasn’t who I thought it was. But my heart dropped when I saw Serena Foster approaching me with a big, fake smile on her pretty face.

“Look who it is!” she said, eyeing me warily from head to toe. I was suddenly very conscious of my growing belly which was now a little obvious even with my loose. clothes. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, Sophia…”

I pretended not to hear or see her as I walked in the opposite direction. “Oh, come on. Aren’t you glad to see me?” she said, following behind me. “Or are you trying to hide that pregnant belly from me?”

My eyes grew wide. I froze, my heart pounding. I didn’t want to engage with her, knowing that anything I said would likely find its way back to Elijah. Ignoring her, I continued to examine the baby items on display, hoping she would take the hint and leave me alone.

“Are you pregnant, Sophia?” Serena asked directly as she caught up with me and faced me squarely with a smirk. “It’s okay, you know. Your secret’s safe with me.

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in her eyes, she stood up and came closer to me. “Anyway, she couldn’t care less, for sure. Can you believe she was in the maternity section, picking out baby stuff with her boyfriend?”

I felt like my heart had suddenly been anatoled from me. “What do you mean?” 1 asked. “She’s pregnant? Are you sure?” I couldn’t help the change of lone in my voice. I was greatly affected,

Serena nodded, looking very happy about it. “I’m positivel And they looked so sweet and happy together, going through the tiny outfits and shoes and cribs and all…”

My blood simmered, a raging storm of anger brewing within me. “No, It’s not possible,” I said through gritted teeth. “We haven’t even been separated for a long time. She can’t possibly love someone new already!”

“Well, maybe they were already together before you got divorced,” Serena suggested seemingly unintentionally.

I was livid, and she could see it in my face. I felt like a volcano about to explode. anytime now.

Serena narrowed her eyes at me then. “Why are you so affected, Elijah? Do you still care about her?”

“No,” I quickly replied. “I just can’t take this betrayal. I can’t believe she’d do that to me!”

“But she already did,” Serena said smoothly. Slowly she stood up from the bed and came closer to me, a seductive smile on her face.

“Why not just stop thinking about Sophia and instead just get back with me? That way, you can get revenge and at the same time, I’ll be sure to make you happy, to make you forget her completely.”

She went on saying other things, but I had already tuned her out. I stepped back and saw her frown, but it was the least of my worries. All I could think about was the fact that Sophia was pregnant with another man that she had probably cheated on me while we were still together!

I recalled the night before our divorce, when suggested having a baby and Sophia resisted. At the time, I thought she didn’t want to get pregnant. Now, knowing she was pregnant with someone else’s child, it felt like a cruel twist of fate.

My chest literally ached as I leaned over the dresser and clutched the edges tightly with my hands, my knuckles turning white. “You should go back to your room now,

that my back on her but could see the look of hurt on her face when I said that. “Go

repeated. want to bealoneTM

back to your room

Her face fell but he muttered a quick gooove and left immediately.

Once I was all alone, I clenched my fists andthed deeply.

have to go see Sophia I must see her at once.

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