My Divine Diary

Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Everyone could hear the helplessness and unwillingness in Bichis tone.

The meaning of having a heartbeat left is that everything else is gone, even he himself doesnt know how long he can survive relying on the source body.

Their entry position was different from that of Su Hao and the others, and much later. They were cautious at first, nothing happened, but as they became more daring, their pace quickened. Until night fell, strong winds blew, willows raged, they, who hadnt paid much attention, were hit.

First, Jiang Ji was hit, after a few breaths, his organs jumped and ran away, and Bichi was hit when his attention was on Jiang Ji. It wasnt until his own organs ran away that he realized. However, it was too late.

Only Xiao Tang followed behind them, luckily.

When Jiang Ji saw Ah Xing and the others appear, it was like seeing a savior, he begged Ah Wang for help, Ah Wang, save me!

Ah Wang immediately took out two healing pills from his arms and threw them to Bichi and Jiang Ji. After Jiang Ji took them, it was like grabbing a lifeline and swallowed them but his stomach had long gone!

Bichi took the healing pills, played with them in his hand for a while, and threw them back to Ah Wang, saying, Not needed!

The miracle Jiang Ji anticipated did not happen. Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded, Ah Wang, please help me retrieve my things! I dont want to die! As long as as long as you help me get them back, I wont compete with you for Xiao Tang, trust me

Ah Wangs face changed, he scolded, Jiang Ji, what nonsense are you talking about!

Xiao Tangs face was full of disappointment as she looked aside, lost in thought.

The scene fell silent again.

Jiang Jis pleading voice grew weaker and weaker until it disappeared completely.

Electricity flickered on Bichis body as he plunged his greatsword into the ground and sat down, leaning against it. He glanced at Xiao Tang and said slowly, I cant hold on much longer! Ah Xing, help me take Xiao Tang out! From now on, there will be no Storm Raiders anymore. Also apologize to Mei Lan for me!

Ah Xing just nodded, but Bichi shook his head again, Forget it, no need to say it. Everyone knows in their hearts. There will always be such a day, sooner or later!

The Yang Wang Star Gazing team set out again, now with Xiao Tang added.

Ah Xing informed Xiao Tang of the details, but Xiao Tang just nodded silently without speaking.

Bizarre disasters are indeed very dangerous. Without knowing the triggering conditions, the probability of being hit is high. Maybe even a sneeze could trigger the strange event.

Take this Nowhere to Hide for example, can a normal person walk into a willow forest, look at the clusters of willows, and resist the urge to reach out and touch a leaf?

Once the itch starts, who can resist it? Obsessive-compulsive disorder is difficult to treat, nine out of ten people will be hit!

Whether they are ordinary people or source mages.

Of course, those who have undergone special training are excluded.

The sky was completely dark, two illuminating pills illuminated the surroundings, the wind howled, willows swayed violently, branches thrashed, and the world was filled with a sense of violence.

However, no matter how the willow branches thrashed, Su Hao and the others were helpless.

Su Hao pointed casually, and a sword of dawn could cut down a large swath of willow trees ahead. Then Xiao Tang blasted open a wide passage, coupled with Ah Xing controlling the air to blow, they could isolate all dangers outside.

Just then, faintly in the distance came the sound of a folk song.

Its raining, its raining! Its going to rain~ Run, run! Hurry up and hide!

Su Hao heard the content clearly and was startled. He immediately spoke up, Ah Xing, it might rain soon, and the rain may also have strange effects. Can you blow away all the rainwater?

Ah Xing didnt hesitate at all and immediately opened a huge triangular air shield above everyones heads.

Five seconds later, a torrential rain poured down.

Pitter-patter ~ Whoosh!

The rain beat down on the triangular air shield, making crisp sounds.

The four of them hid underneath, looking at each other.

If it werent for Su Haos quick reminder, this wave of rain could have wiped them all out.

Su Hao flipped his hand, flicking a yellow rat into the rain, subjecting it to the baptism of rainwater. contemporary romance

Soon, whatever was beneath the skin of the rat ran out separately.

Watching this, everyone felt lingering fear.

Unexpectedly, the willow branches were just appetizers, and the real killer move turned out to be the rainwater pouring from the sky!

The problem is, who could anticipate the rain before it fell? By the time one realized it was raining, they would already be soaked through, and it would be too late to seek shelter from the rain.

And this is the truly terrifying aspect.

If it werent for Su Haos quick reaction to the sound

Just as everyone was still contemplating the danger, Ah Xings face changed drastically. Oh no, the strange effects of the rainwater are affecting my shield, its breaking down. I cant hold on much longer.

Ah Wang hurriedly reached into a box and took out four umbrellas from inside

Su Hao looked at the umbrellas in his hand. These source creations probably couldnt last long either, so he said, Come closer to me!

The others didnt know what Su Hao was up to, but they followed his instructions, opened their umbrellas, and moved closer to Su Hao. With a thought, Su Hao began to generate a counter-directional spatial shield around them, enclosing everyone inside.


Ah Xings shield collapsed, and rainwater immediately hit the umbrellas, making a pitter-patter sound.

Soon, Ah Wangs umbrella also collapsed.

Ah Xing erected another shield, and Ah Wang took the opportunity to pull out more umbrellas, but said helplessly, Cant hold on much longer

Xiao Tang pounded the ground with her fist.


The earth rose, and a stone pillar rose, then spread out on both sides, forming a huge stone umbrella, like a pavilion in the park.

However, the stone umbrella could only support for two or three seconds before its internal structure was destroyed, and it collapsed one after another.

Its over! A chill ran down everyones spine, a sense of impending doom crept over them.

Xiao Tang let out a long sigh of relief, as if she had untied a knot in her heart, ready to embrace the end.

At this moment, Su Hao said, Its okay, no need for umbrellas anymore, the rain cant get in!

With that, he threw away the umbrella in his hand.

Ah Xing widened his eyes and exclaimed, Ah Yang!

The others were also startled and were about to move their umbrellas closer when they noticed something unusual on Su Haos head.

All the rainwater mysteriously disappeared when it approached Su Hao.

Yes, it vanished into thin air.

When rainwater normally hit the air shield, it would splash some water droplets, but the rainwater on Su Haos head seemed to evaporate directly.

Not only did the rainwater on Su Haos head disappear, but they also found that the rainwater on their own heads would vanish after approaching a certain distance.

Su Hao explained, Within this range, the rainwater cant get in temporarily. This is my source ability, dont be surprised, its quite normal!

Ah Xing looked at Su Hao in astonishment and then slowly put down the umbrella.

It was a very strange experience. He couldnt help but ask, Ah Yang, how much ability do you still have?

Su Hao replied, I should have quite a bit! Im not sure about the specifics.

With such heavy rain, there was no way to continue forward. So they stayed where they were, sheltering from the rain, while clearing the overgrown willow trees around them and waiting for the rain to stop.

They waited for an hour, but there was still no sign of the rain stopping.

Ah Xing and the others felt extremely heavy-hearted, not knowing the situation of the other teams that entered this disaster. If this rain covered the entire disaster area, then the outcome was unimaginable.

Who could escape from such a heavy rain? Even the strongest source mage of the Golden Source couldnt, right? With the strange effects accompanying this rain, called Nowhere to Hide, it ignored defensive effects and directly caused destruction from within. No matter how powerful the source mage was, they would probably be helpless.

Of course, lets not talk about Ah Yangs exception

So, the only solution was to destroy the core of the strange disaster as soon as possible to solve the problem!

Ah Xing made up his mind that as soon as the rain stopped, he would immediately find the core.

Its raining! Why arent you hiding?

Just then, a childish voice came from behind the curtain of rain.

Su Hao was startled, abruptly turned his head to look for the source of the voice. He couldnt believe someone could sneak up on him from such a close distance!

Ah Xing and the others also showed signs of alertness.

Soon, a ragged child walked out from the rain curtain, staring with hollow eyes, looking at Su Hao and the others with confusion.

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